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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I am facing a very large storm in my life, my marriage and my sanity is under attack. I have been going through this for a few months now and today I just felt as if the fight went out in me. I know that is a lie from the devil, but today has been hard, I will say this my husband's mind is under attack and I have been praying for him and its just getting worse. I know that its the enemy because as believers when we first were married we did it under what seemed some insurmountable odds, but by the grace of God we made it and now the enemy is using my very spouse to bring dissension to our marriage.

I am hurting and tired and I miss our connection and he has tried to completely sever it, I trust and believe in my heart that the Lord brought us together and that my Father said that my husband is the one for me. I have been praying family and friends have been praying and he seems to be fighting us all. So I am asking other believers to pray the Lord's will be done and that my husband stop running from His Savior and Deliver and come back to his arms, My husband is now living for himself and I know that I can not go against his free will and God wont do that either but please pray his heart is softened and that my husband will hear the Lord's call and return to Him I do believe it is God's will that He returns to our marriage, but I know I must be patient and allow God to be God and do this is His time and that I have to allow the Lord's peace, grace and mercy to reign over me so that I do not become emotional and lose my way again and feel as low as i have felt today. God is my Rock and God is my Salvation. He is my Shepard and I shall not want! I need other believers to please pray my strength in the Lord. Thank you so very much. May God Bless and keep you all always and may His good and perfect will be done in your lives....

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Chip thank you so much for your prayers and for your words of encouragement, we do not have children we do want them and I am believing when he returns to our marriage that we will be blessed with them. I just know that me just praying for us is what I am supposed to do, to keep him lifted up in prayer to trust our Savior that he will return back to the arms of the Lord and back to our marriage. He has been through so much but it is time for him to let go of the past and let God be God in his life and walk away from doing it his own way and let the Lord fight his battles, let the cares of this world fall away and be the man of God that I know he can be, he has a mighty ministry assigned to his life and until he stops trying to do it in his own strength he is going to stay in this place of confusion and exhaustion and turmoil. So I am just praying that as you say Chip that the blood of Jesus covers him and that his heart be moved to turn back to the ways and things of God and that he comes back to our home. Thank you again for your prayers my the Lord bless and keep you and yours always... 


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