All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

How can you witness to people who don't have a foundation for their beliefs?

My dad,mom and Uncle Hubert are similar in this.

Dad and Hubert,if you tell them something is in the Bible they don't agree with they'll just say the Bible has been corrupted by man. And they'll refuse to listen to anything you say,they'll just argue. Thing is they're not atheists. They believe that God exists,they believe Jesus exists. And they both believe only 144,000 are going to Heaven. I'm confused though because how can they trust their misinterpretation of the Bible on the 144,000 if they think the Bible has been corrupted in the first place?

Mom has said the Bible is God's Word yet it's manmade. She said it's manmade because "God didn't come down and write it." She doesn't understand the Holy Spirit inspired them to write what we now have as the Bible.

A long time ago mom heard on t.v. about Jesus being God. She was upset. I told her "It's in the Bible". She said "The Bible's wrong than." I told her it's in the JW Bible [thankfully they didn't mess up Heb. chapter 1. Even though that Bible has been modified they somehow missed that chapter]. She said that's wrong,too.

So,even if I tell her it's in the JW Bible she won't believe me. I'm confused though because one time she said it's God's Word yet when it comes to something she doesn't believe in [the Deity of Christ]. Instead of atleast attempting to "prove" with the Bible that Jesus isn't God she just said that the Bible is wrong with nothing to back her up.

And if she hears someone say Jesus is God she's very likely to get very arguative. 

How do you explain something to someone when she refuses to listen and will only argue and get upset? Also,she has no foundation. She doesn't even have the JW's as a foundation because she denied their Bible translation. No matter what "foundation" I use, whether it's a regular Bible or the JW Bible,she'll just say the Bible is wrong.

Also,how can I even attempt to say anything to mom? If I tell her "Jesus died for your sins" she'll think I'm telling her Michael the Archangel died for her sins. Whenever she hears someone talk about Jesus she thinks of Michael the Archangel.    

I know I've asked about some of these problems before but I don't think I've asked about all of them. I have to group them together so I don't get confused.

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I agree with Richard that you have receive much good advice from your brothers and sisters here. Much of what they said is summed up in a one of myfavorite quotes from a man called Francis of Assisi .  Francis was credited with saying  " Preach the gospel wherever you go , and when necessary use words". He was telling us , as those in these responses have wisely advised, that to live our lives before before our friends and loved ones is the most effective means we have of reaching them.


After all, many have to (as I did) 'see' Christianity in action before I could embrace the reality of it all. I'm also reminded of a poem that I read once and have quote often:


I'd rather see a sermon preached , than hear one any day.

I'd rather one would walk with me than merely tell the way.

The eyes a better student and more willing than the ear.

Fine counsel is confusing, but example is always clear.

For the best of al the men(and women of course) are the ones who live their creed.

For to see good put in action is what everybody needs."


I pray that you remain patient and stedfastly hold unto your confidence in God's leading and working to bring you the desies of your heart.


God bless you, my sister.

Thank you very much Charles,God bless.

The REASON why people do not want to believe the TRUTH about All-knowing God's Plan of Salvation is right there in the Holy  INERRANT word of God aka the Holy Bible.  Pl. study 2 Cor. 4:4 to get at the answer.

Satan is named the "god of this world" not for nothing!  He impersonates Almighty God whenever and wherever and however he can 24/7.

2 Cor. 3:14 has a clue regarding this matter.

Another salient point is this:  Until the Holy Spirit takes away the veil,  people will remain veiled.  This veil is not like a bride's veil thru' which one can see somewhat.  This veil BLINDS the person to the truth of the Gospel.

The Gospel is defined in 1 Cor. 15:1-4:   V.2 has it that it IS the Gospel that saves.

Jesus Christ said that not one person whom the Father has given Him  (Jesus Christ) will ever be lost.

The above words of Jesus Christ are the most comforting words any true believer could hear.


When I think of my loved ones who have passed away as unbelievers, I never get upset at all.  The reason is because of the words of Jesus Christ above.

Eph. 1:4 teaches me in no uncertain terms that those truely believe are the ones CHOSEN by the Holy Spirit before each one was even BORN.  So what part do we who are GENUINELY Born again play?  Just one part:  Sow the seed.  Not every seed was successful in producing a plant.   In fact the major part never "took root."  Pl. read STUDY Mat. ch. 13 get the truth about the SEED WE SOW.

Amen Ananda. I do want to ask if you could explain a little further your last 2 paragraphs. What about that Scripture makes you not feel sad about loved ones who have passed without Christ.

No TRUE, Genuine believer will ever live without being a WITNESS for Christ.  

Once a person becomes a true believer he/she becomes a BRAND NEW person as in 2nd Cor. 5:17.  The OLD way of life is taken out by the Holy Spirit Who indwells the person and is replaced with THE new life in Christ. It is the NEW life that animates the changed believer to WITNESS for Christ.  The witnessing could be thru" thoughts, words or deeds.  (The new thoughts will be evident thru' the words spoken).  People who know the TRUE believer begin to realize that the person in question is not the same anymore.

I wrote all the above to say this:  If your loved ones never "evidenced"  any difference in their lives all the days of thier lives,  then you can be sure they were NOT born again.  Of course there are rare occassions when a person could get saved just before they breathed thier last.  Since SALVATION is 100% in the hands of Almighty God thru' His Holy Spirit,  we still have the hope that the dead one was made a true believer by the Holy Spirit at the very last moments.  When we get into heaven,  there are going to be a lot of surprises because of this kind of salvation.  Many people we did not expect to see in heaven will be there.  It's like what happened to the REPENTANT thief who was crucified along with Jesus Christ.

Now it is very, very cleat that SALVATION is 100% a work of the Holy Spirit.  It is a GIFT given by Almighty God to UNDESERVING sinners like you and me.  Eph. 1:4 and 5, are clean and clear statements allowing no room for doubt. (Also Eph. 2:8-10).   

If a person has passed away NOT having been saved by the Holy Spirit,  it means just one thing:  he/she was not CHOSEN for salvation by Almighty God.  Once I started to get this TRUTH into my "soul and spirit" all my WORRIES about my departed loves ones vanished away!

If, in my attempts to lead people to Christ fail,  I don't worry one bit.  Why?  Because Salvation is not of me but of the Holy Spirit. If He (the H.S.) hasn't done it,  there is nothing I can do for the person.  I sow the seed,  Almighty God makes it take root and grow and produce a harvest.  This is 100% true in nature and 100% true in the Spirit realm.


This debate of predestination has been discussed 'ad nauseam' over the years here on 'The Net', and indeed amongst many scholars over hundreds of years.  The response below is given by one of our very wise members, and it is worth repeating so that this discussion doesn't (once again) lead to a topic which is potentially disruptive and divisive.  There are no hard and fast answers to this discussion, and frankly. it's none of our business how the process of salvation works.  That's God's business---purely.

Reply by ScribeD on August 9, 2010 at 7:39pm:

Think of a 3 dimensional object, take a cone for example:
One person can see only the two-dimensional circle face of the cone.

Another person, who thinks he is wiser, can see that it is actually triangular - yet still only sees that part of the shape of the object.
Both are right in the fact that they "see" one face of the object for what it is. Both are wrong when they say "NO, it is not ______ " whichever dimension the other sees. Each will argue the properties of their dimensional view and try to apply it in a holistic way to describe the object. Both will miss the view the other has.
God, on the other hand, sees both for what they are: facets of a whole, 3 dimensional object.

God says to pray for the lost. So, we do it. Period. Apparently, God is partnering with us in the process by involving us.
God says we ought not think we can save ourselves, nor that we contributed to our salvation. He says it is clearly HIS doing and not ours. Jesus said "You did not choose me, I chose you."

 Both are true. Yet, both seem to contradict, as much as the triangle cannot be round, nor the circle be angular. So, therefore we have to see that God has a higher view, a higher understanding.

 Think of this topic in the frame of modern science:
In the 13th century - most people "knew" the world was flat. But we now see it is round.
In the 18th century - people "knew" that electricity was a power that only God controlled. But we create and use it every day.
In the 19th century - everyone knew that man cannot fly and nothing made of metal could every go into the sky. But we ride on massive wings of steel and aluminum every day.

 There are things that seem contradictory, until we know more. We do not have a "technological view" on the realm of God. We cannot see in the spirit realm, except by faith. That requires accepting things that seem contradictory to be true.

 The problem with folks who can only see one side of this argument is that they are like a man with only one eye; they have no view of profound depths and dimensions of God's world which are seen with binocular vision (eg. two eyes).

I am not arguing about anything.  I simply answered a question by giving my own opinion.  One pastor said this:  "It will all PAN OUT in the end according to God's pre-plan!  True...but if I don't tell others what I believe, (when asked), I am not doing what I am supposed to do which is in 1 Peter 3:15 | View whole chapter | See verse in context But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: 

It's OK to express your opinion but an opinion differs from a fact and facts are changed to opinions when we add a belief or view or sentiment or conception to the fact. For instance if I paint my house today then I can say tonight that I painted my house today and it would be a fact. But if tonight I say I painted my house today and it looks as good as new, then that's an opinion.
I can give my opinion of my painted house and it's ok as long as I stop there and let others view it differently if they choose.
When it comes to the scriptures, it's best to stick to facts, not opinions. It's a fact that salvation is all God but also a fact that our Sovereign God has given mankind liberties.

Ananda Welikala,

Of course it's okay to express our opinions.  My comment was posted as a precaution to guard against division, confusion and upset which has happened in the past from this topic.  Either view that could be taken on this topic is an opinion as the mysterious process of salvation is completely unknown to us---unsearchable even... and that's okay.

Please keep in mind that many people read these posts and may end up confused or worse and they never will post a comment, they just go away confused.  I want to do my part to express and offer clarity when possible.

Blessings, Carla


I know you're not addressing me personally but if I may interject, I'd like to say a few things.

Scribe's comment is saying that it (predestination) isn't an answer that is either/or and when two people are discussing it, "Both will miss the view the other has. God, on the other hand, sees both for what they are: facets of a whole ..."

Where Ananda says "When I think of my loved ones who have passed away as unbelievers, I never get upset ..." it seems Ananda is saying he doesn't get upset because of the view he holds about why they passed away as unbelievers.

Please correct me, Ananda, if I've misunderstood because I grieve for those loved ones who might have or are dying in a lost condition. However, my view differs from yours about why they pass away as unbelievers because, as far as the doctrine of predestination goes, I understand that scripture teaches that foreknowledge doesn't over rule free will or cause all events, but the events cause the knowledge, and since God is all knowing, then God saw the end from the beginning and fore knew. God sees the reality before it happens in time, unlike we, who only know after things happen, even though at times we get a feeling that a certain something is going to happen. But the question remains of how much God affects events, since God has a plan and it's unfolding. God would have to cause some things, or maybe even a lot of things.

Nevertheless, we must make the decision everyday of whether or not we will follow Christ or do our own will, and those who choose to follow Him and die to self are wise, but that's different from being born again.

I understand scripture as saying that salvation is all a work of God, with the exception of God in His sovereignty, allowing people who have become enlightened to choose to receive Christ or to reject Him before God regenerates them. Faith comes by hearing. I don't know how, but I believe it does. The scripture says not all have faith, 2 Thessalonians 3:2. It doesn't mean it isn't possible for them to have it. Their eyes, ears, and hearts must be opened by God, very true. Having faith though doesn't always mean one has believed to the saving of the soul. I think belief must contain repentance. Both things are enabled by God, of course.

We have discussed it before here on AAG and I'm repeating my own comments about it here and now.

What I believe about salvation is not my opinion but is what I believe to be the truth revealed in scripture. Am I wrong? I might be. There's only one truth and that truth is still the truth whether or not anyone believes it to be the truth or even understands it. I might not fully understand it.

Foreknowledge, or the fact that God sees and knows things that are "ahead of time" doesn't necessarily mean that those things will happen or have happened as God pre-determined, but it does mean they are going to happen or did happen as God sees/saw them, but ... they also happen or will happen because of the free choices of those involved. However, God at times sends a big fish, in other words, over rules mankind's liberty. I could never possibly know how often God does intervene, and that's why I said the question remains of how much God affects events. I do know Jesus casts no one out who comes to Him to be saved.

Carla, you said "This debate of predestination has been discussed 'ad nauseam'..." That's a good example of an opinion. :) It's descriptive and subjective. I don't think of discussions and conversations about predestination in that way but agree that arguments and debates can get out of hand, and I understand why you want to guard against the division, confusion and upset which has happened in the past.

Whatever happens in this universe, the Holy Bible is crystal clear on one thing:  The Creator, Almighty-God rules the universe at any given time.  If He didn't rule the universe even for one moment of time, the universe would "crash."  Part of God's rule over human beings is that He has already CHOSEN the ones (humans) who will inhabit heaven.  A clear example of His Choosing is the Hebrews (Deut. 7:6),  and thier Land, called the Chosen Land (Israel).  Eph. 1:4 and 5 are very clear in teaching  me that I did not choose to be ADOPTED into the Family Of God.  Adopted children don't adopt themselves into families of THEIR choosing.  They GET adopted by the FAMILY that CHOOSES them.   That being the case,  how can I ever say that I chose to be adopted into God's family?  It means one thing:  Every person who gets adopted has got adopted by God's CHOICE .  Btw,  no human being has the power to over rule Almighty God!

May I pl. add this:  In front of heaven's gate is a banner that says:  Whosoever  wants to come in, is welcome with open arms.  Those who enter, get in and looking back they see these words:  You came in because you were ELECTED to come in before you were even born.


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