All About GOD

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A friend of mine have had a couple of discussions regarding the active/passive will of God. I was wondering if anyone here could explain what they mean? And if they are relevant to ones walk?

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I guess I'd have to know more details to understand exactly what they meant by it.


The active will of God is referred to at times as his Sovereign Will, which at times is revealed to us before or after it comes to pass.

His passive will is also referred to, as his permissive will, as well. Which many times it's use to explain how God is holy and yet permits sin to exist for now. This is a big topic and i hope others share their views.

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!  (Romans 11:33)

In the Lord's Prayer, given to us by our exemplar,  Lord  Jesus, we say the words "thy [God's] will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10).

What is God's will?

Simply stated, "God's will" is God's overall or overarching plan, as presented in Scripture. God's will is exemplified for us in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.  Paul the apostle calls on us to have our minds renewed by Christ and to discern the will of Christ (Romans 12:2).

God is perfect, all-knowing, and all-powerful.  Therefore, nothing can happen unless God, in his wisdom, causes or permits it to happen.  In other words, God is sovereign or in control (Acts 4:24).

  • God's active will is what he causes to happen (or prevents from happening).
  • God's passive or permissive will is that which he allows or permits to happen.

Theologian Dr. R. C. Sproul says God's will has three aspects:  1) decretive, 2) preceptive and 3) permissive.


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