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Tell me your favorite story of a prayer being answered and you were just amazed! im sure everyone has something special to share!

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awww im sorry this got snatched from you as quick as you got it. Thank you for sharing your story. The Lord is always good and i just wish people that dont know how good and gracious He is, would take the time to get to know Him! God bless and i pray that you get better!!
On March 31st of this year, as we brought our baby boy in to the hospital yet again (he has an autoimmune disease with no diagnosis and his body literally trys to destroy itself) we sat with him as he laid on a hospital bed and bled out. He had a massive GI bleed and was losing blood at an alarming rate. The doctors came in to prepare us, they said "We dont know how this night is going to play out but right now it is not looking good and we need you to be prepared" I dropped to my knees and begged God not to take my son from me. I dont think I have ever prayed as hard as I did that night. Two minutes later our Pastor and his wife walked in. They sat and prayed with us and Aaron's bleeding finally stopped. He was going to be okay. We spent the next 31 days in the hospital and Aaron has now had 28 transfusions, he goes in this thursday for #29. God has blessed us with our son and through our son he has taught us to trust in him and find strength and comfort in him and it is the best prayer answered for us.
aww...that made me tear up..i cant imagine being in that situation...but yes, The Lord is teaching you to trust in Him and He knows best. we must all remember that through tough times...thank you for sharing this story!
Rachell -

I am praying for him. That the Lord blesses your little man and strengthen Him. Our Lord gives and takes away, but He delights so much more as is evident in our lives in giving us our hearts desires as we delight in His word. Abide in His word. May my Lord continue to give your family testimony of His goodness.

Okay so a few months ago i was very lonely and i prayed to god that he would bring the women i was supposed to be with for the rest of my life to me. that same night she called me and we were talking and we are in love with each other and her family loves me. her and i talk about anything and everything she helps influence me in my walk with christ and understands that i love her but i love him more she is the greatest girlfriend i could ever have and i thank god all the time that he brought her over to me.
thats so sweet! i was watchin on my morning service that man should not be alone..well God made man to be with someone...thats ironic you told me this...thanks!

Check out this group - so you can be an awesome Christian boyfriend.

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It was in 1976, maybe before some of you were born. My wife and I were pastoring an AOG church in northeastern KS. At the time we had three children. Our oldest was a beautiful five-year old daughter. She was spending the day with one of the families in the church some fifteen miles from our home. The family had two daughters near her age - one was slightly older. For some reason the family allowed the girls to go alone to a park near a river to play. My wife was not aware of any problems but became moved by the Holy Spirit to find me. I was in the basement of the church doing some construction work. She ran to me telling me that something was wrong with our daughter. She had not been contacted by the family but knew something was wrong.

Scripture tells us that when we don't know how to pray, the Spirit will make intercession for us. The verse:

Ro 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. NKJV

Since we did not know what was wrong, we didn't know how to pray. It was at that moment the Spirit began to intercede for my daughter through my wife. I noticed that she was also groaning. I agreed in prayer with her but had no idea what was happening. We prayed until we believed victory had been attained. We still did not know anything that might be happening.

A short while later we received a call from the police station of the town where our daughter was visiting. They would not tell us what was wrong but only that we needed to come to the station and that our daughter was fine. When we got to the station we were told that the police had been called to the park by a woman. She had looked out of her window and noticed the three girls playing. A man was there with the girls. For some reason, the woman felt she should call the police. She could not explain the urging she felt but that something just did not feel right with her. The police did come. By the time they arrived the man had separated the three girls and placed them behind bushes near the river. He told them that they were just going to have some fun.

The man was known to the police. He was out on bail for child molestation. He was arrested and put back in prison. Satan had put into his heart to harm our daughter. However, this was one time that the Spirit said no and had a way to alter that child's life. We are so grateful to the Spirit for interceding for us on that day.

This week in Virginia Beach, our daughter is finishing her last classes at Regent University to receive her doctorate certificate in educational administration. We are so proud of her. She still must finish her dissertation to receive her PhD. Please pray for her as I know that old devil wants to stop her from her desire to educate children upon the solid foundation of our Lord Jesus Christ. We love her so much and we love our Lord Who we know is watching over her. Please take a look at her receiving her doctorate certificate yesterday from Dr. Pat Robertson.

Praise the Lord!
Wow -

I needed this message. Thanks beloved. You are truly a blessing. God is so awesome. He is so good to us. The fact that your daughter is moving on to bless the world, speaks highly of you and it gives me hope for the families of our nation.

The Spirit will intercede on our behalf that is such a beautiful truth.

Praise God.
This is such a beautiful testimony Loren. It is such an encouragement to me....thanks for posting.

God Bless, Carla
Loren, thank you for this. It gives me hope God will work in our lives! only in His will and His timing!


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