All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

God’s Recipe for Answered Prayer God really, really wants to answer your prayers. That’s why the Bible contains a recipe for effective prayer. Imagine baking bread. The result rides on the right balance of water to flour. That’s how it is with prayer. Your desire is the water, and God’s will is the flour. The proper combination creates the perfect recipe for answered prayer.

First Add Water What do you want in life? Helping people, creating art, building a family? God has put inside of you unique desires that will build His kingdom and bring you fulfillment. He wants you to get in touch with them so He can lead you in your purpose. How do you get in touch with your desires? Ask God to show you what He made you for. The Bible promises, “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4).

Next Add Flour The second ingredient is God’s will for your life. Here’s an equation to help you figure out what that is: God’s Word=God’s Will. God wrote the Bible so you could know about His plans and desires. The more you read, the more you will know God’s will. You can wake up each morning and learn a little bit more about His will for you that day by reading the Bible. It’s exciting and it will give you peace!

Now Mix Have you ever had mushy bread? Too much water, not enough flour. That’s what happens when you come to God with only your own concerns in mind, and never His. If you’re ever in doubt, add more flour. That’s what Jesus did when He was facing crucifixion. His desire, naturally, was to not be crucified, but He added more flour: “Father, if You are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from Me. Yet I want Your will to be done, not Mine" (Luke 22:42).

Let’s Get Cooking God wants to give you a great-tasting loaf of bread. So this week, let’s practice mixing His ingredients: your desires plus His will. But keep in mind: what you want right now may not be quite as good as what God has in store for you. For example, I used to want to be a hairdresser, but then I realized that God had an even better plan. He says to you today, “For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9). Ask Him this week to show you your true desires and His will for you. Then start to pray…

So this week, let’s pray together that:

  • We would get in touch with our true heart’s desires

  • We would read the Bible and hear God speaking to us

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The last few years since recovering from depression and other illnesses I have read the Word and prayed for God's guidance. Last year God told me that all my trials were to bring me to a place to help people who had been through similar problems. Before I blinked twice I was enrolled back in college working towards a Psy.D in psychology. Not to just be a psychologist but  Christian psychologist so that I can help people with problems find the true answer to healing and peace, The love and Word of God. I get so impatient as five more years of school seems forever. I pray each day that this was what he truly said to me and I have peace that it is His will for my life. But I feel so useless in the mean time. God, I just pray that you will continue to put me in situations to share your word and keep my actions so there is never a question that I serve you the one and only True God. I pray that everyone here and each of your children will continue to read and pray and find that place that you have prepared for them while on this earth. I do not deserve you blessings or your mercy but I thank you  each day for sending Jesus so that I can one day be with you. I want my desires to be yours and never my own for when I take off on my own path it always leads to failure. Only you know where you want me and I pray for that knowledge to continue flowing from you to me through prayer as I try to find my place in this world. Your place for me. Amen

I consider myself blessed because I am a member of this group. I have been touched by your top on indrediants for answered prayers. Thanks sister keep on the fire, God bless you

GOD BLESS you sis autumn stacey and Bro. david for sharing your thoughts with us. THE LORD REALLY IS GOOD!


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