All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

By His grace, I'm learning...


I'm so excited! Let me explain. You may know about what happened yesterday. I came within possibly seconds of meeting Jesus! That's how fast it went. I couldn't process what was happening fast enough. With the speed the blue vehicle coming towards us, that's one reason why the processing was slow for me.


It has so humbled me. I now see things differently. I now want to see Him more than ever now! It's been a humbling experince because it has taught me some things. It has taught me how God is in control, how little I really am...He's just beyond amazing!


How do I explain? I know in this life I'm a nobody to society. It's been that way since I was little. I can't devide properly big numbers (I need a calculator),I can't stand being in a city without another person with me (too much noise from the people and cars-can't stand it)...that and I'm afraid with the traffic we get I'll get hit by a vehicle. I'll probably never get to 5 foot tall (I'm like an inch off from five foot),driving terifys me(I don't drive), and my comprehension isn't the best. 


You may be wondering what I'd like to do if I have so much trouble. There's certain jobs I could really do and enjoy. Working with children (like daycare),working with the sick (like if I could be a nurse) or working with the mentally disabled (like those with downsyndrome). It's hard to get a job though to start me out for certain reasons...Now if it was a nice little country town like Mayberry I'd be willing to try to drive and a job would be alot easier!


Anyways, I know I don't fit in. Jesus will take care of it though. He's gotton me this far,He will take me the rest of the way until I go home. It's actually really humbling. Anyways, yesterday showed me that life and death are truely in His hands. I seem so small, but in a good way. For in reality I really am small when the big picture is looked at.


Let me explain further on. I look upon my life. There's so many instances that I could have died. I understand I'm in His care. He's taken care of me for this long,He will continue to take care of me.


You see, it wasn't only yesterday. It's gone back since before I was born.


You'll probably understand what I mean after looking at the first few pictures. He decided to give me a mom who wouldn't abort me and He let me live despite being a micro-preemie. This is very humbling.


I don't know what it is but He has a purpose for me. And since He gave me that purpose He will make sure His will is done. Everyone has a purpose. I remember on one of the news stations was talking about a young man with downsyndrome, I think he had his own little restaurant or something. That's very encoraging, for it shows every life is precious and worth it.


I'm so humbled I'm eager to go meet my Creator someday.


Put your hand on your chest. What do you feel? Rejoice in the Lord and give Him praise! For He is the reason for your every heart beat and every breath in your body and mine.


I can't wait to meet Jesus! What about you? Rejoice for another day of life! Rejoice even more for you're another second closer to seeing your Redeemer!






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