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Father, I pray for peace. I pray that You would help me to end this lie that is being spread about me that I am a lesbian and not a real christian. Please let this end now. If I have to take a lie detector tests help me to find the right one. I pray, Lord, for a better place where I have time for myself, for church, for rest. I pray for a place where I don't have to worry about my belongings being damaged or stolen. I pray for a home with a husband and children to love. I pray for a church where people understand we are the spiritual family of God and are coming together to grow in Christ and care for one another - no matter the color or race. I pray that You would help me to have legal status either here or in Canada or somewhere where I can be free to live. Lord, help me to be able to get a bank account and debit card that I can use freely. Help me to get prescription glasses at a good price. I pray for You to act once again to help me to get a better commission so I could save more money and be able to take care of myself whiles I'm here. However, I pray that I don't have to be here much longer. Lord, I also pray for the salvation of the people here who are staff and clients. I pray for Your Holy Spirit to convict and convince of sin, righteousness and the judgment to come. Cause them to treat people with respect and to be honest and thereby bless this place and keep it open.
I pray that You would fill me with Your Spirit and use me to touch others, to see many move from death to life in Christ ! You said once we receive Your Spirit we will be witnesses. Your promise says many will call on Your name and be saved when You pour out Your Spirit. I pray for You to release that promise like never before.
In Jesus Name

“In answer to your inquiry, I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell.”
William Booth quote

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I join you in prayer for these that are abusing you. I pray that these accusations will be stopped and that you will have legal status there in Canada. I also pray for your other needs. In Jesus name.

Your William Booth quote is a good one. It is what we are facing today. Blessings.

Amen to all in God's love!

Sis Francine,

Yours is a prayer from the heart...the kind our Triune God loves and answers according to His will. "Father, I stand in agreement with Marty, Roy, and Chip. Please remind our Sister Fancine that her accusers probably see something in her that they want and cannot get---the Holy Spirit. So, don't let their harsh words perturb her. Help Francine to remember who she is in You. Remind her that jealousy is an evil emotion, and the tongue, though small, is a powerful weapon which can be used to  bless or to curse. Show her that her accusers are using theirs for evil intent. Father, please remind our sister to put on the whole armour of God, and watch those fiery darts backfire. Father, in accordance to Your perfect timing and will for Francine, please grant her heart's desire for a husband, a home, children, comfort, and happiness. You already know the end from the beginning, Lord, and You also know what is Your perfect plan for Francine. In the meantime, Father, please fill Francine with joy overflowing, peace that is beyond understanding, and love that converts her accusers into people with hearts ready to embrace Messiah Jesus. Let the light of Christ radiate from Francine. In the precious name of Messiah Jesus, I pray, Amen." are blessed and highly favoured. You are a child of the Most High. You are the head and not the tail, for greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Surround yourself with the unconditional love of Christ...and as He said, "LOVE your enemies; DO GOOD to the them which hate you; BLESS them that curse you, and PRAY for them which despitefully use you." Luke 6:27-28

In Light and Love,

Lena J


You know a good chapter to read about accusers is read John 8 :1-11. And remember the Blood of the Lamb has overcome the devil ( Rev 12:11). Who remember is the Father of lies in John 8:44. Give your cares to the Lord for He cares for you.


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