All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The Word of God (written or given Word) is a great blessing. We know that the gospel is the mechanism that God uses in harmony with the Holy Spirit to draw people unto salvation. According to Romans 10 they must hear the Word of Christ in order to be saved. The key is understanding the purpose of the Bible. We are blessed to have it, but Jesus is our goal and our Savior. I do not see the Bible and Jesus as equal. That does not diminish the Word of God. Both are good, but one is the Savior and the other is the tool used to guide us to Him and into a living relationship with Him.


Imagine for a minute. If you were faced with Jesus on your left and the written the Word of God on the right and your were given a choice to choose one, which would it be? Fortunately we do not have to choose, but we know that Jesus died for us, the Bible records it. Jesus' blood covers our sins, the Bible reveals it. Jesus is coming back to take us to be where He is, the Bible reveals this to us. One is a witness the other is the Savior. Here is another way of approaching this, I love Jesus and I greatly appreciate the Bible. One more approach, the Bible reveals Jesus and in some parts of the world people have heard the gospel and maybe a few more verses, they do not own a Bible as it may not even have been written in their language at this time, but many repent and come to Jesus because they heard the gospel. They have Jesus and yet only snippets of the written Word.


If every Bible you own was stolen and access to any other Bible denied would you be lost or still in a living relationship with Jesus? On the other side of the coin does owning a Bible assure one is saved?  


I close with this. The Bible and Jesus are both good. Thank God you  own a Bible, praise God that you are saved.

What's your take on this?

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Thank you for your kindness. It's the language of your explanations that often throws me for a loop. For instance, this sentence:

"Our souls are not born again, what we see, feel, taste, smell and hear, stay the same, until we bring them under the dominion of the Word."

When I misunderstand or misinterpret what someone is saying, my only option is to ask the person for more clarity.

I know it is hard to deal with negativism, and I know I'm very negative most of the time, JB.

I'll let you in on a little secret -- sometimes I feel like others are constantly pointing out to me my flaws as a Christian, my lack of faith, my weaknesses, that I'm too emotional, etc ... and I have many flaws, I already know. But what's right about me? Does anyone see anything right with me instead of all that's wrong with me?

In my walk with the Lord I have had times of fruit bearing. Hard to believe, huh? Do I even have any visible fruit now?  

We are wll works in progress. 

Forbearance is a great truth. 

It's something the Lord has been showing me that I need to do more. I need to forbear with others more. Eph 4:1-3. 

With some people, the closer you get, the more you reach out, the more you try to help, the more you get hurt. 

It's been that way with me from your perception, right?

Some of us are less mature than others.

That's why we are told to forbear with one another. 

Forbear is defined as to suffer, put up with, endure, bear with. 

Jesus had to forbear with the disciples. He put up with them. 

Thank you for putting up with me.

I've been fighting a hard battle, JB.

Amanda; Thanks for your efforts to endure my lack of ability to communicate with you on your level of understanding and comprehension. I am trying so hard to show my understanding of the Word: without being judged as a fault finder. Anytime we use the Word to point out a scripture we feel would be helpful in a person’s situation, we run the risk of being looked on as judgmental, holier than thou, or an insensitive jerk. But when we have been over the road, “so to speak”, and have gone through some of the same trials, we feel what worked for us would surly work for them. But obviously it doesn’t always work the way we think it should.

Now to try and clarify this “incomplete” statement, when I reread it, it kinda blew my mind as well. LOL “Our souls are not born again, what we see, feel, taste, smell and hear, stay the same, until we bring them under the dominion of the Word."  

Sorry Amanda, I didn’t finish the statement, [our souls are not born again, nor is our flesh; “what we see, feel, taste, smell, and hear.” They all stay the same until they are brought under, or controlled by the Spirit within. I Hope that helps.

I understand when you say you feel everyone is pointing out your flaws as a Christian.

Now here is my little secrete,

I had a “T” shirt that read on the back, ”WHAT YOU THINK OF ME IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS” And I believe that.

So I don’t take these things personally, all they have to do is tell it to God and let Him relay it to me. HA, They are usually trying to tell Him what to do anyway, i.e. heal John Doe, bless him as well etc. Bible tells me I am already blessed, and that by His stripes I am healed, not because I see, or feel it, but because the bible tells me so. I try to give the Word 1st place, not my outward perceptions.



Very good, JB.


I think what you are calling one's faith wavering is actually that time when we are being faced with all kinds of fiery trials to prove our faith genuine. When a person comes through these trials, as these have, their faith is proved genuine. However, during those trials, some will have doubts. That is very normal. That is not wavering in the faith.

What I see Amanda speaking about is exactly that - fiery trials. If you have never had doubts or fears, then you are not able to speak with people who have for they have not attained your level of faith. You exclude yourself from virtually the whole family of God for there are not many out there who have not had to go through times their faith has been so tested that they sometimes faltered. 

There is a time to correct and there is a time to give comfort and wisdom knows the difference.

Sometimes people are hit with such great trials that the force of those trials causes them to fall. When that happens, our Lord is there to pick them up for He will never leave them. The rest of the church may leave them but Christ never will. When one asks Jesus to come and be His Savior, He will do just that. That could be the weakest person in the faith in the history of the church and Christ would still save him. I believe I am that person. I am only saved by the grace of God. I can do nothing on my own. I can only achieve what He has already achieved. I am saved and sanctified but only because He did everything necessary for that in my life. My holiness is Jesus and Jesus alone. I stand on Christ and put no hope whatsoever in myself. I have no hope in Roy but know Jesus has saved me. I take no credit to myself for anything. I boast of nothing except how weak I really am and how powerful He is to the weakest of the weak. 


If you have never had doubts or fears, then you are not able to speak with people who have for they have not attained your level of faith.

Many people are saved at a very early age, perhaps raised in Christian homes, brought up to love and trust God from the start.  They start out humbled, because they're taught by Godly parents to be humble.  Others may come later or even at a young age, but they aren't raised in Godly homes.  They are hurt, traumatized, beaten down.  When they come to God, they come with baggage, bondage.  That bondage has to be broken off.  Usually that will take trials and testing.  That is why the Lord is close to the brokenhearted.  If you haven't been broken, He doesn't need to spend so much time working on you to get you to display fruit.  And if you look down upon those who go through trials (when the Bible assures us of it for the testing of our faith), you may find yourself in a trial, blindsided, and begin to have your own doubts.

So true. I've already long ago accepted and realized that it isn't all about me because so many others are suffering or have suffered in the same ways I have, and God is actually working with me personally to illuminate the truths to me about who I am in Him. In fact, God is letting it be about me right now, in my relationship with Him, in that sense. I don't know who I am anymore.

A child of the one true King....that's who you are.  One of my favorite songs:

You are God's child and really, what else matters? You are the one He created this world for - this universe for that matter. You are the One He brought forth Israel for. You are the reason He gave us His Word. You are highly favored among all mankind. You are the very righteousness of a holy God. You are absolutely complete in Him. There is nothing lacking. You have been perfected by His blood. There is no charge that can be brought against you that can stick. You belong to Christ and nothing else matters. Every sin you have ever committed, are committing or will commit has already been covered. Now, don't take advantage of that but it is true. In yourself you are very weak. But you are no longer in yourself but in Him. In Him we are made whole, completely whole. We have been healed by the blows that He took on that terrible day when all my sins were laid upon Him. The sky turned pitch dark but He did not fail. He did not falter. He did not grow weary. He is my blessed Savior and I will praise Him to my very last breath. He is our everything. We lack nothing. 

Amanda, Just wanted to reassure you who you are counted among the kingdom, redeemed, a sold out child of God. Restored, with a great desire to know Him more & more. You are running the race with the prize in your eyes. This is how I see you.


God has blessed you with wisdom and knowledge.

You said: "There is a time to correct and there is a time to give comfort and wisdom knows the difference."

I certainly have accepted correction many times and even from you, who have offered me much comfort and encouragement as well, depending on the situation, and when I'm erring and about to step off the path or already have wandered, then I need a word of counsel given in love and at that time it is what I really need to hear. Other times I need comfort or encouragement. We all do. Many don't feel free to give words of comfort but freely give words of warning all the time and that just can't be the true way that we are to speak spiritual truth, can it?

My Pastor seems to veer towards the WOF beliefs at times, but even he gave a sermon the other day and admitted there are times he's up and his wife is down and he encourages her, and times he is down, and she smacks him upside the head and tells him to snap out of it cause he's the pastor for crying out loud!  ;-)

That is why we're admonished to build each other up in the holy faith and encourage one another just as we have been doing.  If no one needed to be encouraged, those words would not have been written into scripture.

My dad was also very involved in the WOF movement. He died and is now in heaven with his Lord. I could not move him away from that. Many of the prophecies spoken over him did not come true. I have mentioned that to mom but she won't admit that. Don't worry, God will take care of them. He loves them very much. The WOF people get confused about the physical blessings v. the spiritual blessings. Even the Kingdom is spiritual. They attempt to equate the spiritual healngs we have received in Christ to the physical which so, so, so many do not receive. They have no choice but to exclude if they are really into it. Your mom understands that not all will be physically healed, made rich in this world and made powerful. 


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