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I think after mom watching Jack Van Impe (she likes watching him) I've got an urgency from the Holy Spirit. She thought it was weird about being married to Christ.


I'm not sure when I'll get a confirmation. But, I do know this fear has to leave and it has to go soon.


Please pray for my parents, my uncles and the JW's as well for their salvation. And that if He wills He will give me a confirmation whether it be a dream or some how.


Please pray He also lets me have the perfect time for witnessing.

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Have you ever heard of It's a ministry online. I got it from there when dealing with Jesus' two different natures and the JWs.

Please pray. My  Mom was telling dad not too long ago how Jesus and Satan were two of the first angels created.  :0( It hurts to even hear the words Jesus, angels, and Satan in the same sentence like that.


I should have asked her. "Where in the Bible does it state that?" Ugh, I wasn't thinking of it...Please pray God opens their eyes...and that He helps me to forgive myself.

I should also ask about this. Pray they forgive everyone who's hurt them...And mom has been saying more often than lately that God hates her. :( Pray she finds out the truth.

God doesn't hate anyone, your Mom's eyes are very closed, she needs to be saved,
God has never left her, and ner will, she let God.,and he still loves her.

I know He hasn't left her. I have to say something. I'm tired of what Satan is doing to them, to this I have to finally speak up on this.


Please pray about this. Mom commented (I think she heard someone on t.v-this was a long while back-talk about Jesus being God). I remember here saying "I surely hope you don't believe that." She sounded defensive. Normally, she isn't that tense. She has also said "I don't know how anyone can believe such a thing."


My uncle's the same way. Now he's not one to get too tense about stuff. He's lax (yes he works hard though). He's the kind of guy that likes super heros like Superman and stuff like that. It's not normal for him to get that tense. He didn't even seem like my uncle as was different, too when she told me she hopes I don't believe that.


Now don't get me wrong mom works very hard at home. She has alot of stress on her. She's not a bad mom,she just has too much to bear. And, I see Satan's "claw" marks on dad,her and my uncle.


It's horrible to see them in such bondage. And that bondage shows when something like the deity of Christ gets brought up because they choose to resist the truth. It's horrible to see people you know and love strain in resisting the truth.


Feetbreeze, I continue to pray that your family will see the light of Jesus shining through you. In Jesus name.

I hope it's ok to ask about this as well. Pray Jesus sets dad and my uncle free from the bondage of alcohol. Dad also likes to smoke....he said it's soothing or something like that.


Thanks everyone for your prayers. :hugs

Amen brother Feetbreeze the Holy Spirit is a great teacher

I will pray for your Dad and Uncle Feet, I no what Alchole can due to a family, I live it daily, blessings.

Thank you please continue to pray for them. I see a struggle with her. One that reminds me of a struggle I used to have.


I've talked to her about the rapture before, that way seeds are planted. We've even watched some movies before, she knows about the Left Behind movie (don't know how many she knows about though or if she only knows about one of the LB movies).


Well, today she was telling me how she looks up at the sky to see if a little head peaking out from behind the clouds. We were talking and she was showing me about holding up her arms and saying come Lord Jesus or something like that.


Reminds me of when I was little one time. I looked out the kitchen window and thought "I'm waiting on dad like I'm waiting on Jesus". I didn't believe Jesus was God when I was little though just like mom doesn't.


She reminds me alot of myself. I remember how I really didn't like the idea of Jesus being God. I remember a girl saying in Alethia, a Christian club at my old school (I was in 9th grade at the time), how God came in the flesh. That really creeped me out.


He used a brother in Christ online at home (I think it was Jan. of 08,9th grade) to help me start out with a scripture though. I struggled with it though for years. God finally fixed that though. It took years but He finally drew me towards Himself and saved me in May of 2010. The beautiful thing is, right before He saved me something happened. He gave me a choice...I could have still rejected Him though. What's really beautiful is I got a warning. Not only did He lay out choose or reject Christ, but I got a very serious warning.


I remember I was tempted to continue to search for God. I got a warning from Someone else though. I was told not to harden my heart to the Holy Ghost. If I didn't I ether wouldn't ever get saved or it'd be really difficult (because of how hard my heart would have become). He saved me afterwards.


Anyways, I see the struggle with mom. She seems to want to be with Jesus. It's just something happens once she finds out who He is. She has such a hard time excepting that. I went through that struggle like I've mentioned. Infact I even prayed to Jesus (false one though. I didn't even  believe He was an angel. I just thought He was some man in Heaven named Jesus) starting in 8th grade. I just couldn't except the idea that He was God at first. Despite, not believing He was God yet I was still drawn towards Him. I mean there's just something about wanting to be connected and know Someone named "Jesus". It's so horrible about the JWs what they go through. I've heard them say how we're not suppose to pray to Jesus. That would mean I couldn't talk to my Best Friend! That's such a bondage. He's just someone you just want to talk to. They're under such bondage with that. A bondage that's like no other. I think mom even thinks it's ok to talk to Jesus (unless she changed her mind). If she didn't change her mind that's a very good sign!


 Good thing He's pacient though! The only way to get through I now realize is prayer.

Please continue to pray. Mom asked again tonight if God hates her and if she's like some kind of puppet. :( I feel so bad for her. I have to be honest here. Satan has had his claws in her ever since she was little. I can't say the things that happened when she was little...I know Satan and people have caused her alot of grief. Pray she forgives (along with my uncle and dad) those who's hurt them....and that God heals them. Especially, mom though, she really needs healed.


Mom has a hard time trusting people. That's what caused me to grow bitter as well for I had trust issues (I had a hard time trusting people especially back in 8th grade). It helps to open up like I have on blogs on here. It's hard for her though because she doesn't have friends she can just go talk to whenever(Big C. is her friend but he doesn't come around for certain reasons). It doesn't help so many people have mistreated her.


Please pray.

 I was talking to someone on another forum. Other people say "Why does God hate me?" It comes out of frustration. That's when she says it,at times when she really gets stressed out.


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