All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I am an online university student and a fellow classmate told me tonight that she believes her step-daughter is being sexually abused. The little girl is 7! I ask that you pray for the little girl, step-mother, father and myself as I do what I can to help this family. The situation is very messy, as the mother of this little girl is possibly involved in some way. The step-mother and father have tried to report the abuse but everyone involved who could help this little girl are not investigating because they think it is retaliation. Thank you all for praying.

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a cop shouldnt make that judgement. If a little girl is being abused and they are ignoring the reports then someone should go over their heads. Call the child welfare place. Go straight to them. Please encourage them to keep on trying to get protection for this little girl.

Michelle , I am sorry I thought you were saying that after they reported it that the "cops" were the ones ignoring it. 

I'll pray for her. Thank you for asking us to pray for her.

I'll pray for this 7-year-old girl that Lord Jesus will watch over her, protect her from any and every kind of harm, and that those who might have abused her will be prevented from such further acts and brought to swift and certain justice.


We lift up this child who might be being abused by someone. You know the situation and our prayer is for Your intervention. We also pray that the officials in this case would take action if necessary. Father, You are a God of justice especially in the lives of these little ones and we ask for Your intervention. In Jesus name.

I want God to favour in area of my life . I also want God to give me a wife.


We are really grateful to have you on board. I pray for our Lord to answer your requests and that He gives you the favor of having a wife as a partner. I pray that God will bless you in other areas as well. In Jesus name.

Amen and Amen

Heavenly father only you can do what no man can do. There is no situation you can not change.. Father lord get invole in Mischelle situation. Let her live to testified your goodness and your great work. In Jesus name i pray ......Amen

Dear Mischelle,  Praying for the right resolution regarding this precious little girl. The follow is from Anna, one of my prayer partners.
Be Blessed! Know that many are also praying.
Lena J
Have her check out the sites that help fight human trafficking. The  Salvation Army now is fighting human trafficking. (Christian radio) can also help her with human trafficking  issues. Even IF this is NOT the case, one never knows what they will  stop!  Or who else they may help! 
Love, Anna


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