New Angels in the Church
In recent years, there has been an ever increasing interest in Angels, especially among church people. More and more you see references to angels in Christian book stores, on greeting cards, bumper stickers and referenced in christian books and magazines.
Along the way, Christians are foolishly buying into a new-ager concept that Angels are teachers and care-givers for humanity. Some now believe we should even pray to angels. Others talk about how angels “love” us.
But, nothing could be further from the truth.
To begin with, nowhere in the 66 books of the Word of God does it tell us Angels love us. Not once. If anything, it indicates that they marvel at God’s love for us. (as if to say “why would He waste His time with these wretched creatures?”). Angels are always depicted as being obedient to God, in faithfully delivering his message or providing protection to His faithful people, according to God’s command.
What Scripture does tell us is to be wary of Angels, to be careful not to be deceived by disobedient Angels, who oppose Christ. In 2 Corinthians 11:14 it is very specific that Satan himself poses as an Angel of light seeking to deceive and confuse people. Indeed the entire chapter warns not to be led astray by deception prompted by the disobedient Angels. From beginning (Genesis) to end (Revelation) the Bible is filled with examples and warnings of how Satan is working to cheat us out of our inheritance by deception, leading people away from Christ toward a false Gospel.
Throughout scripture, it warns us not to be led astray by (disobedient) Angels. It tells us in 1 John 4:1-3 to test the spirits, to be sure they are not the spirit of anti-christ. (aka “another Christ” or a “false Christ”).
Disqualified by angel worship
This is nothing new. Satan isn’t very creative, he just keeps repackaging the same old lies. In Colossians 2:18, Paul warned the church about this very deception, where he said “Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you. Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen; they are puffed up with idle notions by their unspiritual mind.” We can see this very tactic being used today, where people will boast about their spiritual encounters with angelic beings (sometimes referred to as avatars). These people will have great appearance of humility and spirituality, but in truth they do not teach Christ, nor love his Word.
Many major deceptions or false religions will invoke encounters with angels. Mormonism was started when Joseph Smith claims to encounter an angel. Just as Islam is started by Muhammad encountering an angel. If they were liars, it would be bad. If they told the truth and really did have an encounter with an angel it’s even worse – because their messages are clearly NOT from Christ. I’ve read of Hindu gurus having encounters with spirits also, as you will also find that shamans will invoke a spirit or angel. This is nothing to play around with. Demons will come when people call. But, they will not leave.
The false Therapeutic Gospel and Positive Awareness
These days, it is very popular to motivate people and try to repattern their broken thinking; it has taken hold within and without the church. It has an appeal, because so many people have a negative and destructive personal thought process. This new ager type of Gospel seeks to synthesize or syncretize the Gospel of Christ with other messages that seem to offer a positive repatterning of thought process. Yet, when you get to their core, the messages are very self-indulgent and unglodly. Giving a person a positive self image, while leaving them in a sinful and rebellious state of defiance toward God.
So, if we are ambassadors of Christ then we must be very careful not to fall into the trap of the false prophets of old, as in Jeremiah’s day; when those soothe-sayers spoke words of comfort, peace and affirmation to a nation that was disobedient to God. There is one Gospel and one high priest who alone is able to transform people in truth. Christ must be our message. Christ is the only message worthy of our time.
These new ager christians love messages that sound Godly and feel positive. But they do not have the mind of Christ. Their message cannot save, cannot truly transform a life, cannot restore the lost fellowship with God that humanity desperately needs. Let’s not let ourselves become misguided by their appealing and soothing words. For Satan truly does have fallen angels who lurk, seeking to take captive the minds of the weak and un-grounded person.
The Real Guide and Guru
Remember what Hebrews 12:1b-2 says "...let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
We look to Jesus. We need and want no other guide, guru or encourager. Jesus is our all in all. No other is worthy.
Total number of Congregational information:
Rural Congregations - 60,
Tribal Congregations - 40 .
Church Members- - 2500
Orphans - 75
Total widows- - 55
Sunday School children - 1250.
Bible School Students - 20
Three fold purpose : To present Gods word to the world
To praise God for the unsaved gift of salvation through His son Jesus Christ .To
demonstrate Gods love and love of Humanity.
Two fold service: Couple of services we have taken up as Christian service and Social
service, by the will of God through dedication and commitment to the Lords work.
Social Service: 1 Children’s orphanage 15
2. Distribution of clothing, Bibles and Tracts: Team -10
3. Free Computer center for the Poor- Needy. 15
4. Free Tailoring Center for Rural Ladies 25
5. Widows Old age Home. 12
6. Medical Camps for Poor. Villages in Tribal and Rural
7. Help to flood victims, Leprosy- in Flood Time
8. Bible School 20.
Christian Service 1. Church Planting
2. Bible Seminar to-Rural Tribal pastors
3. Bible clubs and Quiz for youth children
4. Up lift of rural students
6. Slum School for poor and needy 100 children
7.Conduct Youth Retreat –For youth
Calendar of Events : We follow our Plan of action to glorify God ,
Through our activities through out calendar year.
Jan - New year greetings + Gospel preaching
Feb - Conventions + crusades
April - Free Computer and Free Tailoring
Visiting Tribal & Rural congregations
May - Gospel to the Un-reached children & VBS
June - Award certificates to all Trainee students
Aug - Helping flood victims and leprosy
Oct - Bible Quiz and Youth Retreats
Nov - Distribution of Bibles, Tracts &Clothing
Dec - Christmas Meet & Greet, Gifts to children
Pray for the needs: Please join us to pray for the following needs.
We ask you prayerfully look at the needs list above if God put it in your heart to
help this Ministry. You pray or uplift one of the projects. Please response with your
love gift to the poor child Matt 10: 42.- Pro 3:27-
With love in Christ from Bro BBRao and Sister Teresa and family From India
Particulars of Staff :
1 Board of Members – 7
2 Computer Teacher- 1 [ S] Ramesh T B.Tech Computers
3 Tailoring Teacher- 1 [ S] Esther Rani
4 Slum School Teachers 4 [V] Prasanthi, Sharon, Karuna and Srilatha
5 CH Home Ayah 1 [S] Venkayamma Bandar
6 CH Home Cook 1 [S] Ratnamma Guntur
7 CH .Home Teacher 1 [V] Mary M
8 CH Home Doctor 1 [V] Dr. Venkata Rao
9 Night School Teacher 1 [V] Prabha Vathi
1O Old- Aged Watch Man-1 [V] Venknna G
11.Bible School Lecturers 3 [S] Ratnam Y B.Th , Victor- BTh, Raju B.Th
12 Bible School Guest Lecturers 2 [V] Rev Nelson M and Rev -Jay Raju
V for : Voluntary—10 S for Salary – 6 Total Staff : 16
Salary given them from the voluntary free will offerings given by Christ like
minded brothers and sisters from India .
Daily Menu/ Tiffen Section For Children Home
Monday - Idly
Tuesday - Pulihari
Wednesday - Upma
Thursday - Bajji
Friday - Ragi Malt
Saturday - Gari
Sunday -Red Upma and Special/Samya
Daily -Morning -Tea/milk
Month Wise food Material Provided to the Hostel children
Food - Rice
Curries: Vegetables - Fish- Mutton – Chicken- Egg
Daily: Butter Milk - Sam bar- In Functions and Festivals Special Meal provided
Snacks: - Biscuits-Bread =Sweet- Hot –Banana- Fruits
Some times the menu may be adjusted according to the food
provisions supplied
IMP Note : For every thing we have a right proof with supporting photos
will be sent to you beloved if you are prayerfully would like to see three
Our vision for the future:
Social Service activities for poor and needy: We need to expand our service
Centers to up lift the poor and needy all are Bible focused activities.
1] Three computer Centers: [ To set up ] Each computer Center needs three computers
Total we need 9 computers Each computer cost 550 dollars,
9 computers x 550 = 4950 dollars
2] Ten Free Tailoring Center: [To set up] Each Tailoring Center needs three machines
Total machines need 30 Machines .Each machine cost 50 dollars
Thirty machines cost 50 x 30 = 1500 dollars
3] [To set up]Ten evening free schools for slum children in 10 Centers :
Three teachers each center needed 10 x 3 = 30 Teachers.
Each Center needs three machines total 30 machines
The cost of each machine 50 dollars.
T he cost of thirty machines for Ten Center 30 x 50 =1500 dollars
Teachers forty at least 400 dollars are required one year
4] [To set up] Ten night School for adults in Ten Centers : Each Night School needs
25 slates 50 note books and 5 packets of slate pencils
The cost of slates 25 x 10 250 slates [and each slate cost 20 rupees
250 slates cost 2500 rupees in dollars 65 dollars] The cost of note
Books and slate pencils other expense 100 dollars for six months
and one year 200 dollars are needed
5] Pastors fellowship once in a month for 50 pastors:
Under our guidance we are plan to conduct pastors fellowship once in a
month for 50 pastors. First Sessions starts from 10 am to 12 Noon
Second session begins 2 pm and ends by 4 pm 12 pm to 2 pm lunch
break We will provide free lunch to fifty pastors and tea will be
arranged who works with us in urban area only.
No travel will be given .Yearly once each will be given new dress
For the fifty pastors and also free bibles and Free tracts were also
presented to the pastors
For fifty pastors expense for lunch and other expense for every month
75 dollars are needed for providing lunch.
For Bibles 50 pastors 125 dollars and in the month of Christmas
Each one has to give one new dress the cost of fifty dresses
at least the lowest price for each dress 300 rupees and 50 pastors
400 dollars are needed .
Medical Camps are conducting for the poor and rural people
We plan to take 250 $ dollars medicines to rural and tribal areas
And freely distribute he medicines to the poor people in the medical camps.
In brief we can asses the total amount for all the activities with number
mention to that extent only. I furnish the following total amount for
all the said activities to run
1] Three computer Centers: 4950 dollars this is the cost of computers
2] Ten Tailoring Centers: 2000 dollars for machines and teacher salary
3] Ten evening schools for slum children: 400 dollars
4] Ten Night School for adults: 200 dollars
5] Pastor Fellowship: 760 dollars for year pastor’s fellowship
6] Free medicines camps for the poor 500 dollars
7] Reaching Jesus to un reached 1000 kids needs 500 $ dollars
Note: Beloved brothers and sisters please stand in prayer with us and do
Support for the unfortunate and helpless and unprivileged people
for the poor and destitute who love the poor love God. To conduct all
the above activities we need 9500 dollars for total expense.
For children Home expense not included the said expense.
We hope and love you and your heart is so kind and generous for your are
aware we bring nothing and we carry nothing from this world if you have
good heart please support us in any activity or program for the glory of god.
Youth Retreats andSocial work for Slum and rural children:
Right on, Bro.
This was a good read, Thank You Scribe.
Remember what Hebrews 12:1b-2 says "...let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
We look to Jesus. We need and want no other guide, guru or encourager. Jesus is our all in all. No other is worthy.
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