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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

For legal reasons I cannot detail what I have recently experienced. But I have learned a life lesson and don't know how to accept what I have learned. Since coming to now the Lord, I have such high expectations for myself. God knows I often fail, but I try sooo hard to live with integrity, to be honest, to do the right thing whether anyone else knows about it but God and me. Recently, I was told by a supervisor that due to my own high expectations I was always going to be disappointed because apparently i have these same expectations in others. Is the world really so full of people who lie, cheat, endanger others, cover for others when they do something that is illegal, immoral or unethical just because they are friends? Is it so wrong to think that deep down in every person there is some goodness and decency? And why in the world do I have any idea to expect anyone to behave or react the correct way just because thats what I believe is what everyone should do. Is decency truly a minority today? I am struggling so hard right now due to an issue that I am bound to report due to my ethical and moral oath that I took in my career. I was told by my superiors that since I didn't see it in person, it was none of my business and to keep my mouth shut, even though that violates my obligation to report it and it endangered someone. If I go forward, I will be terminated, it could cause discord in a public department and throughout a whole community. If I shut up and mind my own business, well, I can't seem to stop thinking about what will happen to future people in need if these practices continue. So, I guess my prayer at this time would be for God to guide me to do whatever his will is for my life. To stand down and help me deal with my apparent unrealistic view of the human being, or to stand up and risk it all. Either way, I am re-evaluating how I see the world and the people in it and could use some prayer for peace. Thanks!

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Hoping 1Thessalonians 4:1-18 would help you sister.

God can do better than any of us. God answers our prayers. 

Just hold that tongue and let your knees do the talking.

Romans 8:28, God is good all the time. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Let tomorrow worry about itself, today has too much to worry about.

Live one day at a time.

We don't know what tomorrow shall bring but we know who holds tomorrow.

We are just a pilgrims here, our citizenship is in heaven.

They are blinded by this world, sins are their pleasures.

They have no knowledge of God, thats why we are entrusted that responsibility,

to share the light so they will have light to convict them of their sins.

Sharing to them the good news is farway much better than endangering your life and job.

God bless u and i have you in my prayer...


Your supervisor is correct. We do live in a fallen world. If there is anything we can expect according to Scripture is that man will quite often choose to do the wrong thing. I am sorry that you are facing this situation. I pray that God does give You the guidance you need. I know you will not be able to turn your head to what is happening. I think of Daniel in the situation he was put in. He did the right thing and God mightily blessed him for it. But, he really had to go through a lot of trouble for his decision. I don't believe God would allow or even put you in this situation if He didn't know you had the stuff necessary to do the right thing. Either way He will continue to love you. I pray for God's grace to help you as you make your decision. I know He will be with you. Bless you for being the kind of person you are.


I have been thinking and praying about your dilemma. Our righteousness comes as a result of our faith in God and His work. Our faith determines our actions. Your faith in God will help you know how to make this decision. I am praying for you. God is going to help you. You are going to see Him come through for you. In Jesus Name.

I wanted to thank you all for your prayers. I chose to get on my knees and hold my tongue as suggested and let God do his work. I continued to let my "higher Ups" know that I do not agree with their decision because they were willing to overlook something very wrong in an effort to continue making money in that area. I ended up getting a compliment from the owner of the company and apparently my direct supervisors have a whole new respect for the integrity and morals that I daily not just preach but live. By letting God resolve this issue, another error was made and was caught and has been handled and I never had to report a thing. I am learning that if I trust in God, he does deal with those who refuse his commands to walk a Christ-like life. He does answer prayers, he just does it in His time and I think He may be teaching me patience because He surely knows mine is limited. I have been off the site for several weeks because of school and overtime and have missed reading everyone's encouraging words and blessings daily. I so love having a connection to all of you who put God first. It really helps to feel less alone in the world with my beliefs. God Bless you all and again, thank you for your prayers.
Amen, thanks for the update. Thank You, Lord.


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