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Have you ever wondered why it is that so few believers know more than just a little about how to stand against the devil and his demons? For one thing, most churches do not teach about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or the gifts of the Spirit which is the power of God in our lives to handle spiritual warfare. So, that eliminates most believers right there. But even for those who are taught the Baptism in the HS and spiritual warfare, very few churches  have in depth teaching on what spiritual warfare is and how to stand against the enemy. Most church goers in churches that do teach somewhat on this subject, look to the pastor to be the one to run the devil off.  But where does it say anywhere in the Bible that only the pastor or the church leaders have the empowerment to fight spiritual forces? Doesn't it say that all believers are empowered to stand against the enemy? 

I was once in a church and a man that came to a service was truly demon possessed and began to act-out right in the middle of the church service in front of everyone. Guess what happened? 99% of the church members ran out the back door of the church as fast as they could run lol! I'm laughing because I never forgot that as it made such an impression on me that day.  But in seriousness, it's not funny. The question is, why does the average believer know so little about spiritual warfare?

 I know some believe that we just need to focus on Jesus  and not be concerned with what the devil is doing, that Jesus will take care of him. And I agree that we don't need to be looking for a demon under every bush.  When ppl sin it is not the devil that made them do it although many like to joke that it was- no ppl sin when they are drawn away through their own lusts- they choose it.

But on the other hand, we are told in the Word not to be ignorant of the devil and his devises.  In my opinion it seems like most believers are woefully under taught how to stand on the Word when it comes to spiritual warfare and I am sure that is just the way satan likes it.  I mean most believers are afraid to even utter the name of the devil, it's like they pretend he doesn't even exist. It is one thing not to say his name in order to bring undue attention to him and to instead bring more attention to the Lord. But it is another thing to be afraid of him and not know how to stand in spiritual warfare against him and his demons.

So, I don't think there will be any great knowledge extended in answer to my post since most of us are pretty much in the same boat on this topic, but just wondering if anyone has anything to share as to personal experiences they've had when it comes to spiritual warfare or why they think we as the Church aren't more prepared to stand against the wiles of the enemy?

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Maturity, faith and understanding are all key components relating to our authority and ability in Christ. It is one thing to be told what is available to us as Christians and another to be able to walk in that authority with assurance in faith exercising that authority.


My next statement is going to sound critical of Christians, but it is my experience that most Christians think that they are a whole lot more mature in Christ than they really are. This is a lesson I had to learn about myself ... how weak I really am and yet in my weakness is Christ manifest strong. It is when I assume I am strong that I am still very weak and ready to fall, for all that we have and are is found in and through Christ and accessed by a life of surrender to Him lived out in obedience and faith.


Lord Bless,


Hi LT,

I meant to reply to your first response in the thread that I don't think it's even a concern re being big and bad and attempting to cast out demons or to minister to someone who is very oppressed or possessed as most believers would be too afraid to take on the devil and his sidekicks, and like the example I gave, would run out the backdoor. Sure, a few prideful believers or one who believes strongly in Jesus, but just is not there yet in maturity might think they can tangle with this only to find it  was more then they could handle. Like the other accounts I gave, when we encountered some possessed individuals, we were new in Christ and just believed we didn't need to run as we had Jesus in us. But starting back then we saw that it is always possible to run into people with serious problems. I fully expected to learn what to do if I was ever in a situation like this again. And like I said, I found I wasn't getting the discipleship for this in church- the teaching would go just so far and then stop short. Life went on, I focused on raising a family as most of us do, but God brought it back to me that I needed to study this area, because how else can He use us to minister for Him if we stay back in kindergarten. That's why I say I believe all believers are given spiritual authority over the people and situations in our lives that can seriously disrupt our lives - we can stand up to the enemy in whatever form he invades our lives. We don't learn this overnight, but I think we should all be discipled to know how to  wage spiritual warfare. I don't think this is just for a select group of believers.



I believe that there are some who are called to this being their primary ministry and thus would act as special forces in this warfare. At the same time we all have been given authority to engage in spiriual warfare and should find our sufficiency in Christ to overcome and be victorious in our daily engagement. Thus, we have both been called and equipped to live for Christ, but some are called to this specific ministry. There is nothing wrong with a child of God calling on a person whom they know that has been called to this ministry and is a seasoned verteran to asssit or take the lead when dealing with spritual forces.


Discipleship is a missing jewel in many church circles today. Discipleship on this topic is important, but most of what I see out there falls short of really preparing the Christian to succeed in this important ministry and more often actually prepares them to fail. That is unfortunate and is my opinion on the matter. I believe spiritual warfare at a high level is dangerous for the un or under prepared Christian.


BTW, for the most part we are in agreement.


Lord Bless,



Right LT, exactly. I do agree that some are especially called to this ministry and I would love to meet someone who is. I'd be the first to call on them to stand with me and disciple me. I am in the process of praying to connect with someone like this right now. I have spoken to a few who tell me they are experienced in deliverance ministry, but none have shown me yet that they know their stuff or have  stuck with me so far. I'm not giving up though lol-  it only takes one - there's a woman or man of God out there somewhere who walks in deliverance and doesn't just talk the walk. So, please know I am saying the same thing as you- I am not encouraging baby or poorly discipled believers to go fight the devil- no way lol. What I am saying is victory in Jesus belongs to all of us, but we have to prepare for it first. If we are not getting discipled enough in our respective churches we must reach out and  beyond for the fullness of God. We can never use the excuse that we just didn't know. God wants to do mighty things through all of us. He said we are the head and not the tail- we each need to pull up our sleeves and get to work at walking in the authority Jesus died to provide us. We need to see ourselves as God sees us- the redeemed of the Lord mighty through His power!

Have a wonderful evening LT and all- my time for posting  is just about over for one  day :)

Hi Nancy,

I did understand your question and as I just replied to LT, I believe all believers should be discipled to stand up to the enemy in any situation, and yes, that means casting out demons too if that's what it takes. What if you meet someone in a dark alley or wherever- you are going to have to know who you are in Christ and do whatever it takes to survive an ordeal. That's the way I look at it. I know the verse you mean, but I don't think we should draw from it that not all believers are qualified to cast out demons if that's what a situation calls for. That was then and this is now- The Word says we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us. Look at all the believers who have remained calm in trying situations and saved their lives or the lives of others. I know if something happened to me I would be praying in the Spirit for all its worth, casting out demons, doing whatever I had to do. But like I said, I have plenty to learn as I never learned it in church. And you know I am not just referring to the worst things that can happen, but to people we know in our families or that we meet who are miserable and need ministry. Who else is God supposed to use if not us to stand up to the powers of the enemy. It's not our power, but His that works through us. We just have to be willing vessels to be used of God and for that we have to get down to the business of becoming knowledgeable.

Nancy, there are many missionaries who are killed everyday, faced with persecution. How would you reconcile their deaths with I also believe that if we were in a dark alley and faced with a threatening situation the Holy Spirit would step in just as Jesus said He would give us the right words to say when we are faced with persecution?

Jesus said in Luke 11:24 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ 25 When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. 26 Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.”

You may not be doing someone a favor by casting out a demon unless you are going to be there for them to help them understand the Gospel and see that they are born again as part of their deliverance.

There is much to consider on this subject. Above all discernment is the most important thing. We hurt our brothers and sisters when we have the wrong discernment. We may also cause great harm in someone not saved who does not have a demon causing them to have the behavior which they have--and we can push them farther away from the truth. Some will say that doesn't matter, because God knows His sheep and He will save them no matter what. Yet, there does seem to be some choice in the salvation process and some freedom at the time prior to being born again when someone can choose darkness over the light and choose to remain in their evil deeds--of course God knows who will be saved and knew it from the foundation of the world. I will add that unregenerated flesh is evil without any influence from fallen angels. That person in the dark alley may not even be a demon, and all your casting out and all your prayers may not keep you from harm.

I just wanted to make sure that we all realize that having this authority and power does not mean a quick fix and cure-all in our lives as born again believers.

Hi Nancy,

When you say the small stuff, what do you mean by that? When children live with crises it often makes them stronger, either that or they have lifelong suffering from it. Do you have any siblings? Often the oldest is the one that takes on the most responsibility thus becomes strong when it comes to crises. There's no set reaction, but I have read that this has been studied and they have seen patterns.

Yes, you understand what I am saying that the HS will step in no matter what the situation and give us wisdom and guidance if we know how to listen  to His voice.

One reason most Christians are fearful of demonic activity they may encounter in their Christian walk is, not believing they have the power to withstand the enemy when he comes to them: to test their faith. Because they are not sure they have the faith or the power to do so. What they really need to understand is, they, within themselves do not have that power, even Jesus said in John 5:30 NIV. “by myself I can do nothing, I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just because I seek not to please myself; but to please Him who sent me” Wouldn’t it stand to reason, if Jesus couldn’t do anything on His own, why then do we think we can? As the seven sons of one Sceva found; they had not been identified with Christ as Paul was, and the evil spirit knew it. When we attempt to do spiritual warfare on our own, we will encounter the same results as they did. When we look at a couple of scriptures that I have been studying; we will find the answer to our failures in this type of warfare, “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us” 2Cor.4:6,7

This is where Grace comes in, The reference of finding yourself in a dark ally? Before you went in that dark ally or any situation you find yourself in; Just prior to you going in, there was a little voice warning you of impending danger, we call it “an unction of the Holy Spirit (One)” but our fears and anxieties will gain the ascendancy over our sensitivity to that warning, and we find ourselves trapped. The Word tells us “to acknowledge Him in all our ways ” Why are we in these situations in the first place? Some to fulfill the lust of the flesh, like a bar, climbing a mountain, speeding, carousing around places we shouldn’t be, etc.

The Holy Spirit will lead us in the way we should go; called “by the Grace of God”

And it is sufficient for all our needs. So He told Paul.

So do we have the power and authority to stand against the enemy? By all means; as it says in Eph.3:20, “now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask of think; according to the power that worketh in us

Christ, in us, our hope of glory.




Good Word.

Blessings in the New Year...


Hi Joe,

Don't think I have ever met you on the site yet, so nice to meet you. I have to say that you and a few others have read some negative ideas into my words that are not there. When I used the expression dark alley I simply mean that we will all have dark alleys,  so to speak, in our lives. I did in no way mean that if we as believers choose to foolishly walk into trouble  or enter into sin apart from what the Spirit is guiding us to do, then what do we expect since we are opening the door for the enemy. No, not at all, this is not what I am saying. Let me give you some examples of what I do mean. Let's say you're a believer and someone in your family or a friend's family is on drugs or alcohol or has a porn problem or is abusive to family members in any way, what if the person says he is hearing voices that stop him every time he tries to read the Bible or surrender to God, or what if you have a co-worker or boss who is constantly sabotaging you at work, what if you are a teacher and a student constantly disrupts the class and is cussing you, or maybe a nurse is a patient in a care center where a patient is acting out, what if you are witnessing to someone and they become hostile towards you? I could give a hundred examples of oppression or possession that we encounter in life either when we expect it or least expect it, and not because we weren't listening to the Spirit. I am saying do we run from these situations or as believers do we listen to the HS and do what He tells us to do? I am not saying not to listen to the HS- I am saying just the opposite. And I am definitely not advising anyone to stand up to an oppressed or possesed person apart from the leading and empowerment of the HS. What I am talking about is coming to a maturity in Christ. I am explaining my own experience which I feel is not much different then the experience of most believers, that discipleship was in short supply in my churching. I am saying that I do not think it is healthy when churches are leader heavy and do not encourage individual members of the body to know how to walk in spiritual warfare. In the very extreme example I gave of the man who came to our church who was most definitely demon possessed, 4 ushers who were big guys built like body builders attempted to restrain him and he would keep popping up in the air and throwing them off.  That day which I will never forget, I was just a new believer, but I was filled with the HS and the Spirit did not tell me to run. He told me to pray in intercession for the pastor and the ushers who were dealing with the man and to stay and observe how they did so for my future knowledge.  It was one of the scariest things I had ever seen in my life, but I obeyed the Spirit. Trust me, I didn't stay out of curiosity lol.  No, I am simply saying that we will all encounter situations in our lives that require us to stand against the enemy, again, not in our own might, but in the authority and power of the Holy Ghost, and I think it is essential that we know how to conduct ourselves in ministry to troubled people when those times come .


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