All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I know I have trouble when it comes to people yelling [or even talking loud,I can't really tell the difference]. And mama gets upset if someone says Jesus is God. Therefore her voice gets louder.


Whenever someone's voice gets too loud I tend to shut down and withdraw into myself. That's an issue within itself already.


But even more difficult is this. How do I talk to people with no foundation? Usually when witnessing to someone you ask to be able to help them out "How do I witness to Athiests?" "How do I witness to Jehovah's Witnesses?" Stuff like that.


Mom isn't an atheist. She knows there's a God. But if I tell her something is in the Bible [even the JW Bible] she'll just say it's wrong.


Her foundation isn't even on the JWs [she only has some JW beliefs. She said she'd never become one,they're too strict] because she denied their Bible a long time ago. Someone on t.v said something about the Deity of Christ. I told her 'It's in the Bible". She said the Bible's wrong. I said it's in the JW Bible. She said that's wrong,too.


Thing is she's said before that the Bible is God's Word [it's just she's also said it's man made because "God didn't come down and write it."]


I'm confused. She said it's God's Word yet on a different day she said the Bible's wrong. She won't even believe the JW Bible when I told her it's in there.


That's why I'm confused [and there's other family members,dad and uncle Hubert,who have their beliefs,like only 144,000 going to Heaven,yet saying the Bible's been corrupted by man]. My uncle David is very hardened,not sure how to describe it except one time a long time ago he just wanted to argue against creationism. As for uncle Lewis,[he only visited twice last year] he thinks being born again is a cult. His heart is very heart and bitter against Jesus.


How can I witness to any of them? Especially my parents and Uncle Hubert [I see them the most. Never see David or Lewis anymore.] How can I find anything witnessing tips online when they don't have a foundation? If I say something I'll just get told the Bible's wrong. How do you witness to family members who only will argue if the discussion comes up?

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Comment by feet breath on June 14, 2013 at 9:25pm

Thank you for the advice,brother. :-)

Comment by Ricprimus on June 14, 2013 at 6:54pm

The best witnessing is by living your life as a daughter of God, first by striving to love God with each moment of the day and constantly trying to improve your faith, and secondly to love others at least, if not more than you love yourself. Show to them that you have learned to be content with your life whether its a good time or a bad time.  At some point they will ask you "why are you so happy", then you can tell them of your faith. Don't ever get trapped in the numbers game of "I saved someone today or I brought three people to God today", or even "I did not": only God Himself through the Holy Spirit can save or cause faith to be born, and it will be on His timeframe, not ours". You can strive to become a tool that God can, and may choose to use in reaching into someone's soul and energizing them to The Truth, but if you do, remember you are the tool, not the master craftsman using the tool. Always remember the way of Our Lord is love and compassion even in dealing with those whose beliefs are different, the other alternative, which should never be the way of a follower of Christ, is persecution, ultimately to kill them. Be a witness by example and pray for them if they have closed their ears, their heart, their mind. 

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