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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The Heavens Opened (Part 6)

By Anna Rountree


The Former Outpouring:

Another angel on the platform spoke. “That which occurred during the last great outpouring of the Spirit for healing was very painful to all of us.” They shook their heads, sadly looking at one another.

“Corruption crept in,” another said, “elusive sin by elusive sin. Finally, most had corrupted the gift beyond the recognition of those of us who were serving them.”

“Mankind may be deceived by outward show,” another angel said, “but we saw all that happened. God is not mocked.”

They paused a moment; the gravity of that which had occurred was still painful to them.

The first angel spoke again. “In this coming revival the gift will be so widespread that the corruption due to pride and power is less likely to occur.”

To his statement, another angel added, “But watch for these: pride, the lust for power, greed, and sexual lust.”

“It will not be the lesser demons you will need to battle, but demons as strong as you and rabidly determined because the time is short,” the first angel said. “We’ll turn the meeting over to Chabburah again,” he concluded.

The angels seated in the auditorium stood before the angels on the platform and blew toward them. I supposed that this was some form of a standing ovation.

“Thank you,” they smiled.

Chabburah spoke to them briefly. Then they left the platform. Chabburah came to the center of the platform. “Remember, these friends will be available to answer questions and assist, not only now, but when the revival begins.”

The other angels were touching the angels with stripes as the latter walked through the crowd. As they passed, they saw me and acknowledged Clara. The last angel stopped before me. “Hello, Ann,” he said, touching my right shoulder. He looked into my eyes and then looked at Clara, smiled, and left.

“Stretch a bit,” Chabburah said, “for Ann has come to be with us.”


Preparing To Teach:

Clara began to move us to the front of the auditorium. The angels smiled as we passed. They were moving about and talking among themselves.

Chabburah was waiting for us on the platform, smiling, following us with his eyes. “There you are, Ann,” he said effusively.

“This was very quick,” Clara remarked.

“She was about to ask you questions,” he shook his finger at me, as one would to tease a child. “Come over here,” he added. “I have seats for you both. Sit down and make yourselves comfortable.”

Then he turned to the auditorium. “All right, take your seats,” he said to those who were talking. “You can talk later.” He gestured toward me. “Ann is with us. She has graciously accepted an invitation to answer any questions you might have concerning her or humans in general.”

I tugged at Chabburah’s robe. “I don’t know everything,” I whispered to him.

Everyone laughed.

He smiled, “We know you don’t know everything. We don’t either, so we’re all in good company. I’ll just step back over here and let you begin.”


Teaching The Angels:

I did not know how I expected the meeting to be conducted, but I certainly did not expect to be handed “the floor.” I was stiff as I began. “In the first place, it is such a blessing for me to be able to assist you. Hmmm...” I did not know where to start, so I just jumped in. “Well, most people on earth do not believe in divine healing.”

A mumble ran through the auditorium.

I continued, “Even those who are saved have a difficult time believing.”

There was a very loud reaction. The amazement was such that I looked at Chabburah. He urged me to proceed.

“Even those who have seen divine healing have difficulty believing all the time.”

There was general, loud alarm throughout the auditorium.

“Hold it down,” Chabburah said. Then to me he said, “Why don’t you suggest that they ask you questions?”

“Would you like to ask questions?” I asked rather meekly.


Angelic Questions:

An angel rose from his seat and spoke loudly, “Don’t they believe the Word?”

“The unbelievers don’t, of course. Some believers do, but many believers really do not.”

There was a stunned silence in the auditorium. I looked at Chabburah. “Give them time, Ann,” he said. “They’re shocked.”

“Some believers, you see, think that parts of the Bible do not apply today, that certain sections were for long ago,” I said.

An angel near the platform said in a normal voice that carried because of the silence, “But the Word says that The Eternal is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Why would they consider the Word apart from Him? He is the Word.”

There was a great deal of general agreement among the angels.

“Well,” I shrugged and laughed, “They do.”

“Do you?” another asked.

“I believe in healing, and I believe that the Lord promises health and that He has paid for healing for believers, but I do not understand it.”

“It is a covenant promise,” another angel said, rising from his seat. “By His stripes He has knit you back or mended or joined you again to Him who is divine health. It is sure.”

“But often people are sick,” I said.

Another angel rose. “It’s a covenant promise, as has been said. One needs to abide in Christ.”

“Of course, if a person deliberately abuses his earthly vessel…, ’’another said.

“Forgiveness needs to be absolute,” another added without standing. “Break the knitting together with Christ, and some sort of illness will result.”

“As night follows day,” they all said. You could tell they were members of a class. They all laughed.

I interjected, “But most who will receive this gift will not be abiding by the covenantal agreements won by Jesus. How can this be?”


Again they all laughed, responding in unison, “Grace.”

Chabburah explained, “There is coming an outpouring of grace as the Holy Spirit moves in power in the coming revival.” As he spoke to me, he added, “Are you tiring, Ann?”

“Yes, this is all so much,” I chuckled wistfully.

“Students,” Chabburah said, “that is enough for today. Let’s stand and give Ann a big hand.” The angels stood and cheered as they clapped. “All right, all right,” he said, “settle down. You’re dismissed.” He turned to me, “Thank you, Ann. That was wonderful. These students thought they could not be shocked again.”

“Why didn’t they blow toward me as they did toward the angels who were here before me?” I asked.

He gave a mighty laugh. “It might have killed you,” he said.

“They were passing the breath of God to them. That’s the highest compliment they could pay the angels who were lecturing. The angels, being spirit as they are, could receive it. They breathed it in. The breath was as food to them. Although you are in spirit here, some experiences would be beyond your capacity at present.”

He put one hand behind Clara and one hand behind me as we started down the steps to leave. I could tell that he was strengthening me as we walked. At the bottom of the steps stood two blond angels.


The Twins:

“Chabburah,” one said, “we’d like to meet Ann.”

“Of course,” he said with great understanding, almost tenderly. “Ann, these are the angels whom the Lord has assigned to you for the revival.”

These angels looked seven feet tall, young, eighteen to twenty years old; they appeared identical. “You look like twins,” I said.

“Yes,” the other said, “I’m Rapha, and he’s Raphashanah.” Raphashanah said, “Thank you for sharing with us. We need as much understanding as possible before we are on the job.”

“Thank you for saying that:’ I said. “I became tired, and Chabburah felt that was enough.”

“It was most helpful,” said Rapha.

“I’ll be taking classes; maybe we could talk more then,” I added.

They looked at Chabburah. He nodded yes. “Yes,” they smiled broadly, “we’ll talk more then.”

“You students are going to miss your next class if you don’t hurry,” Chabburah said to them.

“Very well,” they smiled, “we’ll see you later:’ and ran off.

“I’m staying here, Clara,” Chabburah said. “And thank you, Ann. That was most helpful. Now, don’t forget, we’ll send a page to you when class is to begin.”

“I’ll be ready,” I said as I hugged him. I had never hugged an angel. They do not feel exactly the same as flesh and blood on earth. Not as solid, I suppose is the best way to express it, but substantial.

“See you later, Clara,” he said.

“Yes:’ she replied.

“Good-bye,” we both said, and we started to walk away from the platform. Suddenly we were at the back of the auditorium and exiting the doors. By stepping onto the path, we were quickly quite a distance from the two buildings.

 (To be continued)

* I would like you to pray this prayer right away, if you want Jesus to come into your heart:


Heavenly Father, I come to You admitting that I am a sinner (Romans 3:23). Right now I choose to turn away from sin, and I ask you to cleanse me, by Your blood, of all unrighteousness. I believe that Your Son, Jesus, died on the cross to take away all my sins.


I also believe that He rose again from the dead so that I may be justified and made righteous through faith in Him (Romans 6:23). I call upon the name of Jesus Christ, to be the Savior and Lord of my life (Acts 2:21). Dear Lord, I choose to follow You, and I ask that you fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:3).


I hereby renounce the power of Satan and sin over my life, declaring that I am now a born-again child of God (Romans 10:9-10). I am free from sin and full of the righteousness of God, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

If you just prayed this prayer by faith, the Word of God has promised that you are now BORN AGAIN! (II Corinthians 5:17). Welcome to the Kingdom of God! Now you have brothers and sisters all around the world. This is the most important decision that you have ever made. Take full advantage of it. Don't go back into the world. The world leads to death, but the fear of God leads to eternal life. At each moment you need to live like it is the last day, and the last time of your life.

Four steps will help you to grow in faith and grace:
1. Read the Bible (I Peter 2:2)
2. Pray (Romans 12:12)
3. Attend Church (Hebrews 10: 25)
4. Share Christ with others (II Corinthians 5:18-20)

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