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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I think after mom watching Jack Van Impe (she likes watching him) I've got an urgency from the Holy Spirit. She thought it was weird about being married to Christ.


I'm not sure when I'll get a confirmation. But, I do know this fear has to leave and it has to go soon.


Please pray for my parents, my uncles and the JW's as well for their salvation. And that if He wills He will give me a confirmation whether it be a dream or some how.


Please pray He also lets me have the perfect time for witnessing.

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I do pray that our Lord will enable you to witness to your family the Gospel. God has come in the flesh. They do not believe this and thus miss out on all the great promises of God. I pray that their eyes be opened that they can see how that Jesus has fulfilled everything in the Law and the Prophets. Jesus can be shown to be God in the Old Testament. Have the JW's changed those verses as well?

"Father, the heartcry of Feetbreeze is much the same as mine. We ask for divine intervention. If it is Your will, Lord, please let the Holy Spirit stir the hearts of our unsaved loved ones to receive Jesus' message of Salvation. Thank You, Father; in Jesus' precious name I pray, Amen"


    Little Sister have NO FEAR!!!   You are in a very Powerful position, never forget you are not alone.  We are with you, yet GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE SPIRIT, are in you and work through you, all to the Glory of the Lord.  We do not battle flesh and blood!!!  We do Spiritual Battle, and by the way.., WE HAVE ALREADY WON THE VICTORY.  The enemy is and will always be a liar.  Do not listen to any fear, KNOW you have Power beyond anything you can imagine!!!  You are there to be Glory to the Lord.  So fear not DEAR SISTER, WE ARE ONE BODY!!!  You are not alone.

Come Holy Spirit , fill the Hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them
thy fire of your love, Send forth your Spirit , and they shall be created
and you shall renew the face of the earth.
O God who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did I struck the hearts of
the faith faithful , grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may
And truely wise and ever enjoy His consolation through

Christ Out Lord Amen.

Oh, how I wish we could all be in the same room right now. I've heard about people laying hands on others and demons have been casted out. Well, if a demon can be casted out so can fear! Oh how I wish that were possible right now. :hugs to everyone.


I know there was a verse in the Bible that mentioned if two gather in His name He's there in the midst of them or something like that.


I want faith like Daniel. I don't want to be afraid of the JW. They're lost too. Satan wants to use them to drag mom to Hell with any JW he can. And he's using fear to make them seem like enemies. That way not much gets done. Well, my parents along with the JW need witnessing too. That shunning policy...Even if mom did join if she was still alowed around non-JW's,including myself, that'd help alot! Ugh, Satan is using both fear and guilt.





Where two or three are gathered together in my name , .
There am I in the midst of them, ,,,,,,,,, Matthew, 18:20

Praise God I've given fear and guilt to Jesus!


There's something I so want to ask the JWs. It's a stumper question to get them to think. Please pray, if He wills, that they come around so I can ask them.

Lord I am in agreement to all these prayers in Jesus christ Amen

Thanks. Great news! He's really teaching me good. Yesterday about the "flesh and blood can not enter into the Kingdom of God" "reason" and today about Jesus being the "firstborn." Thing is if Colossian 1 is read in context it proves Jesus wasn't created! :0)


He's helped me learn about how it's possible for the Father and the Son (and yes the Holy Spirit is God as well) to both be God yet not different gods. It''s hard to explain but it's like He's given me the knowledge but to explain it isn't easy.


Anyways, something I'm on now is Jesus' "Hypostatic union." I know what it is, Jesus' devine and human nature. He was fully God yet fully man. I'm just having a hard time figuring it out how it would fit into their questions. Can you please pray the Holy Spirit gives me wisdom like He did before?

I should ask for prayers that God will open my parent's eyes and my uncle's. Dad and my uncle believe the Bible has errors/is man made. Mom told me today that of course the Bible is a man made book. God didn't come down Himself and write it. :sighs: Please pray He opens their eyes...

Amen Chip.

Praise God! He answered your prayers about the hypostatic union. I was having alot of trouble with one question dealing with hypostatic union. I gave it to Jesus and within seconds I understood it. And now it seems so not complicated! The Holy Spirit is a Wonderful Teacher. :0)


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