All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

November 2011 Blog Posts (130)

thankgiving life

we are in an era whereby as Christians we should wear this consciousness of thanking God every minute of the day to appreciate God for His manifold blessings no matter our circumstances.we should learn to count our blessings and bless His Holy name and from there we will realise how God will step into our case and bring about a turn around that can only be done by a true God.

Added by rabiu olabisi ibukunoluwa on November 7, 2011 at 1:26am — No Comments

the Love of Jesus

The Power in the Love of Jesus, is as no other. If you think it’s the opposite is hate you are wrong. If you think the love we have for each other is similar, to the Love He has for us, you would be wrong.

There is no other Love, as the Love He has for us. It is or it is not. The opposite of His Love is, nothing. It is not balanced against… Continue

Added by a servant (Chris) on November 6, 2011 at 2:20pm — No Comments

The Perfect Time is not...

The Perfect time is not is hours, days, or years. No, the perfect time is, when your heart and the hearts of the others it will effect are, prepared and ready to receive from God. We think so often, “well it must not of been time yet for that.” That “time” is not marked as we see time but, as God sees time. When all parties are able to take possession, able to assume responsibility for what they are standing on His Word… Continue

Added by a servant (Chris) on November 5, 2011 at 10:21am — No Comments

...some knock-off version

If for but once, be who you really are. Who you were and are to be. Not who you think you should be. Not what looks on the surface smooth yet, below and inside turmoil rages. But, who you are truly are. As long as your heart is bent towards Jesus, to His Love you will be fine. For what is not correct, will be corrected by the Spirit of God. In these parameters, the Holy Ghost is able to show us what is and is not,… Continue

Added by a servant (Chris) on November 4, 2011 at 5:19pm — No Comments

the key and address to...

Many things come pounding on the gates. More still, are even demanding that the outside doors be opened. As you only just make your way out, you have no where to go. So you run to the only place that makes any sense, your most trusted friend house. You begin to tell them of all you have just gone through and witnessed. In mid sentence they turn, your heart starts to feel betrayed. “I thought you would understand.. “ you…


Added by a servant (Chris) on November 4, 2011 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

ZION TRAIN: The Heavens Opened (Part 6)

The Heavens Opened (Part 6)

By Anna Rountree


The Former Outpouring:

Another angel on the platform spoke. “That which occurred during the last great outpouring of the Spirit for healing was very painful to all of us.” They shook their heads, sadly looking at one another.

“Corruption crept in,” another said, “elusive sin by elusive sin. Finally, most had corrupted the gift beyond the recognition of those of us who were serving…


Added by Pastor Joe Olotu Stephen on November 4, 2011 at 8:28am — No Comments

Break through with the Word of God

It was mostly dark, save for a porch light where she stood; it was cold, and most students were sitting on the grass … they did not care, they just wanted to be together.  This was the night Alex was to share her God story, tough as it was, with her peers.  ‘Tough?’  you ask.  Yes, ‘see whether someone grew up bounced in and out of foster…


Added by Christine on November 4, 2011 at 8:15am — No Comments

Another Voice in the Choir

Friday, November 4, 2011…


Added by Tigner on November 4, 2011 at 6:38am — No Comments

Eph 6:10 -18 Spiritual strength and courage is needed in Warfare

 Spiritual strength and courage are needed for our spiritual warfare and suffering. Those who would prove themselves to have true grace, must aim at all grace; and put on the whole armor of God, which he prepares and bestows. The Christian armor is made to be worn; and there is no putting off our armor till we have done our warfare, and finished our course. The combat is not against human enemies, nor against our own corrupt nature only; we have to do with an enemy who has a thousand ways of…


Added by Christopher Kendall on November 4, 2011 at 3:22am — No Comments

Desiring to Live according to His Will

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank You for this day & especially for the gift of life in me & for putting in me the desire to Obey You, Love You, live for You and Fear You according to Your Will (Eph 1:3-5). Heavenly Father, I know it is Your Will that I pursue Love, desire spiritual gifts, especially to prophesy and to interpret tongues (1 Corinth 14 1- 18). So Father in Jesus' Name I ask You for this You Will to be Done in my life to the Glory of Your name for the edification of… Continue

Added by Sheena Odogari on November 3, 2011 at 9:09pm — No Comments


This just HIT me once again and I thank God for

always reminding and teaching me how to really

FOLLOW HIM. And I just want this to share as well to you.

Thank You Jesus! The GLORY, HONOR and PRAISES to YOU JESUS!


Luke 14:25-33

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Being a Disciple
(Matthew 10.37,38)…

Added by Ella on November 3, 2011 at 6:45pm — No Comments

Brothers keeper

...God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing that heaven has to offer. Eph 1:3

Through the blood of his Son, we are set free from our sins. God forgives our failures because of his overflowing kindness. He poured out his kindness by giving us every kind of wisdom and insight, when he revealed the mystery of his plan to us. He had decided to do this through Christ. Eph 1:7-9…


Added by a servant (Chris) on November 3, 2011 at 5:55pm — 1 Comment

What Has Man Done for Me?

I've seen the backs of men many times

As they turn away from me

But I've yet to see Jesus' back…


Added by marty mccrorey on November 3, 2011 at 10:03am — 2 Comments

Paul's love for Timothy. Philippians 2.19-24

Paul’s love for Timothy.  Philippians 2.19-24

Have you ever read someone else’s letter?  Of course, you have.  Entire books of letters by noteworthy folks are best-sellers … why?  They give us insight as to the individuals’ thinking and heart.…


Added by Christine on November 3, 2011 at 7:44am — No Comments

Destiny Service

Just want to let us all know that as Christians we are in destiny service apart from our choice vocation or discpline (Career).it is all about network and we are sent to people to make a difference in their lives wherever God has placed us.this should be our focus every step of the way because our Father in heaven is counting on my bid and yours.this is simply the great commission and we should also add the great commandment to it so that side by side our Lords name will be glorified.

Added by rabiu olabisi ibukunoluwa on November 3, 2011 at 7:15am — 1 Comment

being a Christian

Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin. God lifts you up, takes you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. He opens you up, touches you deep inside and scoops out all the yucky stuff— including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see.


Added by Jean on November 3, 2011 at 6:46am — 2 Comments


Greatest man in history, named Jesus, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him… He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.

Added by Jean on November 3, 2011 at 6:46am — 1 Comment

There are many Christians in the world.

Sadly, it seems that the true ones are few. We’re to take a stand. Are we setting the standard? Or are we letting the world’s standards take over us? LET’S TAKE A STAND! WE ARE STANDARD-BEARERS! We live in the truth and not in lies. Come on! We can do this! ^__^

Added by Jean on November 3, 2011 at 4:42am — 1 Comment

God never lies!



 A king who did not believe in the goodness of God, had a slave who, in all circumstances, said: My king, do not be discouraged, because everything God does is perfect, no mistakes!



Added by Liz on November 3, 2011 at 3:00am — 1 Comment

may I have just a minute

It can not be weighed, yet we are weighed against it. It can not be bought, but many would give all they had, for more. Of course I speak of time. We are given all that we have, we are accountable for it’s use. When so many things feel out of our control, our attitude in how we spend time is not. The Joy of the Lord is our Strength. We all have things that we must do. Obligations and responsibilities demand our attention, as… Continue

Added by a servant (Chris) on November 2, 2011 at 8:53pm — No Comments

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