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Does anyone have any ideas, perhaps knows scripture, that can increase one's faith and trust and hope?  Mine is faltering at the moment, and I guess, I need "faith like potatoes"!  As my husband grows weaker, for some reason I get weaker too and more and more disparaged. Gordon fell in his nursing home on Sunday night, in the shower chair.  He has a v-shaped cut on his forehead now.  It left him pale and hand freezing cold the next day but now he is sleepy and in bed because of sores on his bottom from sitting down.  Thankyou for any advice.  God bless.

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The more you Trust the Lord to carry your burdens the more your faith will grow, He is the one who grows our faith by beong faithfull and true and trustworthy
Well Sis, you have Luke 17:5-6- And the apostles said to the Lord, " Increase our faith." So the Lord said," If you have faith as  a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree," Be pulled up by the roots and be planed in the sea,' and it would obey you.and also Mark 9:23-Jesus said to him, " If you can believe all things are possible to him who believes."and also Mark 11:22-24 So Jesus answered and said to them, " Have faith in God. " For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says  to this mountain,' Be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you , whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you recieve them, and you will have them.I hope this help you.Because God never lies.Trust in his promises my friend.
Such a strong reply Tawny. We have faith in God, and He shows us the way. God bless.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Deuteronomy 3:8 It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.

Psalms 145:18-19 The Lord is near to all who call Him, to all who call on Him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; He hears their cry and saves them.


I pray for you and your husband sister in Christ. God keep them both strong, and give them the peace they need everyday.

These verses speak out so much to me. I pass them on to you to keep you and your husband strong. God bless you Diane.


Thank you so much Ruth!  I need that so much!  By the way, how are you?  How is life treating you? Hope your weather is nice and sunny, its trying, desperately TRYING, to come through here, in Birmingham, England! 

I will be going to see Gordon this afternoon.  They WERE going to get him to sit in the lounge with the other residents as, thanks to the prayers of everyone, his sores have healed.  But at the moment, because once your sores heal, they are 20% less better than before, for the meantime he is still on permanent bed rest and two-hourly turning of his fragile little body.  He has lost more weight and is now 6 stones, but eats the pureed food well and drinks like a fish!!  Aaah, thought it was going to rain!!  I thought to myself just now, don't know if its going to rain, it looks a bit that way.  It's now coming down in buckets lol!!  Hail too!  Most people (including guiltily me) complain about the rain and don't want to get wet, but really, thinking about it, it's God's massive watering hose or watering can, giving life to the grass, earth, flowers and trees, and filling up the rivers so animals can drink and fishermen can catch their fish, precious for their survival.  Oooh, I feel a poem coming on!!  I write poetry and when the mood takes me something suddely inspires me!  The rain has virtually stopped now and the sun has come out!

Well I will get going: seeing him today and will take the radio again.  I will wear a special teeshirt with a photo of him on both sides, with the words I ((heart)) Gordon.  I am so glad that the scriptures you mentioned speak strongly to you too.  I hope you find comfort in them.  Stay blessed.

Love, Diane xxx 


Thank you to all of you for your loving prayers for my husband Gordon and encouragement for me to receive spritual strength and more faith!  Gordon's sores have now healed on his buttocks but because he is so bony there, especially the sacrum bone (where the cheeks meet) he is still at present on permanent bed rest with two-hourly moving him, and he remains on his special electronic air pressure mattress.  He is drinking like a fish and even drinking through the night (I'm a bit worried that this may mean he is dehydrated) and eating his pureed food well, including drinking the Fortisips which is like a milkshake and is enriched with minerals, protein and calcium.  Despite that, however, he has lost more weight and is now just 6 stones.  One day, I think I mentioned this, I had the radio playing Christian music and readings, and he smiled at me and said "Jesus".  Considering he can't talk!!  I danced around the room!!  Then not long after that, one day, again with the radio going, he smiled dreamily at me and very clearly said, "Bless Him!"  Yes, I did some more dancing!!  Unfortunately he is now in a lot of pain with his LEFT hip (his right one was broken in a fall and was replaced in surgery), though they give him paracetamol suspension syrup.  It pains me so much to see him in pain and he looks at me so appealingly to help him.  Now I am beginning to understand what it must be like to have children!!  Give me the pain instead!!  Please can you keep Gordon in your prayers that this pain - from inactivity I think - goes away, and that he again finds peace.  Is it wrong that I pray for God to come and take him Home to Him so he can be free from Alzheimers?  Then he will be more alive There than he is here on Earth!!  For God, it must be like sending your children away to boarding school, and meeting them at the train station, free to be with Him again!! 

God Bless you all and keep you well.  In Christian love, Diane Forth-Eglon 


My family went through this exact thing with my dad with the exception we couldn't keep him down. He was very strong but did not know what he was doing and would sometimes be destructive. He died from a fall about ten years ago. I was there when he breathed his last breath. A sense of joy and gladness came into that room as we all knew where he was. It is not a selfish thing to want him to be with His Lord. I do not believe it is wrong to pray for God to either heal him or take him home. For some reason God is allowing him to linger here. Please make sure you have him on the DNR list. I know how hard those decisions are. I am praying that God give you the wisdom and strength you need for your husband as well as for yourself. By the way, the angels were dancing with you as you danced around the room. I pray you are able to feel God's presence with you as you serve God in the care of one of His own. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Hello Roy, how are you?  Yes, I'm crying as I read this.  It is so so difficult, isn't it??  Did your father say goodnight because of Alzheimer's initially?  So sorry to hear what you went through but so glad that you were there at the end and that you felt the joy and the peace.  Yes, its strange, I don't know why but normally Gordon is so gentle with his touch, but in the last year, from when he was in the first nursing home after discharge from hospital (he only managed less than one day at the nursing home before his fall!) he has been so strong and he will twist my finger or give me "Chinese Burns" on my wrist, you know, twist your hands round it, knead my legs roughly, or bend my elbow back so it hurts!!  I assume this is all part of the Alzheimer's and he maybe feels frightened.  Yes, I have had Gordon on the DNR since he fell in the first nursing home and broke his hip.  When I was told he needed surgery, a doctor asked my wishes and I said, through a shower of tears, please put DNR on the notes.  When "that time" inevitably comes in the nursing home, or if he is rushed to hospital again, both hospital and home have those three little letters on their paperwork.  Its a mercy to do that.  It's being kind, isn't it.  Please talk to me any time you want Roy, as I think you and I are "wearing the same teeshirt".  Yes, God's angels must have been doing a merry dance too!  I am seeing him today.  I will ask about his drinking as I'm concerned he's drinking 200mls of fluid every two hours.  That's a smallish beaker full, not just sipping it, but gulping it.  He may be dehydrated, don't know.  Thank you for your response and prayers, and have a good day.  God bless.  Diane  


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