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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Ok, I've had rapture dreams (in two of them I got left behind but in one dream I was in an angel's arms and I also got raptured). I've dreamed of low flying  helicopters, crashing helicopters and planes. I've dreamed of fire (in one dream fire came down from the sky and in the other someone started a fire in the backally and I ended up getting fire on me). In another dream I had about some guy. People worshipped him. I had to keep on the run because I wouldn't worship him. It was too dangerous to stay in one place.


And, there's that time when I fell asleep and I remember big puffy pink clouds with a golden stand in the clouds (a book was on the stand). I remember the song, it sounded like it was from Hee-Haw (an old country show that was back probably in like the 60s or 70s,it's still on a farm channel though). The song "Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?"


How do you know if a dream is from God or not?


I don't want to say it's a prophecy from God without knowing for sure because I don't want to be a false prophet. I would like to know your opinions. Have you had any prophetic dreams that God has confirmed?

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Mom and I love that part! Especially, when they stick out their tounges. That is so funny!

You met another & bloop, you were gone


    To step out in a prophetic fashion, it is a step of Faith.  There is a knowing that you will know.  I would love to be able to explain better.  Your spirit knows and can confirm the prophetic.  You can Pray and ask for confirmation.  You will have one confirmation, that is the Word of God.  I am not the authority on this yet, you can have prophetic dreams and not be a prophet, but others would know more than I.  I will say this, when you travel down that path. After you know that you know you are a prophet, stand on what you have been told to share.  There will be many people who will try to knock you down.  The path is not a easy one.  Never forget for Whom you speak and remember you are only a mouthpiece.  I will Pray for you to discover.

I to watched Hee-Haw and enjoined it.  Lord Bless


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