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letting go the past


letting go the past

getting healing and guidiace to let go the past and learning to move forward

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Latest Activity: Feb 6, 2019

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Having trouble with forgiveness.

Started by empress. Last reply by Stephen Piersall Jan 12, 2013. 1 Reply

The past belongs to the past ... or is it

Started by Cathy. Last reply by Lydia A Loved Child of God Nov 13, 2011. 8 Replies

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Comment by Patricia Harvey on February 2, 2011 at 11:42am

I found this out there today after reading your post and thought maybe you would get something out of it. Know that we all stray- we all feel that we are on the wrong path at times, we all make empty promises, we all get fooled and tricked by Satan, we are all human and will continue to learn and how trials the rest of our time here on earth. let me just encourage you to just let it all go when you get discouraged. Know that God will never forsake you and he is carrying you thru it all. You are never alone. 



There is definitely a wrong path to be on, one that leads to hopelessness and destruction. This path that we have found ourselves on has some stumbling blocks. They’re called trials. We have our problems that get us down, we can get depressed, and we can get discouraged.


There are holes that we can fall into. We can fall into the temptations of sin. But we have a forgiving God who picks us up, dusts us off, and let’s us continue on his path. God, in His mercy tells us that we will never receive a trial greater than we can handle. The problem is that we, as mortal beings, don’t know how much we can handle and we get depressed. But keep in mind that God promised to take care of us.


Scripture tells us that God will answer our call; He will give us everything we need. But he said, "First, seek the kingdom." We need to keep our priorities correct. God said we could even ask for worldly things and He would give them to us. But first, seek the kingdom.


To help us stay uplifted, God said He would smooth out our paths for us.


Isaiah 26: 7 tells us the way of the righteous is level; O just one, you make smooth the path of the righteous.


God knows there are problems in this world. But if we stay close to him, if we follow his word through the teachings of Jesus Christ, our paths will be smooth. If we have trials, if we fall down, it’s only temporary. Our paths will once again be smoothed out.


On this path you can meet a lot of people who are at their crossroads. They may be hearing things in their church that are confusing. They may be struggling with their current church and aren’t satisfied with what they hear from there. They may be looking for a spiritual direction in life. They may be looking for the correct path to walk on.


We need to look for opportunities to spread the good news that God has given us. As we heard many times we need to be ready to answer questions relating to God’s true word.


Sometimes we can plant that seed of truth and do nothing more. That person may come back for more information, or start looking by themselves. Give them the address to the web site and tell them to start reading. We have a purpose in the church. We need to promote the truth whenever we can. We may say a couple of words that will lead to bringing a new person onto the path.


Life is tough, brethren. Jesus knew this when he prayed to our Father for us.

John 17:13-17 13 And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. 14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the e

Comment by angels and demons on February 2, 2011 at 8:39am

ive decided to let go of my wicked ways, all of my empty promises to try again, i need a lot of support and help. encouragement to help keep me on the right road,


Comment by Michelle Lynn Solis on January 28, 2011 at 1:18pm
It is my prayer that our precious Lord Jesus Christ give us all the courage wisdom, and healing we need to let go of the past.  This video encourages me of his healing for me and focuses me or re focuses me i guess you could say at times when  i need it most.  Even in times i feel desperate.  I look at how much He has done for me and am overwhelmed by His sacrifice for me
Comment by Wendy on January 28, 2011 at 11:55am

Absolutely will be praying for you Akua ~ God did not give you a spirit of timidity, but of power and of love and of self-discipline.  

Praying for you also, Pastor Simon.  May God's work done in God's time not lack God's supply!

Comment by akua akuamoah-boateng on January 28, 2011 at 9:50am
I acknowledge the fact that, I have to let go the past in order to move on. It hasn't been that easy though. Some things keep staring me in the face. This time around, I am more than determined to let go. Kindly support me in prayers. God bless you all.
Comment by Pastor. C S SIMON on January 28, 2011 at 7:51am
Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for this 3 week (1st Feb 2011 to 23rd Feb) out reach program @ central India's remote villages. Your prayers were blessing to us last time. Souls have to saved. Opposite powers have to subjected to the power Holy Spirit in ministry. we need funds. My computer damaged 2 months back, need another one. No fund to buy now, so I could not contacted everybody for last 3 months. I covet your whole hearted participation in my ministry. May God bless everybody.
Comment by Lindsey Ruth Thornton on January 3, 2011 at 9:08pm
Good luck to everyone in the new year. May peace be with you.
Comment by Jeff on January 3, 2011 at 8:19pm
Most everything I do in life is motivated by guilt from some past mistake. I need to learn how to handle this with God instead of using my old methods.
Comment by angels and demons on December 24, 2010 at 1:24pm
i used to hold onto guilt, hold onto the bad things that have happened to me, the abuse, terrible background i have, you need inner self confidence, i was lucky enough to have a friend teach me to have that confidence, and as i let God in my life, my troubles seem so far away, you dont sound crazy at all because i was exactly the same. the new testement is good to read through as it has all about how Jesus wants us to live. how to love our enemies, it teaches all sorts of advice that is greater than any other we could have off anyone
Comment by Lina on November 12, 2010 at 11:30am
Dear Ruth,
I know how you feel. I to thought the if it all ends then it all ends. But that is a total sin to God. You know that evil has won and that was the evil goal to kill and give up. We are not the ones fighting. God is..He is calling us to be strong in his name and to have faith. Faith. Lay it at his feet. Let Jesus carry you. I know how hard it is. I fight everyday but everyday I fight to be with God. He is what insipre me. Motivates me. When I feel at my worst is when I want to be in his best. Thats when I pray hearder and my heart it breaks in so many places and you know what God does, he send me peace. As I am hurting and the pain of fear is so strong I feel him and his peace. I am safe for another day.
I pray all the time but the time alone with him is in my room.
I talk to God there. I am safe there only me and him. Find a safe place a place where only you and Him are. Were no one can touch you. Only his love and his heart and let it all out. He will talk to you...
Another thing is write it all down every prayer everyday. dont read it until you are stronger. But write a letter to him everyday.
Open your honest..for he knows what is troubeling you and he knows your pain. Sometimes we want to let go but we are also holding back some and only givving as much as we want to. I let it all go and then let God. Even talking to you, I have peace. God is everything he says he is. Dont kill yourself. Dont do it becaue you will hurt the only one that has loved you before you were born. The one that gave you true life. Reach out to him and he will take the darkness away. I pray that I too will listen to the words that the Holy Spirit just talked through me to you. I too and I am sure there are many otheres who feel the same way, are all praying together to fight this war but we are not alone..never..I pray that you will seek God and ask him what you should do. It wont be easy but thats ok..God is taking over and you will walk with Chrsit forever in his light Amen...

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