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My little brother is in intensive care right now. Please pray that he gets better and is able to come home soon. Also pray for myself, I was in a very awkward position, please pray that it doesn't affect me at all.
This week has not been a good one for me. I moved from IL back to N. Carolina this week which I was planning on doing but when I found out my brother was in the hospital, I left right away. My dog got sick and I thought she was dying and on Saturday is the Anniversary of my husband's death. I need some strength to get through the rest of this week. Please pray that things do get better for me, please. And thank you so much for your time and your prayers.


- Yolanda

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May God give you peace and be your all sufficientcy. May He lay His hand of healing on your brother and lift Him up. May He lay His hand of healing on your heart and mind as well. May He guide your steps today and forever more as you seek Him and submit to His will for your life.


I pray this in Jesus name,



I pray for Your intervention in this situation. May Yolanda feel You kind and merciful hand of comfort during this trying time. Heal this brother and give her strength during this trial. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Hi Yolanda,

The Bible verses about his yoke came to mind....

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:29,30

There's always one of the oxen who carries the most weight. The anchor in the team. He's our anchor and strength. When we take his yoke, he carries the most weight for us. He wants for us to find rest and comfort.

I ask God to send ministering angels to hug and comfort you and your family. I ask God to give you strength. He is there with you. And I ask for healing and help for your brother. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Love and God bless,


The Name of the Lord is a STRONG TOWER and the Righteous run in to it and are safe, this is the word of the Lord, Call on His name in your time of trouble and He will answer you, what do we do when we call/....... we raise our voices, shout until you get His attention and may His WILL be done in your Life and that of your brother, and may He give you peace and stability and comfort AMEN


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