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bullying,suicide. It's such a serious matter.

I've been thinking about things. It's actually difficult to comprehend. You hear stories about teen suicide. It's quite tragic that it's becoming so much more common and that it's become part our society.


Teen (and tragicly some under the age of 13) bullying lead to suicide. Bullycide.


How is it possible that we as a society have gotton to this point? This isn't like some kind of disease like lung cancer. People are literally taking their lives because they can't stand the fear and pain anymore.


And I can relate. For I was at that point in my life. Next month will mark 6 years since the big incident with Josh that caused me to spiral into a deep suicidal depression which almost ended my life. Don't get me wrong,it wasn't only him that caused it. It was many years of bullying that finally led up to that cold snowey day in Nov. of 06. Josh was just the one to finally make me snap inside. That's why you should never bully. For you don't know what he/she has been through before. You don't know if your actions will lead up to or actually cause the person to comitt suicide.


I didn't cut but I still inflicted self harm a few different ways. And,yes I did have a few "plans" to finally go through with it. One of those plans I tried on the bus. Thankfully, the busdriver didn't hit her breaks at the time for whatever reason.


I watched on youtube 'To Save A Life" Trailer. I don't know if I'm allowed to link though because the movie I think is PG 13. I can relate. The teasing,tripping,throwing stuff in hair (gum and paper clips). It got to the point my aunt and uncle had to take me in 6th grade to a hair styling place to try and straighten my hair (which didn't last). "Nappy hair" is what one boy liked to call me especially in 7th grade. I also remember people liked to comment and said I had a mustashe.


I have a blog, the first draft still needs edited. Not sure if blogs are allowed to be linked. I want to make youtube videos saying what's happened. I don't want to sef-pity anymore. Jesus,please forgive me when I fall into that pit trap. I want to help others. I want others to know that there is hope and life in Jesus. He will help them. Suicide isn't the answer.


I can relate and I know I'm still here for a reason. I just hope Jesus uses me to help others who's now suffering from being bullied,wanting to comitt suicide.



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Comment by feet breath on October 27, 2012 at 4:52pm

All, I got the wrong name. I found the verse Acts 19:24 Artimitis or something like that.


King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, which made silver shrines for Diana, brought no small gain unto the craftsmen;

Some translations say Artimius others say Diana. I thought it was Venus, I must have been mistaken. Paul and the others had to deal with those false gods. Zeus is their "ultimate" god.

Comment by ribbon on October 27, 2012 at 3:21pm

I do remember hearing about Herculies before. I think he was the one who was big buff and strong. BUt thats all i remember about him. I dont remember the disney movie you are talking about. I did remember reading the book of acts a very long time ago but dont remember much about it . Thank you for lettng me know who Zeus is.

Comment by feet breath on October 25, 2012 at 12:46pm

He's one of the greek "gods". Remember Herculies from the Disney movie? He was part of the greek myths. Zeus was their main "god". Paul and the other apostles had to face greek religion of false gods. Have you heard of...I think it may have been Venus. I'm not sure though. Paul went and destroyed the greek idols and I think the alter to Venus may have been one of them. I haven't read the book of Acts as much as the gospels so I'm only going by what I can remember.

Comment by ribbon on October 24, 2012 at 10:59pm

I thought zeus was  the cat which was in the cat in the hat story book.  The guys name is Robin. Its nice you want to pray for him.

Comment by feet breath on October 24, 2012 at 8:41pm
Here's my blog. I want to work on the gospel on there since that's finished. It's suppose to share Jesus love with those who are suicidal, women who have aborted/thinking about it and JWs.

God truely has turned what they meant for evil for good. Now the things they did to cause harm God can use to encourge someone to know he/she isn't alone.
Comment by feet breath on October 24, 2012 at 8:31pm
Well, in high school I knew He wasn't Zeus but I did in elementary and I think atleast 6th grade.
Comment by feet breath on October 24, 2012 at 8:30pm
I know kind of what you mean about knowing about God growing up. I knew He existed. Sadly, in my mind, I pictured God as Zeus. Why? Because in elementary,junior high and high school I kept hearing about greek myths and the "god" Zeus. I knew Jesus existed. I didn't know He was God though. I remember when I was a little girl I looked out the kitchen window thinking. "I'm waiting on dad,like I'm waiting on Jesus." I don't know if dad had to stay a day or two because of his job or what. So, I'm not sure why I thought that. I remember when I was like 3 or 4. I was sitting at the breakfast/lunch table with some kids. Chakara wanted to say a prayer. I got furious saying "God is not my father!" I really misunderstood what she was saying. Please pray for Chakara I think she ended up being an athiest or something.

I've seen some people a few times while dad drove past the college. I'm not sure how many of them were the bullies though. For I mainly just remember quickly seeing some people from my old school. Brea used to bully me. She ended up being nice though. Chaz bullied me in junior high. He ended up being nicer after he got to high school. I don't see the bullies though. Aside from a few times glancing at some old school mates (some who probably weren't even bullies) I don't see them anymore. There is good news though. One of the nicer girls,Sammy, goes to my church. I found that out last Sunday.

What's his name? I could pray for him. But, yeah we don't know where they have been. I visited a couple friends' houses when we were in junior high. They had it bad at their homes. If they had it that bad than who knows what goes on with the bullies.

Char, atleast if she doesn't have to deal with bullies than that's a plus. I don't wish that nighmare on anybody.

It's ok friend. :hugs:
Comment by ribbon on October 23, 2012 at 10:51pm

Thank you Feetbreeze, The picture does cheer me up. Made my night =D. 


Im so glad that you didnt succeed in your suicide attempt. I understand as many do what you went through in school. Kids can be soooo mean and cruel. Even kids who are being hurt will hurt someone else. Especially now days. These days are so scary. I had restroom fears too but for different reasons than yours. ...I may tell you someday. Its been a lot of years since I've been in school. It doesnt bother me now like it did. Its just when someone has a life time of abuse and thats all they knew .. theyre going to acted like a whooped pup and not know how else to act. Kinda like instead of God being the potter and the person the clay. Its like the monsters the potter. Good thing Jesus came isnt it. Its weird... when i was growing up i didnt know much about Jesus. I only knew there was a God and He was all powerful and He could strike you dead if he wanted to. No wonder he tuned me out. Sorry .... back to here and now. Do you see any of these girls now? I am much older than you.. so the mean kids in my past are now grwn old people.  Once a woman came to me and asked me why didnt i like her boyfriend. I told her it didnt matter I just didnt. She told me he was so sweet and he couldnt figure out why i didnt like him. She said he wanted to know too. I didnt tell him i didnt like him , he just could tell. Finally I told her how cruel he was in school to me. Later another night the woman came to me and said he wasnted to talk to me. I was mean to her and said big deal i could care less. But she talked me into it. He was a bartender and I was hoping to get a free drink so I went to him. Feetbreeze, he apologized and told me he really couldnt remember. He then told me that he was having a rough time plus he was taking drugs. His apology seemed sinseer. He looked like he was about to cry. Anyway i guess what im trying ti say is maybe there are people who have been cruel to you and others whom are sorry too. This guy i just told you about is always in and out of jail and i heard still on drugs now. In another psot in the forums they are talking about how we dont know where these people have been , what kind of life they had. I think thats what they meant. I would never say its ok to be cruel if life sucks  but i do know what they mean. Thank you  for sharing and please continue if you want. I hope i dont say anything to you that seems uncaring though. I do care.

Comment by feet breath on October 23, 2012 at 9:52pm

Friend, only tell what happened when you feel you're ready. :hugs:

Your discourged? I hope this picture chears you up!

Comment by feet breath on October 23, 2012 at 9:49pm

One thing I still have trouble with is fear of the restroom. Jesus is helping me to not have as much fear. It just gets bad when I see someone already in there. I physically can't go if someone is already in the restroom.


I remember when the girls made fun of me. I was probably in 6th or 7th grade. I was in the stall. I heard. "What's your name? Do you even have a name?" :giggle,giggle,giggle: In 7th grade,I think it was end of the year. I remember someone asking who it was (I was coming out/about to come out of the stall). The other girl said "Oh, it's little [insert my name]. She sounded like in a teasing voice.


I know it's not her fault. I think this helped effect me though. Kayla opened up the door (which was broken I think) to the stall. I was in that stall...


I had a horrible fear of telling teachers I had to go use the restroom. I learned who to trust/who not to too much. Why was I scared? I watched how they treated other kids.


1.If I asked and got denied my hope would be lost. I'd be at risk of wetting myself for I would have given up hope in that class.


2.If I asked too much I may get told this,like I heard this said in 4th period homec in 9th grade. A girl asked. She got told she could go but she can't ask anymore for she asked too much.


I remember Mr. F. in 8th grade,I asked him quite a bit. He said something like this one time "This is break time. Not potty time." I went back to sit with my friend. He eventually said I could go.


I tried only asking once a week from each teacher. That didn't work out so well at times. Thankfully, God put nursing and my 3rd period class in 12th grade (I went to go run notes to students). They let me go alot.


In 1st period nursing I kind of had to sneak. I remember we were told atleast once we weren't allowed to go into the nursing bathroom. We had to go into the other one. They didn't listen and neither did I. So, I tried to sneak when the teachers weren't looking. It was bad though when a bunch of girls were in there...


I remember we weren't allowed to go into a certain restroom at lunch. That one was better (sometimes that is) because there wasn't as many people (the other bathroom turned out ok atleast at times). I prayed for Jesus' protection and snuck off when the staffs' heads were turned. He got me through it. Thankfully, if I couldn't go at lunch the calligraphy teacher was nice about using the restroom in 7th period. Sadly, there was some girls who did get caught sneaking. :shudders: I remember the big woman who went after them... :0(


It was really bad when we only had like so many restroom passes for that class (I think it may have been ether every 9 or 18 weeks it'd get renewed). Not all classes were like that. But, I think for 9 weeks each kid only had like so many chances to leave the class (I think it may have been 3 for biology). After 18 weeks we'd ether be finished with school if 2nd semester or change classes (or stay,all depends). I remember someone who taught art. I think we had 5 (not sure if the chances got renewed or not after 9 weeks) chances with her.


I was so scared I'd hold it for 45 minutes,possibly an hour. That was very common of me to do...It was bad when I'd ask, go in the restroom and someone would be in there. I'd think "Well, my chance is up this week." I didn't like asking more than once a week when I could.


I remember also the risk if a person took too long they may be told they're not allowed to ask to go again. I also remember someone in 10th grade math (it was a block class 7th and 8th) someone told us he heard someone using the restroom...that didn't help.


I also remember a few times girls mentioning if another girl took too long. They'd say she was taking a...let's be polite and say number 2 (they didn't say that). I was teriffied they'd say that about me. So, I ether got to go and if I took too long I'd go back holding it.


I remember my 8th period anatomy class in 12th grade. She said we could go. She wasn't giving us a pass though. And if we got caught that's on us. What was really bad was one time when she had us do something for class. We had to drink water and eat something. The partner would listen to the other's stomach. Problem. I already had to go really bad. I didn't want to drink water...that was like torture. One girl tried to comfort me though. I barely drank any water. What else could I do? Strangly, my partner never listened to my stomach. What was the point of the water than? x_x Jesus got me through it though.


I remember I didn't drink much water at school even if the water fountain was right there. Another time I remember, I was in 11th,she in 12th. I came out of the stall. She asked something like "Did I give you permission to use the restroom/wash your hands?" [I forget which one she mentioned]. I was so teriffied to go in that bathroom for awhile.


I also remember in that same bathroom some girls. Amy wanted to know if I wanted to go to the mall (I think it may have been to go on Fri.,not sure). The other girl knew mom wouldn't let me though. Keep in mind Amy was a bully. Mom thinks I may never have came back if I would have went with them. 


In junior high I remember, I think there may have been someone with me, what happened. I remember we were attacked with balls one time in gym class. I think that caused my fear of getting hit with a ball. I played vollyball in gym class in 10th grade. For awhile that was quite teriffying...I think it lightened up atleast somewhat though.

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