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Since Jesus is God, how come He prayed to God? Wouldn't Jesus already have all the answers being that He, his self, is God? Please explain. Thanks.

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Wow... I'm here after just a few days and notice this topic really took hold (a topic I posted 9 months ago!). Anyhow.. I'm pleased to see this, but haven't had a chance to read all the responses yet. Will come back to it later. Thank you all so much for supporting this very important subject with your insights!
Remember also that Jesus said in John 5:30 NIV. By myself I can do nothing, I judge only as I hear and my judgment is just because I seek not to please myself, but to please Him that sent me.

So Jesus did not act on His own, He moved only as the Father instructed Him to.
He was the New Creation, the same as we are to be as we grow in the knowledge of Him. Eph.4:13-15.
Hi Joe,

I think your point here is worth highlighting. Jesus said that by His self He could do nothing, etc, making evident the significance of the divided offices of the Godhead. Each of the three offices represents a specific duty or function, and each of those are much needed. I noticed earlier someone (excuse my laps of memory on whom that was) began comparing the trinity to what we understand as a family unit, including a father, child, and mother. I think that was a pretty good analogy.

First, think about how a family member is identified as such using basic terminology. We use the family's last name to comprehend all we can about a person through those we might know in his/her lineage. At the same time, the person comprises a unique, personalized office within that family line. The whole family represents the unit identified by the last name, but the individual, whom we refer to by a first name, fills a unique and purposeful place within that unit while still representing the entire unit.

Further, in learning about God's character, we at some point begin to realize God, The Father acts only when there is someone outside of His special office that will benefit. Same goes for God, The Son and God, The Holy Spirit. So you see, God must carry more than one office, otherwise He would not be God as we know Him to be. He must exemplify a unit of divisions in order for the total Godhead to remain perfectly noble in every way. The divisions create an important ethical balance. Whenever one office receives benefit, a separate one delivers sacrifice. That way, there resumes harmonious unity needed for continuance of life.

I imagine the divisions this way (it works for me :D)... Father, the controller of perfect order; Son, order implementer; Holy Spirit, the connection wire (help mate)
Hey sis -

Could you expaine to me a bit more what you mean by your statement below, please.

"The Father acts only when there is someone outside of His special office that will benefit."

Luv you sis
Sorry, I knew that didn't come out just right. What I meant was that God is a contributing God. He operates through relationships that apply giving and receiving. Therefore, a subject must exist that will receive His blessing in order for Him to be who He is.

"outside of His special office" was referring to His portion of the trinity. Remember way back in one of my other posts (in groups), probably not, lol.. but, I made reference to all the components of a mechanical device. This is similar in meaning. The trinity being the complete device and the three defined units being the necessary components that cause the device to work correctly.

Is that clearer? ;-)

back at u bro
"Therefore, a subject must exist that will receive His blessing in order for Him to be who He is."

Do you mean a subject within the Godhead or what He has created, humans/Angels?
Yes, I'm saying within the Godhead, and the reason I say that is because God is a complete character. He possesses all of His own requirements, personally. There is nothing missing from Him. Thus, He must contain the necessary relationships within His own being in order that He is the All Mighty, All Encompassing God.
Got you and we are in agreement sis.

You got a good nugget there hahahaha my sis. Blessings

GBU too!
Hi All,

I wonder - does it bother you to think of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as being three separate persons yet one God? Perhaps an example of this is a marriage. Jesus said, .Mark 10: 6 But ‘God made them male and female’ from the beginning of creation. 7 ‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, 8 and the two are united into one." NLB This is an act of God. When a man and woman marry, they are no longer two but one even though they are still separate persons. This, of course, is a very loose example and can in no way explain the Three as One. However, it is obvious that Jesus is telling us that two can be one. I and my wife have been married over forty years. We are two persons but together we are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson, a marriage, a unity, one. We have five children but all five have also become one with another person. The children are not one with their parents. I am not comparing the marriage of a husband and wife to the unity of God but using it to show how two persons can be one. In Scripture, the attributes of a personal being can be attributed to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. How do we know that they are one. Simply because He says so. There is only one authority here and that is Holy Scripture. Jesus said I and the Father are one. He also says that my wife and I are one. They are separate persons. We are separate persons. Please understand that I am not comparing a marriage to the trinity. However I am saying that three can be one and the marriage of a husband and wife is an example, not an explanation. God bless you in your search.

It is good to hear from my good friend, Joe Boyce. I know Joe and can testify that since his conversion his life has been a testimony to our Lord.
Roy, I hear ya, brother. I like this analysis.
Food for thought:

Has anyone considered that the answer to the question is unknowable. The Bible does not come straight out and state "Jesus prayed to the Father because ..."

There are many things that we do not have 100% clarity on. Any response given to such questions are speculations to a degree. We often can identify principles, but do not always find or understand the whole truth. Can a believer be satisfied with Jesus without having full clarity on every subject?

With that said, I will share a POV regarding the question in a following posting.

Lord Bless,


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