All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The Heavens Opened (Part 5)

By Anna Rountree


Healing Angels

The warehouse was large, as large as the auditorium we had just left and as white as a “clean room” at a research facility. It seemed unusually bright in the building, as though the contents were either preserved or incubated in light.

‘This building holds an inventory of available parts of the human body,” Clara said.

There were bins upon bins of parts of all colors and sizes.


The Warehouse Workers:

Angels in white were working inside. These angels were the size of humans and had no wings. Each wore an arm band with the same red cross on it. One of these angels walked over to us. “We’re pleased that you have come to visit the Parts Department, Ann.”

“How do you know me?” I asked.

“We know everyone slated for the gift of healing:’ he smiled. “You need to know that these are available.”

He walked with us down the wide, center aisle. As I looked at the bins, I wondered what it might be like to have the gift of healing for the remainder of my life. Through the written Word, Jesus commands us to heal the sick and raise the dead, but I was not among those through whom He was fulfilling His own command consistently. Healing seemed as general a commission to Christians as “Go ye. . . ,“ but many of us saw little of the early church’s power to heal physically. I had always made excuses for others and myself, but secretly, I wondered why.

The angel continued, “We’re ready here. The Lord has made ample provision. Please enjoy your tour.”

“We will,” Clara said.

“Yes,” I said, somewhat distractedly.

He bowed slightly from the waist and stepped backward before returning to his work.


The Page:

There were so many questions I wanted to ask Clara. Suddenly a piece of paper floated before our eyes and paused in the air. It read, “Please return to the annex.” Then it zipped away.

“This is sooner than I thought,” Clara said.

We turned and began to walk toward the door of the warehouse. In hushed tones I said, “Oh, Clara, this is getting really exciting. I’m going to be able to help these angels. What an honor... what a gift!”

“Yes,” she agreed.

“And just think, I might see some of these angels with other people during the revival,” I mused.

We exited the warehouse and began to cross to the annex.

I was reiterating to myself, “… to assist angels.” Then I addressed Clara again, “…because you angels are so helpful to us, but rarely do we get the opportunity to help you.”

She gave a wise smile that seemed to indicate that this was not true but did not want to dampen my enthusiasm.


Angels Who Have Their Stripes:

We entered the annex. Again a crowd of angels filled the room. A group of angels was on the platform. They wore no arm bands but had red stripes up and down the sleeves of their garments. We stood in the back of the hall.

“These are angels who have their stripes:’ Clara said. “The Lord assigned them to believers during the last healing revival.”

“There aren’t many of them,” I said.

Clara sighed, “No, only a few on earth were given the gift of healing in great measure. These believers were meant to train the many; instead, most of them erected tents and held the gift for themselves. The gift was used, but since they did not train others, it was corrupted and became a means of enriching themselves personally.”

She glanced out over the large auditorium and smiled as she continued, “This roomful is only one group of trainees. Others are at other levels of training; some have their stripes already and are beginning to join those to whom the Lord assigned them. Many of the redeemed on earth have been taking a correspondence course, most without knowing it. The believer needs to complete the course before he receives the two assigned angels. So, everyone is in training right now, aren’t they?”

“Is this correspondence course the same that I’ll take?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said. “It is study concerning healing in the Word.” She then turned her attention to the angels on the platform.

There was a great deal of light coming from these angels. One was speaking. “The Lord wishes those of us who were used in the last revival to hold a reunion on earth before the beginning of this outpouring of the Holy Spirit. You might say that we are bringing closure to that which was. We are being honored by the reunion being the commencement celebration that will usher in the next great move of our God for healing.”

Another of the veteran angels interjected, “We know what your next question will be: ‘When?”

There was a chuckle of laughter from the trainees. “We don’t know when, but the Lord has said, ‘Soon.” I whispered to Clara, “What beautiful angels.”“Yes,” she said.

 (To be continued)

* I would like you to pray this prayer right away, if you want Jesus to come into your heart:


Heavenly Father, I come to You admitting that I am a sinner (Romans 3:23). Right now I choose to turn away from sin, and I ask you to cleanse me, by Your blood, of all unrighteousness. I believe that Your Son, Jesus, died on the cross to take away all my sins.


I also believe that He rose again from the dead so that I may be justified and made righteous through faith in Him (Romans 6:23). I call upon the name of Jesus Christ, to be the Savior and Lord of my life (Acts 2:21). Dear Lord, I choose to follow You, and I ask that you fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:3).


I hereby renounce the power of Satan and sin over my life, declaring that I am now a born-again child of God (Romans 10:9-10). I am free from sin and full of the righteousness of God, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

If you just prayed this prayer by faith, the Word of God has promised that you are now BORN AGAIN! (II Corinthians 5:17). Welcome to the Kingdom of God! Now you have brothers and sisters all around the world. This is the most important decision that you have ever made. Take full advantage of it. Don't go back into the world. The world leads to death, but the fear of God leads to eternal life. At each moment you need to live like it is the last day, and the last time of your life.

Four steps will help you to grow in faith and grace:
1. Read the Bible (I Peter 2:2)
2. Pray (Romans 12:12)
3. Attend Church (Hebrews 10: 25)
4. Share Christ with others (II Corinthians 5:18-20)

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