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bullying,suicide. It's such a serious matter.

I've been thinking about things. It's actually difficult to comprehend. You hear stories about teen suicide. It's quite tragic that it's becoming so much more common and that it's become part our society.


Teen (and tragicly some under the age of 13) bullying lead to suicide. Bullycide.


How is it possible that we as a society have gotton to this point? This isn't like some kind of disease like lung cancer. People are literally taking their lives because they can't stand the fear and pain anymore.


And I can relate. For I was at that point in my life. Next month will mark 6 years since the big incident with Josh that caused me to spiral into a deep suicidal depression which almost ended my life. Don't get me wrong,it wasn't only him that caused it. It was many years of bullying that finally led up to that cold snowey day in Nov. of 06. Josh was just the one to finally make me snap inside. That's why you should never bully. For you don't know what he/she has been through before. You don't know if your actions will lead up to or actually cause the person to comitt suicide.


I didn't cut but I still inflicted self harm a few different ways. And,yes I did have a few "plans" to finally go through with it. One of those plans I tried on the bus. Thankfully, the busdriver didn't hit her breaks at the time for whatever reason.


I watched on youtube 'To Save A Life" Trailer. I don't know if I'm allowed to link though because the movie I think is PG 13. I can relate. The teasing,tripping,throwing stuff in hair (gum and paper clips). It got to the point my aunt and uncle had to take me in 6th grade to a hair styling place to try and straighten my hair (which didn't last). "Nappy hair" is what one boy liked to call me especially in 7th grade. I also remember people liked to comment and said I had a mustashe.


I have a blog, the first draft still needs edited. Not sure if blogs are allowed to be linked. I want to make youtube videos saying what's happened. I don't want to sef-pity anymore. Jesus,please forgive me when I fall into that pit trap. I want to help others. I want others to know that there is hope and life in Jesus. He will help them. Suicide isn't the answer.


I can relate and I know I'm still here for a reason. I just hope Jesus uses me to help others who's now suffering from being bullied,wanting to comitt suicide.



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Comment by feet breath on October 23, 2012 at 9:06pm

You see that's what I've done for most of my life. I've bottled up the pain. My very first memory of being bullied was when I was 4 on the playground. Unless of course you count being snubbed at 3 by the girl across the street on her little trike or whatever she had. Weird thing is when I got older like junior high/high school she was one of the ones who bullied me.


Anyways, when I was 4 I got punched in the nose. It was by the hopscotch. It had to of been around winter or close to it for I had a big gray coat on. Mom wasn't happy. When I left with her to go to the dentist my nose started pouring blood. I should take into consideration though that he was disabled,special needs. I could never figure out though why I'm the one he picked to punch.


I've held alot in. I cried in 4th grade when Ms. Nibby (who was really a boy, I didn't know that than though)was laying on my bed. He died three days after my 11th birthday. He died on March 12th,2003. It was sometime after our black cat or our black and white cat died (both posioned) that I really started to harden. I didn't cry as much than.


I remember, I think it was 3rd grade. "Harold" teased me while we were walking across the street after school. I remember thinking how I can't take this anymore. So, I wacked him with my windbreaker. I didn't get suspended but some woman had a talk with me. That was a warning sign that I couldn't take the bullies anymore. They apparently didn't notice it though. So, I just bottled the pain up again. That "worked" until a cold,snowey Nov. day in 06. I remember what he said. "You're so dead. I'm going to stab you with this pencil! Just wait until I get you out onto the street aloine." The bottle top came off that day and I ended up going into a deep depression. That almost cost me my life. And the real tragic thing is I know I wouldn't have went to Heaven. Jesus saved me years later at the end of May, 2010.

Comment by ribbon on October 23, 2012 at 8:35pm

I agree feetbreeze these things are serious. Im glad you are wanting to help these kids. Hey you mentioned that you didnt want to self pity anymore.  I think there is a difference of needing to talk about your hurts than self pitying.  I believe if someone keeps there pain bottled up and never release it it could lead to either worse pain or suicide. I would share with you some of my school days but maybe someother time...for now i feel discouraged. Lots of damage can be caused just by others mean words. I am sorry that you were mistreated.... it will be good to see you telling these young hurting kids about your Jesus. =D


Comment by feet breath on October 23, 2012 at 5:27pm

I said

She doesn't get picked on,does she?

I meant your daughter doesn't get picked on,right?

Comment by feet breath on October 23, 2012 at 5:26pm

Sadly, I learned a very painful lesson. I couldn't say anything like that to people. For whenever I tried to defend myself that'd make them bully even more. Thankfully, I'm out of school (since 2011,May) and now I can tell my story.

She doesn't get picked on,does she?

I also remember another girl had an obsession with asking if I shaved my legs in junior high. What was really sad was we were friends. Sometimes she'd pick on me. I'm no perfect angel though. I was very childish. I remember that I liked to get little items like fancy pens to tease/show off with. To show "I've got it and you don't." I was very inmature.

And sometimeshe'd say "You're not my friend anymore." Other times "You're my best friend." I'm glad she didn't get picked on alone though. We both got picked on alot in junior high. We had to of been two of the most disliked girls in our classes in junior high. Please pray for Ann (especially her salvation.) I don't know how she's doing right now. Haven't seen her since graduation.

Poor thing tried to fit in with the other girls. That is sad. You never try to "fit in" with those who will probably bully you. :sighs:

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