All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

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One provocative question . . .

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Life is strange.

This briefing comes on the heels of a sudden cross country trip to tell my brother 'good bye for now'. Robert has been in declining health for some time, but this week, he took a bad turn--kidney failure. Following a call from the…


Added by Christine on July 22, 2024 at 7:32am — No Comments

Are you longing for more?

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While it is the only one we know,

this world is really not our that again

Are you longing for more? Of course you are!

Different things shake off the doldrums and get…


Added by Christine on July 17, 2024 at 8:04am — No Comments

Looking to "God Alone".... not Trump, not Biden

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Lord God, Maker of Heaven and Earth~

People are looking for answers. Many have erroneously been looking to the government to fix things, as though government, a man or a platform can right the ship. No, Sir. Only…


Added by Christine on July 15, 2024 at 6:50am — No Comments

In black and white... I heard from God!

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Airplane travel is one of the greatest opportunities I have to talk with others . . . in fact, some of you are reading this because I met you on an airplane.  That is pretty cool, and hey, thanks for being my…


Added by Christine on July 8, 2024 at 7:29am — No Comments

Why Freedom Matters . . . (July 4, 2024)

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Fourth of July2024

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to say, Freedom is one of God’s best ideas, and one of the reasons it is so vital to daily bear in mind the Creation. When God…


Added by Christine on July 6, 2024 at 9:38am — No Comments

Words I want to hear from Jesus.

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I grew up waterskiing.  O man, I loved it.  Started skiing at 8 years old, graduated to a single ski at 9 years of age and skiied the eight miles across Clear Lake the next day.  Still love waterskiing to this day.  And being lakeside holds a special place in my heart - oft glassy in…


Added by Christine on July 1, 2024 at 6:59am — No Comments

Me? You want to know how I hear from God??

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Lean in.

"This is really interesting - this notion that God speaks to people," he said. "Could you tell me more about this? While I used to be kinda in to church, if I'm honest, I mostly went out…


Added by Christine on June 28, 2024 at 6:59am — No Comments

Get serious now ... a still, small voice?

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We are going on a journey in search of the God who speaks - well, actually this is Day three of our exploration. Truth: God speaks to us, but we must we have ears to hear.

Today, I should like to take you to a…


Added by Christine on June 26, 2024 at 7:50am — No Comments

Okay, God, I'm listening.

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Knowing you have heard from God is life changing.

It makes your relationship with God come alive! So you do well to learn how to listen for him.

If I told you that at Noon tomorrow God was going to speak at your…


Added by Christine on June 24, 2024 at 8:31am — No Comments

God has something to say to you

I know you're busy and everything, Doctor,

but God really does want to talk to you.

You've just signed on to these Morning Briefings - what are they anyway? Truths from God's Word, applied to our relationship(s) with him and everyday life. 

One thing I know:  God wants to talk to us.  He did so through the written Word. In Acts 10, God significantly…


Added by Christine on June 21, 2024 at 7:56am — No Comments

Early morning phone calls

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Early morning phone calls.

Today I received this text message: "Hi, Christine. I don't know if you're up and going yet, but I know you get up early and have your time with God. I was just wondering if you…


Added by Christine on June 19, 2024 at 7:39am — No Comments

The heart of the matter on suffering, joy and God

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Let’s get to the heart of the matter …

John Stott, the much loved brilliant Anglican theologian had this succinct take:

The fact of…


Added by Christine on June 17, 2024 at 7:40am — No Comments

Suffering and a Good God.

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Choose joy  #7 - This is long - it had to be. Had to get this one right.

"Can you be in the midst of suffering and still choose joy?"

That is the question…


Added by Christine on June 14, 2024 at 7:28am — No Comments

Joy and Suffering - can you have both at the same time?

Joy and Suffering: are they mutually exclusive? 

Choose joy  #6

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Everyone wants to have joy.  We want to know it, own it, roll around in it,…


Added by Christine on June 12, 2024 at 7:14am — No Comments

But first, this.

Listen along right here:  …


Added by Christine on June 10, 2024 at 7:34am — No Comments

You. are. here. Where is that?

Choose joy!

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It isn't always easy to figure out how to get where you want to go in life. 

Behind the wheel of a car,…


Added by Christine on June 7, 2024 at 7:23am — No Comments

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