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Jay,forgive me if I didn't spell his name right.


Ok, now how about let's make a card for little Akash?


First of all, Jay, what does Akash like? For ex. puppies or what's his favorite thing?


Someone could take a picture of his favorite thing. Than post it in this discussion.


Each person could sign the picture by using the "paint" option but not with real names,just screennames. But, before someone would take the picture please tell us. Than post it back in this discussion with your screen name. Than the next person could do the same. 


It could be like what was done when I was younger in school. Johnny would sign the card for a sick teacher than pass it to me. I'd than pass it on to someone.

Than when we're done Jay could print it out and give it to Akash with our screennames on it.

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I think that is a wonderful idea. It's like he is are own little boy , we have all been praying for him
For so long , it is like we have adopted this little guy, I think that is just great feetbreeze count me
In as long as we are able to do it, I thing even God is jumping for joy on that idea, Blessing's.

Dear Feetbreeze, I do not know Akash much in person, I saw him only when he was in coma stage. But Imknow he likes to ride his baby cycle, he got fever when he fell from that & got wounded. I will send you the picture soon. He is still in coma stage.  Thanks for your continuous prayers !

Hmm...we should pray for an answer since you've only seen him like once. Let's pray for God's will to be done about this whole card thing and most importently that He heals little Akash.

Well feetbreeze, sweetie you heart was in it and God's know bless you, I thought it was good idea to but I did not
Realize the little kne was still in a coma, we have been praying for him for several weeks, so we will just continue
To pray, we know God is listening bless you.

God bless you too sister.

Hmm, that reminds me of something I heard before. I heard if someone is in a coma they can still hear and understand what people are saying (that's why nurses should never discuss their personal problems around the pacients). How about let's pray God sends someone to talk to Akash? Maybe He may even send an angel to talk to the little boy,who knows!

Good thinking feetbreeze, we will do that , where two or three are gathered in my name. , I believe the angel and
GID already hear us sweetie, bless you for your love .

Elaine, do you think it'd be ok it you or I sent out a prayer request to everyone in the prayer group to ask if they'd pray God would send someone to talk to Akash?

We have done that sweetie, we have been praying for that little boy for several weeks in are prayer room, were
Always asking for up dates on him , and we just continue to pray for him, some of us have grown attaced to
Him, we thought when Jay said Akash, was cring kne day it was a good sign, but he has been in a coma for several
Weeks already, but holding hs own, he was in life support, before and now he is breathing on his own, which tells
Me he is not brain dead, so there is some hope, we just have to trust God, but laying in a coma for so long is going
To have some kind of effect, bless the little guy nd hs family,

He's breathing on his own? That's great sister! Prayer works.


It's a great sign from being on life support to breathing on his own. Praise God! That's a miracle within itself.


I hope it's ok to ask. How old is he. I think Jay said is age before but that was a long while back if I even seen it.

I think 5 or 6 I'm not sure , I'm trying to figure out if he is that age how he fell to cause
All those problems, unless you more then me.

Jay, would it be ok if I asked for prayer for little Akash on some other forums I go to?


Elaine, would it be ok if I asked on those forums to pray for your husband? What do I ask for him though?


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