All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Once again a politician has made a statement that gives credence to the belief that it is time for those who profess to be Christians too seriously consider whether their involvement in politics is detrimental to the cause of Christ.

Granted, being a Christian does not render any of us as being somehow spiritually deficient because we vote or have opinions concerning the direction and leadership of our villages, towns, and cities. Naturally then on a larger scale we should be concerned about leadership at the state and national level.

The problems come when we become politicians who are Christians rather than Christians who are politicians.

The politician who professes to be a Christian far too often views life and the world from a secular perspective whereas an individual who sees himself or herself as a Christian first is more apt to consider issues from a biblical perspective first.

Why is that important?

It is important because it is disheartening to hear any individual equate someone with a pre-existing condition receiving insurance to insuring a piece of property that has already burned down. This is especially true when that politician has been a pastor such as Mike Huckabee.

Exactly what is meant by that analogy can only be imagined but it reflects a greater concern for profits than for individuals being able to obtain medical care. It simplistically ignores all of the factors involved in a person having an illness or disease and is suggestive of a mindset focused upon the survival of the fittest.

If the United States of America is to be a nation that values the lives of all of it's citizens then from a Christian perspective we at times must act as our brothers keepers.

Matthew 25: 34-46 gives our Savior's perspective on how we are to be concerned about others in this life. No where within these verses does it suggest that we should first consider the profit margin or financial bottom line before extending ourselves to those in need.

Certainly we cannot realistically expect corporations to act based upon the teachings of Christ but we do have the right and hope of expectation that Christians who are in positions of power, authority, or influence put being a servant of the Lord above political party and personal views.

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