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The National Education Association has thrown its full support behind homosexual "marriage."
The NEA recently held its annual convention in San Diego, California, where members voted on two issues. One of those issues was whether the union would support same-gender marriage. According to Jeralee Smith, co-founder of the Conservative Educators Caucus, the resolution passed by roughly a two-thirds majority. The NEA absolutely puts its political muscle behind taking down any legislation in any state that they consider to be discriminatory to homosexuals," says Smith.
Smith told Baptist Press that when a representative of the Conservative Caucus spoke against the resolution and mentioned the words "marriage should be between a man and a woman," the speaker was booed.

As a South African I have no right to advise American or Canadians what to do on the issue related above.

BUT! If I was an American I would have my children out of school faster than blinking an eye.....
For those who care less, they will soon find their 10 year old child, arguing for "Same sex marriages" and questioning their parents why they felt it necessary for a man to only be married to a woman.

Here again we have the STUPIDITY of those people who booed the speaker when he spoke on the necessity of opposite sex marriages. Don't those people who booed the speaker, realise, that they would not be there to Boo, if it was not for the God given sanction of marriage between a man and a woman.

Please STOP the world, I want to get off....................!

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I know it looks bad. Home schooling is on the rise. I'm a firm believer in teaching your children the word when they're young. My daughter went to public school. This was an issue when she was two years old. She's 28 now. There's nothing new under the sun.

It's a good idea to keep the communication lines open. I always told my daughter she could talk to me about anything. She witnessed at school and brought many troubled children into our home. Many of the children were convinced they could not talk to their parents. Their parents wouldn't understand. (This is how satan works in a child's head. "You can't talk to your parents. You're in so much trouble.") Much of my counseling was convincing young children that they were mistaken. They could talk to their parents.

God bless,
Mary O.
I understand your concern, friend. I also feel that these attacks on normal marriages are disgusting, but I will hold to my beliefs. My child will attend public school, because he will be a christian, and as christians we must never hide from the evils of the world. We must stand our ground any time and every time, and our passion for our beliefs must be a passionate, burning effigy of resolve that will not dissappear; Not from persecution, not from governments, and not even from hungy lions. I know that times like these are hard, but this gives us the chance to make our stand, and let God know the resolve in our hearts to live by his word. Let us stand together, my brother.

Dear Apostle,

Sometimes the promises of God come with a condition and sometimes they are unconditional. I have been thinking about this promise in Ps 37.  As you read the entire Psalm, you begin to notice there are parts of this promise that we need to participate in. The first one comes in v. 3 where the reader is instructed to trust in the Lord. Then, the reader is instructed to delight in the Lord.

These are two key verses to the meaning of the Psalm. God has a plan. We are to trust Him in that plan. We are dealing with that even now in our nation. We are to trust in God's ways. His way is for a man and a woman to be married for life - never to be parted until death. That is His way. To delight in Him means to delight in His ways as well as Who He is. We are to trust Him that His way is right.

Then, we are instructed to commit our way unto Him. In other words, we trust Him so much that we do things the way that He wants us to do them. We follow Him in His way.

When a nation puts their trust in the Lord and follows His way, they are blessed. When the do not put their trust in the Lord such as we see happening all around us, we begin to lose that blessing.

The promises in this chapter are wonderful to a people who have put their trust in the Lord. The evildoers will pass quickly. However, to those who do not put their trust in God and in His ways, these promises are not applicable.

I am not sure to whom you are referring these promises to. There are those who remain in our nation that do continue to trust in the ways of God. God's promises to them are sure.

I responded to Ron but I don't think he is still on AAG. I haven't heard from him or seen a post from him in a while. I'm not sure. We are on a downward slide in our country. We seem to be ignoring God's ways and coming up with our own ways. That does not bode well for a nation.

God's ways will win. They always have and always will. But sometimes, the price we all have to pay is extreme for a nation's choices. We love our country and want it to be blessed. For that to happen, we will have to as a nation follow the ways of God. What we are talking about here is not the way of God.


Well now,

Hi to all......

It's was the year 2009 in July, when I first wrote "Stop the world......" 

Looking back to 2009, I am amazed how sin in the world has increased since then....

My reference to sin now, is not about the sin we commit as individuals, but rather the sins of those in authority...   I am inclined to believe that they are also aware that the time left to them is short.

Sadly their thoughts and plans are devoid of any thoughts of repentence but rather how much more they can "stash" away in the little time left to them and therefore it's every man for himself.

In years past it took many years of hard work and planning to become a millionaire.  Today we see men take over the reins of authority and become extremly rich overnight.  Where on earth can a man find millions of dollars to strengthen his position at the Polling booth when he has only been in the publics eye for a few years?    Well let  us not forget those who would support the man and leave us to wonder at the way millions of dollars are given to determine the outcome. They do this more to favour themselves than the man they are supporting.  The outcome..... ?   Who knows exactly what?   But be sure there will be a "Payback" period.  It is at this time that the ordinary man in the street unwittingly finds himself left to carry the burdens of higher taxes, increased petrol price plus the increases in their costs of living.

Stop the world.....?  Impossible!   The devil is in charge, it's his world and every day brings him and those who unwittingly support him, closer to the day when they will have to give an account of what they have achieved. 

As for me, I am a few months from my eightieth birthday and fully aware that for me the world will indeed stop soon.  The difference is that:  "I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have commited unto Him against that day." 2Tim 1:12.





Good to see you, Ron. I met a man who lived to be 105 and he had his right mind and could still see and was a blessing. So ... you never know. God might not be through with you here on earth for yet awhile.

Ron, I first replied then realized the date. I deleted those responses as they did seem to be a little off with the ate of the posting. Anyway, the words are so very true. We have lost our way. People actually believe God will bless us anyway. It is such a pleasure to hear someone that is not afraid to state his position. We are so intimidated by sin. God bless you for your stand. My mother just turned 80 and very lively. She gives us all a hard time. We will celebrate mother's day tomorrow.

 Gee, I used to think 80 was old, but I feel I still have a long way to go, You see, I know I am in this world, but I am not of it; my citizenship is in heaven.

 I have always admired Paul when he said in Php.4:11; not that I speak of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. So my contentment is not in the situation we are in as a nation, but through all the greed and lust of this world, I can still be content in Christ. Because I, like you Ron, am also persuaded!! 2Tim.1:12. Amen?


Being content in Christ does in no way gives us permission to forget about the world around us. Ron was telling us that it was time for Christians to take action. I agree. I know you did not mean this but it almost sounds as if you are saying that we need to be content with the way things are. I know you don't mean that and volunteering my clarification. It is time for Christians to take action.

The government here in the UK is carrying out a consultation regarding allowing same-sex marriages to be married in a civil ceremony but they still wouldn't be allowed to be married in a church. The whole issue has been causing massive arguments and some of the things that have been said have been out of order from both sides.

I have to admit I'm torn over the issue. On the one hand I have (or maybe had) no problems with anyone marrying another, sexuality has never been something I've judged someone on or used as a stick to beat them with. On the other hand, the Bible is pretty clear that Gods original design was for a man to be with a woman and Leviticus (which is a book I'm  struggling with for all sorts of reasons) couldn't be clearer if it was in flashing neon lights.

I'll keep praying about it but I don't think God is in any rush for me to come to a resolution, think he's got other things in mind for me at the moment :)


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