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William Jeffrey Hurst - I am asking for URGENT prayer for Marshall and Jan Heinold. They are missionaries in Mexico. Their house is surrounded by drug members, gangs, whatever, demanding they pay for protection. If not, they've been told they have 24 hour to live!
Kerrie please pray for my son Joseph now he is very depressed please I don't know what to do but ask people to pray bind the devil off of him Peggy

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I pray for this missionary couple that you protect them from these evil ones. I pray that you will prosper their ministry to Your Kingdom and that they become a powerful witness to those through this. Keep them safe. In Jesus name.

I also pray for this son, Joseph. Whatever it is that is affecting him, I pray for his release and victory. In Jesus name.
AMEN, thank you Roy, God bless you
Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus. I draw the blood line of Jesus Christ around Marshall and Jan Heinhold in Jesus name.I also father  ask that you have set you angels to keep charge over them in all that they do and keep their foot from touching a stone.and you said Lord Jesus that no weapon that is formed against them shall  not prosper In Jesus Name.That means death will not prosper.And I cast out Satan that theif , murderer by the blood of Jesus.And those  drug and gangs members will see the blood of Jesus over Marshall and Jan  and around them and around their household and inside their house.Blood of Jesus is against you Satan in Jesus Name.Father send your ministering angels to these drug and gang members right now.This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice in it.And I know that you take no delight in the suffering of your righetous children.I know that your power is  against this deadly sword.I know that you will be glorified in Jesus name.And the prayers of the righteous availeth much.In Jesus Name.Praise God and all his glory and his works of power and kindness.And touch Joseph father, you have not given Joseph a depress mind nor the spirit of depression.But a  power and love and a sound mind.We rebuke Satan who is trying to destroy Joseph mind and we cast  out all whats troubling him  upon you Jesus because you care for him.And we ask Lord that you will shine light in his mind and by your stripes he is healed in his mind.In Jesus name.Amen.


Liz, please let us know how the couple is doing as well as the boy. Thanks.


Thanks Roy I have actually posted this prayer request on behalf of Janet Walker.

I thank God for all of you who intercede for them, we will get updates from Janet

Thank You Lord for your prayer warriors................together we will defeat the enemy and make his work null and void!! he has no place in our lives.

Lift Your children Lord, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit. Amen!!!!


Fatheer we lift up these servants of yous and as that you intervene on their behalf, Father help them, let your will be done in their lives, set your angels around them and guard their lives and help them to return safely to their families, Lord let your name be glorified in their lives and let them have the opportunity to say LOK what the Lord has done for us. In Jesus name we ask, Amen


I found this post on a social network:

Daniel Scalf wrote at 2:49 am, September 12, 2011 UTC (1 week ago)

          Marshall and Jan Heinold , the missionaries in Mexico are safe and sound! God used the US embassy to intervene somehow, but we know God responded with great compassion via all the various group's intercession! Thanks for your prayers www,

It appears the couple is safe. I pray this is a correct post. If so, we praise our Lord.

Thank YOu Lord for Your faitfulness, we praise YOU

Amen and Amen we see the word of the Lord being performed before our very eyes



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