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letting go the past


letting go the past

getting healing and guidiace to let go the past and learning to move forward

Members: 267
Latest Activity: Feb 6, 2019

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Having trouble with forgiveness.

Started by empress. Last reply by Stephen Piersall Jan 12, 2013. 1 Reply

The past belongs to the past ... or is it

Started by Cathy. Last reply by Lydia A Loved Child of God Nov 13, 2011. 8 Replies

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Comment by Diane Forth-Eglon on February 4, 2011 at 4:46am
Sorry, I put sadness into gladness twice!  Didn't know you can't edit the message!
Comment by Diane Forth-Eglon on February 4, 2011 at 4:44am

Only God can turn:

A mess into a message

A test into a testimony

A trial into a triumph

A victim into a victory

Sadness into gladness

Sadness into gladness

Hopelessness into prosperity


Our GOD is an awesome GOD!

God is good all the time

All the time God is good!



Comment by Patricia Harvey on February 3, 2011 at 3:26pm

Confidence is the right word to put in there because I had lost all my self confidence after all those years of abuse and God released me of that when I finally was brave enough to let go and I was also faced head on with that abuser many many years later and I know God had that all planned out. It was all in his timing and he was allowing that to happen so I could finally cry out and say enough is enough and I give it all to you. I am letting you Lord have complete control over my life instead of being under the control of Satan and trying to take control of things myself. Building that confidence is key. 


It took me from the age of 18 to the age of 37 to finally come to that point. Seems so silly to me when I think back of all the grief I caused myself when I could of just given over to my Father. I do know that he was with me the whole step of the way and I learned so much from those hauntings in my life and I am now grateful for having to go thru them because I would not be the person I am today without them. 

I think we all suffer from control issues to a certain extent :) We are not alone. Everyone has something and just remember you are no less of a person because of it. 

Comment by angels and demons on February 3, 2011 at 2:29pm
dianne i had a lot of things haunting me then i made friends with a counciller who taught me how to drop things, it comes from inside how you feel about yourself, im not saying you have but if you lack confidence you have to build that up first
Comment by Diane Forth-Eglon on February 3, 2011 at 7:54am
I am glad I have joined this group as the past still haunts me and I need to learn to LET IT GO!
Comment by Patricia Harvey on February 3, 2011 at 4:33am
Your welcome!!
Comment by angels and demons on February 3, 2011 at 1:28am

yes it worked ive written the link down, no good saving it cus my comp has to be wiped, the site looks interesting, thank you, itll help me

God bless you patricia

Comment by angels and demons on February 3, 2011 at 1:24am
tell me about it, im 36 and had so much crap i feel like im 66 ill try that link thank you xx
Comment by Patricia Harvey on February 2, 2011 at 3:00pm


This is the website that I got that little tidbit from and there is a lot more to it. Hopefully the link will work fine for you and if not I will copy and paste it for you. 


I will tell you stress is something that I have had more than my share of and man it can really beat you up- cause depression, anxiety, lack of self esteem. God is the only one that can help you get thru those situations, but man the devil can get hold and it is hard to resist. I have experience wayyyy to much in my short life of almost 42 years. Hang in there and know that our Father never forsakes us. All we have to do is cry out to him in our hour of need. 

Comment by angels and demons on February 2, 2011 at 2:00pm
yes i believe up untill yesterday i was definitely on the wrong path, my life spirilling out of control the stress, pressure, depression creeping back in but i have made the first step. decided to be strong, and do my best to be on the right path even though on the right path, as you  say, we fall down, thank you so much for those lovely words, i was wandering, if it isnt too much trouble, if you could send me that message, i could copy and paste it onto my comp but the prob with that is, i have to have my computer wiped and ill loose it, dont worry if its too much trouble. thank you again for the warm words

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