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Does anyone have any ideas, perhaps knows scripture, that can increase one's faith and trust and hope?  Mine is faltering at the moment, and I guess, I need "faith like potatoes"!  As my husband grows weaker, for some reason I get weaker too and more and more disparaged. Gordon fell in his nursing home on Sunday night, in the shower chair.  He has a v-shaped cut on his forehead now.  It left him pale and hand freezing cold the next day but now he is sleepy and in bed because of sores on his bottom from sitting down.  Thankyou for any advice.  God bless.

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What you need is more support from those who pray. I will continue to lift you in prayer and I know others will as well. He has given you the faith necessary to endure. I pray for you to have strength and rise like an eagle. I pray He lifts you and carries you in the palm of His hand. He will give you what you need. It is at these times you will sense more of His grace. When we are at our weakest moments, then we are strong. God bless you. You will not fail. He will carry you.


Thank you so so much Roy.  Yes, sometimes I feel I am falling into a deep chasm.  Indeed your prayers are appreciated, thank you.  God bless you.
Dear Sister, I am concerned about the sleepyness of your husband after his fall, this is ususally a sign of concussion, has a doctor had a looka at him since he fell? Something that really works for bed sores on the back and buttocks is Robins Starch Powder, don't laugh but it really works if you can get it from your supermarket. My Nan used to use it on the ulcers on her legs and it really dried them up quickly even after all the ointments and ungents from the doctor did nothing, we used to use this when starching linnen and collars and cuffs on shirts and the powder form is almost pure wheat germ and is really good. God Bless

I am sorry I don't know any scripture right off hand.  I will find the scripture for you that may help, but it sounds like you need someone you trust in God that you can talk and pray with.  I will pray for you and your husband, but try to keep the Faith that God has a reason for everything, even if we don't even know what it is.


You are in my prayers, God Bless,


Father we lift up to you our Sister Diane and her Husband in this time of trial and we ask that You comfort them and Keep Your hand upon them and that your will be dome in their lives In Jesus Name. AMEN

Thank you so much for your prayers!

I had a beautiful day yesterday.  I phoned up the United Christian Broadcast radio station (UCB) and said I was going to take my Digital Radio (I listen to UCB Inspirational) and take it to my husband in the nursing home and explained about Gordon.  I said that he responds to Christian music.  I was in floods of tears on the phone as I spoke to the presenter!  I said one of his favourite songs is Shout To The Lord.  I said what time I would get there.  Gordon is bedridden due to sores on his bottom from sitting, and is on a special air mattress.  It is listed as a grade 4 sore (serious) and a Tissue Viability Nurse took photos and put creams and dressing on and took measurements.  He was there, along with another nurse, when the announcement came over that a very special request for Diane, dedicated to her husband Gordon in the nursing home, who has last-stage Alzheimers!!!  Said she doesn't know if he recognises me, and that she prayed for us ON THE AIR!!  Again, I was in floods!  Mascara?  Bad idea!!  Shout To The Lord came on!!  Main thing is, Gordon looked at me with such love in his eyes, smiling, holding my hand.  I even said. "Darling, that's Robin Marks singing" when he came on, another favourite.  Gordon said, "Maaaa" as if to say "Marks"!



Praise the Lord for His caring love. Thanks for sharing.


I continue to pray for you.
God, please be with Diane and Gordon on their journey with Alzheimers...  I have been there with my Father and understand! Lord, please give this child of God all the Faith that she needs.  I know it can be very frustrating, but keep the faith, He will provide everything you need!  God Bless you!
Amen, Lord.

Hello Diane, I pray that God gives you and your husband strength and courage to stand strong together. I want to leave some faith scriptures with you that can help.

1 Peter 5:7

Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.

Philippians 4:6-7

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ.

Psalms 40:1-3

I waited patiently for God to help me; then He listened and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out from the bog and the mire, and set my feet on a hard, firm path and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, of praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things He did for me, and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in Him.

Isaiah 40:31

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong! Be courageous! Do not be afraid of them! For the Lord your God will be with you. He will neither fail you nor forsake you.


**This is just a few, there are plenty.If you would like more please feel free to contact me or let me know.Everybody needs somebody and if there is nobody, we have Jesus our Bright and Morning Star. 

Luv you hope you and husband grow in the Lord

Your sister in Christ, Myechia

Thank you so so much Myechia for your faith boosting scriptures.  I would like to add you as a friend, if that's ok?  It is our Tenth Wedding Anniversary tomorrow (Sunday 17th April) so I am hoping and praying for a special day!  I have a beautiful dress to wear and I will do my face and hair up (like I always do for Gordon) and I have cleared it with the Manager of the Home that I can give him an individual can of....none other than....Gordon's Gin & Tonic!  He is allowed a small amount of alcohol and she said it may actually increase his appetite!  He weighs only 7stones.  Like a skeleton!  But the Home will make a big cake to share with the other residents, and those, like Gordon, who need a soft diet, will have loads of cream to go with it to make it all gloopy, easy to go down.  I have a personalised card for him and a silver platter that says "Happy Anniversaary"


Sorry for waffling on!!  PLease tell me about you and what you do, what family you have and how long you have known the Lord?  Take care, God bless.  Your sister, Diane.


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