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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Ok, I started to read again (I stopped for atleast a few days) a missionary book from Gospel For Asia yesterday. I noticed something. When you hear the words gospel and missionary what do you think of? Some poor missionary in India sharing the gospel with a Hindu or one in Pakistan sharing it with a Muslim.


I've been getting the Voice of the Martyr issue magazines since like Aug. of 2010. It seems like missionary work is towards Buddists,Muslims and Hindus and Communists. Possibly atheists in the Communist areas. I don't remember hearing much if anything about Mormans,Jehovah's Witnesses and Evolutionists.


Before I go any further-I don't want to take any credit. So, Jesus if the Holy Spirit was/is using that book to show about missionaries in America please take all the credit and glory!


You hear about them more in America(the Mormans,Evolutions, JW's). It's great the missionaries are sharing the gospel overseas,rightly so for they're fulfilling the great comission. But, what about the other area? The land for America. That's where you hear about Mormans,Evolutionsts and Jehovah's Witnesses. They need to hear the gospel as well. The missionaries get training for overseas for special cases like Muslims and Hindus, am I correct? If not please correct me. Where's the training for Americans to spread the gospel to people like the Mormans?


How is the gospel getting spread in church? Now days you hear so much about preachers talking about money. If there's a church out there that has the people actually go out and spread the gospel please tell me.


Forgive me for those in Canda or the U.K. I'm not that familar with the gospel in those areas.


And, Jesus forgive me if there's a hint of pride or anger or anything else in this discussion. I'm hungry,tired and agrivated. So, if this message seems tense and uneasy that's probably why.


Anyways, we need places like overseas. Places that especially eqipt people with the gospel. Forgive me, if anyone is offended at this statement but I need to make it. I don't see the churches in America spreading the gospel like the churches in China or India. Instead there's rock concerts and watered down sermons. Why, since we're suppose to have "Freedom of Religion" don't we spread the gospel like our brothern overseas? After all, since we're "suppose" to have a freedom of religion in America it should be easier for us! After all, our brothern face so much persecution and hard ship with religious restrictions and they still get the message out.


Forgive me, if this is offensive in any way. Yet again I have to say. I'm hungry and tired. I'm iratable as well.


By the way, whatever happened? The pilgrims spread the gospel to the native americans. It obviously had good fruitage for alot of Cherokees came to except Christ as their Lord and Savior and they became born-again by what Christ did for them.

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I'm not sure what kind of teaching you need to spread the Word. There is no ideal method. It's just simple. The problem lies in the mouths of the people. It's easier to talk about your kids, your day, etc while avoiding the "God" topic. As far as reaching those in America, for the most part everyone has at least heard the Name Jesus. We have a church on every corner. What more can we do? Sure, we can go house to house but we can't force anything on them. And you see how hard it is for a JW to convert. Mormons believe they're already converts as well as JW. The word tells us to go to ALL nations. My husband goes to India & preaches & teaches. Not all parts of Africa, India, & Asia have even heard of the gospel. Americans are brats & selfish. I think more need to conquer other countries. Americans should have sense enough to know it already. They just choose not to accept it. As soon as all walks of the world have heard, Jesus is coming.

I think it's detrimental for missionaries to continue their work. The Voice of the Martyrs & Gospel for Asia only print the stories of a few. Those countries are huge & that one missionary can only touch so many lives. I think the task of being a missionary has faltered big-time. Not counting that they could lose their very lives for owning a Bible or sharing the Word. We're so worried about our Beamers & Lexus' that we forget about how missionaries are depending on us to continue their work. We need to wake up & smell the coffee or something. I remember when churches use to give specifically for Annie Armstrong or Lottie Moon. I haven't heard these names in years. 

Sorry. My comment was all over the place but I'm sitting here trying to watch 3 boys not drown. hehe

Amen sister! What's difficult is when you say "Jesus" there's people who automatically think of a different Jesus...that's one reason it's hard to talk to mom. If I tell her Jesus died for her she'll be thinking of Michael the Archangel... 



I know Mr.__ who taught history in 11th grade said "America is an arrogant nation". Maybe we'd be more focused on God and what He wants if we didn't have shiny cars and "alot" (well atleast more than people not in America) of money. Don't forget they're not sure where their next mean is coming from and look how...McCdonalds,BurgerKing,Subway...we can go to a store (even just a second hand  store if money's hard) and get an outfit. Clothes,clothes and more clothes! "My shoes are ugly! Let's go by the 50 dollar pair". While alot of missionaries don't even have a pair of socks.


Who's Annie Armstrong and Lottie Moon?

That's ok about the comment. I understand that kids really need to be watched...they're not mine but I know some kids. They so need supervised!

See what I mean? You have never heard of either one of these great missionaries. I must be honest with you, I am completely judging here & I may be very wrong. JW's have the Word at their disposal. They have a responsibility  to test the spirits to see if they're from God. They are also told to not trust in man but God. They have access to the Bible & they could read it & study it deeper for themselves but they choose to listen to those that are their elders so to speak. I never take my pastors' word for anything. I research it myself. They have this same ability but choose to not use it. China, Asia, parts of Africa don't have this gift. They need to be reached. 

:smacks head: Armstrong? I was thinking of some astronaught or something. I know that's not what we're talking about, just hearing the name Armstrong had me thinking of an astronaught.


What year were they? There's a chance I may have read about them in my Foxe's book of martyrs book.


:sighs: They're only allowed to have the NWT, a false bible. And even that they're not allowed to read it alone or in small groups. Actually, they read their watchtowers more than their bibles.

They're taught not to be "independent thinkers" for that is of Satan and leads to "pride". Like I was reading on Wikipedia, they have to accept what they say without question. Do not question the WT doctrines. Since, it's from Jehovah, if you're question the Society, you're than questioning God. They have to take the Elder's word for it...If they question doctrine they could get in alot of trouble. Don't tell anyone you're questioning their doctrine for they have to turn you in or face trouble themselves. And, trouble can be shunning-not allowed to talk to family and friends that are JW's (I think there may be a tiny exception though). There's also getting disfelowshipped. If that happens you're as good as dead to any JW you know. If they speak to you they could get it big trouble. Not only that but I read before if Armaggedon comes before you get back into Kingdom Hall you'll be destroyed by Jehovah (and you might as well forget about having a relationship with Him unless you get back to the Kingdom Hall in time and "repent").


That's why they can't question and do whatever they're told. For they're afraid of getting destroyed by Jehovah at Armaggedon. Their "salvation" isn't certain. But, if they get disfellowshipped they won't have that "salvation" unless they "repent" and come back.  That's why I'm a "threat".


For let's say I "was used by Satan to plant seeds of doubt" (as they would say it). If those seeds were planted in the elder's wife and she began to doubt Jesus being Michael or that He was risen as a spirit creature she could end up disfellowshipped. Her sons and husband would not be allowed to talk to her. And, if Arrmagedon came before she "repented" and came back I'd be the reason "Jehovah would destroy her at Armaggedon."


They're not allowed to go online and research "apostate literature" (or info. put there by ex.-JW's). They've been warned about that. That is a big no-no.

I would say use the common sense the good Lord gave you. If He didn't destroy Adam & Eve for the beginning of a long line of sins in man, why in the world would He destroy someone seeking truth? They use scare tactics. I don't scare easily. I just don't understand in my mind. I think common sense would or should tell them something about many of their teachings. Since they believe Jesus to be Michael, who do they think the Messiah is from the branch of David? Are they still waiting on Him? Also, if they got online, who in the world could see them? It's just silly. 

Because in their minds they are already "in the truth". And, since they're "already in the truth" there's no reason to be looking up things that's "of Satan." What we call truth they call lies and deception to "decieve Jehovah's people and to plant seeds of doubt."


They may have doubts but they don't want that shown to other JW's. So, they keep doubt a secret.


Sister, sadly they think their...ok this is really confusing. They think this.


In Heaven:Michael


On earth:Jesus


In Heaven:Michael


I do not understand how He could go from an angel to a man to an angel. That is just common sence that shows the confusion. I've heard different views, and it gets really complicated. What makes it even more difficult is this. They use "Theocratic warfare". They don't tell those they don't think deserve it the whole truth. They twist it and...yes it's basicly lieing. Therefore it's extreamly hard to get the truth out of them.


They think Michael is the Messiah....for they say Jesus and Michael are the same person which is an absolute impossiblity on more than one level. But, they say Michael is Mediator only for the 144,000. The rest of the JW's get on earth, as I heard before, "the benefits" through the 144,000.


Sister, this is going to get even weirder. The've elevated the 144,000 to the level of Jesus. They act as mediators. I can't post the WT quotes but their salvation depends on how they treat the anointed brothern (.k.a the 144,000). I'm not kidding...


Who would see them? A child, a husband, a wife or some JW relative who has to turn the person in or risk getting into trouble themselves. It's good when they can sneak though.



Many organizations share the gospel in the USA. One method is through church planting and that is what I am involved in. There are other methods as well, but keep in mind that in the USA 80% of the country, according to Barna, profess to be Christian. Of course within this group not all really are as about 62% of the USA are viewed as casual Christians, with half of them denying the existence of the Holy Spirit, Satan and hell. Mormons (1.5% of the USA population) and JWs make up a relatively small percentage of the USA population. The greatest missionfield in the USA is the unsaved churched. These people think they are saved, but are not. This makes them very difficult to reach. Think about it, if we keep the numbers simple. If we use 300 million as the population then about 240 million think they are Christians. We know this is not true as 75 million +/- deny the Holy Spirit, Satan and hell, but they perceive themselves as Christian. The fact that they think they are Christian makes it difficult to reach them with the true gospel as they really don't want to hear it as they think they are good to go. With that said there are approximately 60 million who do not profess to be Christian. They need to be reached too, but we have to recognize that this 60 million are found in various other faith groups including agnostic and athiest.


Food for thought.


Lord Bless,


That really is food for thought LT! Thanks :-D

Sadly, reminds me of my friend who I haven't seen in years(she got me in a church for a little while April of 9th grade and after that for awhile). Before Jesus saved me I asked her about salvation. She said something about church...quite tragic. My dad isn't a JW but I said/asked something and he said the Holy Spirit is an active force or something....he was surprised at my statement from what some guy said on tv. I seen someone on t.v say something about how he'd go to heaven based on what he's done. I stated how that's wrong and how it's only by Jesus. Dad was suprised when I said that. In 10th grade we did projects o world religions. The histroy teacher told someone "Jesus isn't God, he's the Son of God."

I think my other friend denied the Holy Spirit as God as well...I know of atleast 3 or 4 people who said the Bible's been corupted by man...My uncle is an athiest/satanist, my other uncle doesn't like the idea of being Born Again. How do I know? Well, he said he surely hopes (I forget which releatives) that she doesn't end up in that born again craze like another relative or something like that...yet he says he's a Christian. Another person who said she's a Christian has a satanic salute drawn by her little girl (she turned 4 a few months back) on the wall...A boy on the bus (years back,he was a grade ahead of me, I was in 10th or 11th grade) said he was a Christian. Yet, he was suprised I believed in the miracles of Jesus such as Him walking on water...he thought the Bible was corupted as well...I went to church with someone who was biasexual...another friend who said she was a Christian was gay as well...signs of the times...


So, yeah thanks for that food for thought. That really gives me something to think about. I hope God will use it to help others get food for thought as well.


Lord bless,



The priority of the Church is to bring God glory-




to feed the sheep and then to reach a dying world.


There are many wonderful churches doing just that, but unfortunately there are more not doing it. All we can do, is do what our Lord tells us to do and bless all the others (lazy Christians included haha) by doing what we have been blessed to understand.




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