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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Faith based on evidence of an unseen God

Modern Views on Faith aren't Biblical

Some say that all ideas are equal. The new modern line of thinking is that faith in anything is equal to any other faith and even equal to faith in nothing. Some say that faith in self or faith in human wisdom is enough. Others think we should blindly follow anything that sounds positive and encouraging. Others say that faith is just an impersonal force that is holding things together. But none of these are what God's Word, the Bible teaches.

I have been sharing with an old friend, about the many evidences I see for my continued belief that we live in a God-ordained and God-centered world. [My friend has lost his faith and no longer wants to believe the Bible at all.] He tells me that I have circular thinking and that I should just be satisfied to accept that I can have a blind belief regardless of evidence – and let him have his cynical beliefs that no evidence is ever enough. He says I should “just be okay with accepting any belief, without seeking evidence” and I should leave him to his cynical belief that none of it matters.

God wants us to seek - so that we can find Him

No, I'm actually not okay with that. And for some very specific reasons. That line of thinking is not how God's Word addresses us. God never tells us to blindly accept anything. Through Isaiah, he says “come let us reason together”; To Thomas, Jesus says “come put your finger in my hands, come put your hand in my side”. The Angels said to Mary – “see he is not here.”

To the lost person who cannot find their way, He says in Jeremiah “you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart”. In other words, God reveals Himself when we are sincerely seeking Him, not merely pursuing some petty intellectual curiosity. He desires to answer our sincere pursuit of Him.

When Faith isn't faith

The Biblical meaning of faith and the popular worldy idea of faith are actually diametrically opposed. I no longer accept or live by the worldly definition of “faith”. That is the idea that faith is either merely accepting something or imagining something to be true. That is the world's definition and has sometimes been the Church's definition, but this is NOT at all what Jesus called his disciples to. The word in the New Testament Greek, that Jesus used repeatedly, is “Pisteuo”. Which is to say “trust” or “depend” - it is to say “believe this is true enough to stake your life on it”. This is the word you would use if you were to rappel off a cliff – you would only do so if you believe the rope will hold you. I don't know about you, but whenever I do something like that, I test the rope.

God's word says “taste and see that the Lord is good”. He also says “test me in this and see if I don't...

Both Old and New Testaments claim to speak as the voice of God, calling to us to learn to trust Him, depending on Him and believing He will do what He says he will do. Not to step blindly into the unknown, but to learn to hear how He speaks to us, to obey what He says and trust Him for the outcome of it. To see our lives as not our own, but as a gift from Him to be unpackaged, assembled and used according to His plan. Many people think they are testing God, by doing the will of Satan and then blaming God for the outcome. This is foolishness and will only shipwreck our faith.

God's purpose for our faith

God calls us to heed His Word. Act in obedience to Him, and not to get ahead of Him nor to lag too far behind. When we trust and depend on Him, He will answer that “faith”. And His answers are always amazing.

When we do, we will see God at work. Dare I say miracles happen when we actually step out and trust God? I see them. I live by them. I'm learning more every day that I am not able to live in my own strength, but rather as Jesus said: without Him, I “can do nothing”. Trusting God is not about getting what I want, but about becoming a disciple who will believe and depend on God to do what He says He will do.

God trains us to depend on Him when we learn to follow and obey and expect Him to bring about amazing results. In this way we grow and in this way we become Christ-like. This is His goal for us.

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Comment by Hank Roberts on January 17, 2015 at 10:15am

“When Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and others pray to their god, all of those individuals are actually praying to the same god, but simply using different names for that deity.” 

Well, I guess I would challenge that claim and ask for justification that it is true.  The fact that the statement is "the registered opinion of 4 in 10 Americans" doesn't make it true.  Truth is not determined by popular consent.

Comment by Hank Roberts on January 17, 2015 at 7:59am

"I think you speak of the modern atheist or agnostic."  Probably.  I've had conversations with dozens of people who want to accuse Christians of "believing something they know ain't so", but when challenged simply cannot support their claims that Christian faith is any different from their faith process.

Comment by ScribeD on January 17, 2015 at 12:07am

Thanks Amanda. Hank, I don't disagree with your point. I think you speak of the modern atheist or agnostic. I am speaking of the people who want to use faith as a generic that can have many labels. I'm speaking of the "all roads lead..." crowd, primarily.

Comment by Hank Roberts on January 16, 2015 at 7:35am

Interesting comments, and I think we agree on the real nature of faith, that it is knowledge based on evidence.  I would disagree that the world holds a different view of faith, though some claim this is so.  The fact is that those people have faith just as Christians have faith, in many things outside religion: their doctor, their accountant, their mechanic, their teachers, etc.  They believe those people, or trust them (same word) on the basis of their reputation or their direct experience with those people.  That is exactly what biblical faith describes.

Comment by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on January 16, 2015 at 5:56am

Amen, ScribeD!

Please receive a long-range, cyber space high- five, Bro.

Comment by Leonard T on January 15, 2015 at 11:48am

Well said,

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