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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

If recent conversations with individuals are a true indicator of what is going on locally and nationally then contrary to what Democrats, Republicans, and Tea Party members and candidates are saying there is not a groundswell in favor of any of them.

This would mean that the news media mainstream or otherwise is also getting it wrong. This fact should not surprise anyone because over the past few years it appears that the news media is more interested in creating news rather than reporting it. The train of thought seems to be that the more controversy they create the higher their ratings go and that appears to be their desired goal rather than revealing the truth about individuals, situations, and statements made.

A result of all of this is that many individuals no longer express respect or trust for any politician regardless of party affiliation.

Comments are being made such as they all lie or that you can tell when a politician is lying because their lips are moving.

Such cynicism is coupled with the belief that once an individual takes office he or she becomes part of the political machine primarily concerned with remaining in office and supporting the organizations that fund them regardless of whether it is good for the country or not.

This negative attitude toward politicians in general is exacerbated by the fact that politicians will knowingly create false representations of their opponents and later deny that they said it or were involved in the spread of such false characterizations.

Worse yet is the proclivity of politicians to deny saying things that they clearly stated in interviews or other media outlets. Rather than admit they said it, they attack whomever questions them as though the public is too ignorant to remember what was said.

The negativity towards politicians is heightened by the fear mongering tactics employed that are creating a greater racial divide within our country. This win at any costs mentality may serve a political party well but it is detrimental to the country.

Why go into this in a column that is concerned with the spread of the Gospel?

It is necessary because many politicians and their supporters express that they are Christians despite the fact that they are deeply involved in the aforementioned tactics and this hypocrisy is harmful to the cause of Christ.

Why would any individual want to become a Christian when the examples given by those who desire to lead our country are replete with behavior counted among the sins that caused our Savior to go to the cross?

The prophet Isaiah warned against those who call good evil and evil good and it is as though he were speaking to us today!

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