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Did I forfeit my veil rights when I had sex outside of marriage? This was before I was saved of course.

I've always wondered about this, I mean, I am not a virgin anymore and I will be getting married soon, I really would like to wear a veil.  But if it means my having lost my virginity, automatically I forfeited the rightful adorning of a veil, because I am not pure?  Does it also mean I can’t wear a white dress?  Since Jesus washed away all my sins, doesn’t it also mean my sexual immorality was washed away? But that doesn’t restore me to virginity does it?

I’m going in search of answers, and my search begins here.  Scripture supported answers would really be appreciated.

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There is nothing in Scripture that I am aware of that speaks to wearing a veil or not wearing a veil, nor is there anything that speaks to wearing white or not wearing white at a wedding, much less based on one's virginity status. That is a man made tradition.

Lord Bless,


Hmm...veil and white dress it is then.  Thank you.

Scripture doesn't say you have to wear a veil although there are Scriptures that show that women did. Leah had a veil on so that Jacob didn't know he married the wrong sister. I did a small research on this subject when you posted this & found some cool interesting things.

*The veil can represent several things. The custom came into Europe during The Crusades. The bride was bargained for by her father. She was covered in a veil & revealed to her husband after the ceremony. They were used as a symbol of virginity and purity. 

*One tradition they are used for only first-time brides. 

*The reason you veil something is because it is powerful and the veil is to protect those outside of it from the power beneath it. One example is the veil that protected the children of Israel from entering the Holy of Holies. The power was so great that only the High Priest could enter. 

*When Moses came down from the mountain after being in the presence of God, he had to veil his face. The Israelites couldn't look on God's glory. They weren't ready for the power and knowledge that Moses possessed. 

Now, I'm going to take this down a different path & this is just my interpretation & I may be taking part of the word & putting it where it doesn't belong. 1 Corinthians 11 speaks of the woman & the man. It says women who pray or prophesy with her head uncovered dishonors her head. If a woman doesn't cover hear head, she might as well cut her hair off or shave it which is a disgrace. 

The man doesn't cover his head since he's the image & glory of God; woman is the glory of man. Woman was created for man. It's for this reason that a woman ought to have authority over her own head.

In my belief, I don't think any of these Scriptures are talking about a literal covering of the head. In the context, it's referring to the man being the head (covering) of the woman. And Christ is the head (covering) of man & God is the head (covering) of Christ. I also can see these verses used in the marriage ceremony. You are now going to be under your husband's authority so at the altar, he lifts the veil revealing to the world that he is now your head. You now belong to one another & no one else. You are now his helpmate. You belong to him. He's the only one allowed to lift this veil.

As far as the color white I wanna put it with some verses. Psalm 51:7 says Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, & I shall be whiter than snow.

Isaiah 1:18 Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool.

We see here that although you are not a virgin, you have been forgiven of your sin. In His sight, You Are White As Snow. So, wearing the color white still applies here.

Wow...very insightful, well said.  And you know what, I'm wearing a white dress on my wedding day and a veil, I just hope it doesn't offend anyone.

Having one's husband have authority over them, doesn't sound like an easy thing to do, but it will be an honor when my turn to do so comes.

In allowing our husbands to have authority over us is allow God to work in your lives. If you get the family side tracked, He can't have His perfect will and way. As for me & my house, we will serve the Lord. Being submissive it tough at first. On the flip side, it gives a freedom unlike you've never experienced before.


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