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  • miguelito sagun

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Predestined for Glorification

Started this discussion. Last reply by newnature Dec 29, 2013. 2 Replies

We cannot earn salvation, and we can never lose salvation, because salvation is based not upon what we do, or promise to do, but upon what Christ has already done for us! What an astounding truth to…Continue


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to learn more about that life, maybe someone has stumbled across something on this life.
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learning more about that life Yeshua got for us, when Yahweh raised Yeshua from among the dead.

Newnature's Blog

A Study of Mortality

Posted on April 13, 2011 at 9:22pm 0 Comments

At that fateful moment, Adam and Eve are standing together at the tree, and although only the woman and the serpent speak, Adam was present, and it seems he accepted the fruit that his wife handed him. He was fully complicitous, and indeed, Yahweh holds him responsible. Yahweh reproaches Adam. Adam says: Well, Eve handed to me. She gave it to me. Eve explains, the serpent tricked me. Yahweh vents his fury on all three, and he does so in ascending order: first the serpent for his trickery and… Continue


Posted on April 7, 2011 at 2:22pm 0 Comments

Morality is not just an obligation equal in importance to the cult or religious obligations of Israel, but that morality is perhaps superior to the cult. The crimes that are denounced as being utterly unacceptable to Yahweh, infuriating Yahweh to the point of destruction of the nation of Israel, are the kinds of crimes we see around us everyday, taking bribes, improper weights and balances, lack of charity to the poor, indifference to the plight of the debtor. Injustice is sacrilege, the ideals… Continue

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At 10:50pm on April 18, 2011, David Velasquez said…

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At 12:53am on April 15, 2011, miguelito sagun gave newnature a gift
At 5:33am on April 7, 2011, journeyman said…

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At 3:30am on April 07, 2011, rosary flasius gave newnature a gift
blessings friend

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