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I know we are to live for God and not for this world.  I know that if the World hates us it is a good sign because the World hated Christ first.  But I have always felt like people hate me and it isn't because I'm a Christian, but because they hate me for something else.  I feel disliked by both believers and nonbelievers.  From the time I was very little until now, I find myself either picked on or ignored.  These days - ignored.  I even had a former "friend" and also a fellow "believer" say something really twisted to me.  He said something like It isn't your fault people hate you because they hate you.  Call it your orb or something else... but people just don't like you because that is the way it is"  I don't know how many people should like me and how many should dislike me.  But I know that this is mentally unhealthy.  And what is worse I have no idea what or if I could change anything to make things better.  It isn't like I don't try and be nice.  It isn't like I haven't tried to be friendly.  It isn't like I haven't tried to follow the Bible.  It isn't like I haven't tried to pray about this myself.  And it isn't like I haven't sought advice.  Nothing seems to help.  Please Pray For Me.

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I am very sorry that you are going through this. I do pray that God will put someone in your life that you can confide in and that will be honest enough to share  with you about this. I know you are loved. People do have a false standard that we erect that demands that people meet those standards. This is wrong but it does happen. I pray our Lord will show you the way. In Jesus name.


I totally agree that the Free Mason group is no place for a Christian. I will join you in prayer for this man. Our upbringing affects so much. Only God can heal those wounds caused from the problems that parents go through. We wish they would not happen but they do. God wants each one individually to come to Him for help. I pray your friend will. In Jesus name.

Gregory, there are several different angles to look at in this. 

Often we strive to please men and the Bible says not to, to please God and not worry about what man thinks of you.

First, many times we are insecure and we see rejection where none is intended.

Secondly, we're rejected because we're insecure or for whatever other reasons, but that is upon the one doing the rejecting and not upon us.

And last, those who reject you are often hurting themselves in some form.  While many of us may have come from broken homes and it doesn't give your friend the right to act the way he does, coming from a broken home, as well as other things in his life, may be a contributing factor for his behavior.  It doesn't excuse it, but does shed light upon why he may act this way...why any of us may act in ways that are unGodly.


I can't figure you out. You have very good communication skills. You are obviously well-educated and I am pretty sure you have many very positive attributes. Do you have any idea why you think people hate you? You sound like a pretty likeable guy. I went to your page thinking, "I'm pretty sure he is not going to have any photos of himself." Sure enough, there were no photos of you. You have many great pictures but none of yourself. Do you have a physical characteristic that you feel causes people to hate you? 

You are intelligent. You communicate well. Those are two positive characteristics in themselves that already have me impressed. Anyway, I am continuing to pray for you. I know God loves you very much.

Gregory, sometimes people reject others because they think that they can't measure up to them.  Again, and this maybe food for thought, sometimes rejection follows one especially say, if a girl in the family got pregnant, and the family kind of rejected her because of the pregnancy, when the child is born such tendencies may be apparent.

  There seems to be nothing wrong with you. You are marvelous, Gregory.

  I do not mean to say that such is your case but just to broaden the scope, I urge you to ask the Lord to reveal it to you. What you understand you can over come.


Gregory has no physical characteristics that would make others make fun or not like him. I agree that he is very likable & he has an awesome sarcastic sense of humor. I love him to pieces.

You know what? So much of what you've said, sounds alot like what my life has been ever since I was at the most like three. I certainly understand what you're talking about. :hugs:


From experience, it's best just to pray and forgive those who's done you wrong, including other Christians. Trust me, I sympathize with you in that area as well. Pretty much the only thing that can be done though is to forgive and pray for those who's hurt you. And surround yourself with the fellowship of other Christians who shine the love of Jesus. This is a good forum for that. :) And if there's no fellowship in person [I can sympthize with you in that,too] there's Christians on here to shine His love.


I hope that helps and that I didn't mess up expaining anything.

Hello Gregory,

Sending you bunches of Agape love...God's love! He created you for a reason...His! In you lives His Holy Spirit! The light from the Holy Spirit shines through you...sometimes others are unable to handle it's power, and it causes them to react in a negative, sometimes nasty way. Do not dispair, my brother, for greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world. There is nothing wrong with you...remember you were perfectly made. Since you have not given anyone permission to upset you, don't let what they say nor how they react toward you, offend you. Rise above these things, Gregory. Walk tall, for you know whose you are, and whom you serve! Keep sending out positive energy. Keep repeating in your mind: "I behold the Christ in you" when you face opposition.

Shine, my brother. You're a chid of the Most High God! Hallelujah!

Abundant Blessings!

God bless you brother, One thing brother you have to remember is like david said in Psalm 27:10- When my father and my mother forsake me, Then the Lord will take care of me. And meditate on Jeremiah 30:17- For I will restore health to you And heal you of your wounds, says the Lord, ' Because they called you an outcast saying' " This is Zion; No one seeks her. Remember that Jesus came to break the wall of seperation and he can rebuild your relationship with people too. I will pray for you. And if you have some unforgiveness in your heart. Forgive those who do you wrong, and God can work in your life. So Lets pray


Father God, I come before you with your servant Gregory and his distress. Father we give you thanks that you have come to  heal the  brokenhearted . And your servant is brokenhearted about the seperation with people. Lord we also know that you said that it is not good for man to be alone.So you sent adam a help mate which was Eve. But thank you Lord that you have sent the comforter to  gregory so that he won't be left orphange. Father help him to know that he is beloved in you. And if there is any sin in his life that hinders his fellowship with other believers show it to him. Let him repent. Lord Jesus you set the woman free who had issue of blood, because she too was seperate from people because of her condition. But you restore her. I know Lord Jesus you can rebuild your servant up to have fellowship with light and not darkness. For he is a new creation in Christ and all the old things have been washed away. And that your servant can stand and walk on now. And do all things you have called him to be free.Without be bound to people. because you are his treasure. In Jesus Name.


Ive found that if one feels rejected or appears to be rejected by others one has to look again at oneself and get sorted within also the funny thing that God often puts these people there so you can help them see the light and also help you in ones own restoration in Christ.  that's my understanding so far !

Gregory, I sense the Lord is saying to you to not give up doing good and the things that you are doing.

Galatians 6:9

New International Version (NIV)

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

As you continue to be friendly to others and to follow on with those things that the Father speaks to you to do according to his words you will find that there will be others who will be drawn to you.  On the other hand, there

will be those even in the household of faith who will not accept the anointing that dwells on the inside of you.  Pray for them and love them to the best of your ability and most of all turn them and other over to the Lord and let him to do the impossible and he shall cause you to rise up and become all that he has called you to be.  Trust the Lord through this time and remain strong in his arms for he cares for you and soon you will find that others are going to see you through the eyes of the Father.  Don't give up!


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