All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Just about everything is permissible anymore. We allow transvestites to choose the restroom they want, regardless of what those who didn't choose their gender want. We force people to go against their religious beliefs and perform homosexual marriages while spouting freedom of religion. We remove God and the Commandments and nativity scenes from the courts schools and front yards so we don't offend a handful of people because we don't care about all the ones we offended by removing these things.

Are we concerned with not offending people since we're offending plenty by saying we're not offending?

I've come to the conclusion that these things are not because of anyone being offended.

I don't know many (perhaps a few insane people) who want the worst for their kids...Christian and non-Christian alike. We say do as we say not as we do. We smoke but don't want them taking up that bad habit. We drink but tell them they're too young. We have rated movies so parents can have some control over what their kids see. Or have we?

Anyone remember when you couldn't even show a can of Coke in a show unless you had rights to the name? The list of words they weren't permitted to say on TV? To say the list shrunk is a major understatement.

I look at ratings on TV and watch for the designations for sexual scenes or language. Perhaps eight out of ten movies do not list language in the description while using language we'd wash our kid's mouths out for saying.

The kicker is, even when we know there's no language, we still get language through every other commercial....which aren't rated with even lax standards.

We used to call things "unmentionables". we mention them. Do we really want our kids asking what's erectile dysfunction, among all the other commercials selling sexual merchandise?

OK so if most everyone is offended by our kids seeing this stuff, why's it becoming so popular? It used to be you couldn't show some things before 9:00. So knowing people could still watch while protecting their kids from seeing it, why did they remove the "curfew"? Are people truly blinded by satan's manipulation or are they just depraved and want kids to grow up under these circumstances?

I forsee in the very near future, Jerry Springer Uncensored at 4 pm..right when the kids are coming home from school.

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Yes-- frustrating isn't it?

Without intending to be flippant...or sounding too uncaring about it...I say this:

All of these things should matter.  The fact that they don't presents us with a great teaching opportunity.

ie:  This is what the world looks like without God  VS  This is what God intended, and how HE wants things to go for us.

We don't have to work hard to prove the depraved state of humanity do we?

My husband and I were watching baseball at the end of the season (World Series)---we're kind of baseball fanatics...

anyway... One of the commercials that kept coming on was for Viagra.  It was an attractive young women scantily dressed probably in her mid twenties advertising for a drug that men who are much older than her would want.  The irony was that the commercial wreaked of sexual dysfunction simply because of WHO (the young women) they were using to advertise TO (older men) a specific target group.  Depraved!  completely and totally disgusting.  Never mind considering posting advertising that would appeal to married couples and families (with young children) who are tuning into a sporting event to watch the sporting event, and not see offensive advertising.  My husband was also offended by the commercial.  As a matter of fact, I bit my tongue and didn't say anything, he is the one who commented on it.  Pornography is probably a major cause of this particular 'problem' in the first place, and they are using a form of pornography to 'fix' it.  The worst thing is, people fall for it...never mind the health (or should I say UNhealthy) side effects of taking a drug.

It's really sad... but as parents now we have an opportunity to use it as a teaching tool.  Everything is a teaching moment.  My kids often roll their eyes at me...  That's okay.  That doesn't stop me.

Blessings, Carla

I'm a member of One Million Moms. It's a pretty awesome group. They stay on top of TV shows. What they do is contact the members who send emails to the advertisers of the bad shows & tell them how much they don't approve of the show. They (We) ask them to remove their ads. Without ads, shows disappear. They have made an incredible difference with so many shows. When you get a chance, take a look at them.  

Another idea is, of course, don't get cable. Maybe just get a Blu-Ray & have specific movies they can watch. I know what u gonna say about this one - you don't have the money. It isn't possible for everyone. I know this. Just making some suggestions. Maybe order PureFlix. It's like the Christian Netflix. It's not bad at all each month. It has a lot of movies on it. Netflix is OK too. It has some bad ones but you can pick & choose.

The world isn't going to get any better. This is exactly what was prophesied. That doesn't mean we shouldn't continue to stand for what is right but don't be surprised when it doesn't happen. I know I'm preaching to the choir & you're just venting so I thought I'd help you out a bit.

Tammy,  looks pretty great.  I've never heard of it.  Thanks for sharing.

Absolutely. I've really enjoyed being involved with the group.

I know it's all written in Scripture. I just don't see how anyone could explain it away as giving people what they want. Most sane people DON'T want this stuff but it's almost forced on us. I don't see how it could be ruled out as satan's work since it's overriding what nearly everyone wants. Then when the media puts it out there, it's planting images in the minds of our kids, as well as our own. There's just no logical reason they've opened up TV and advertisers to push this claiming it's what the public wants. And it's where you almost need to remove TV completely which is crazy. Some people have, but most like to be able to at least watch something sometime. Even cartoons to entertain kids have adult centered commercials. The adults aren't watching so what's the real purpose?

Tammy, I was just talking to my family about Netflix last night. I have no idea how it works or how to use it with older TVs. It also takes Internet and there's only one provider in the area who has cornered the market and charge around $90/mo for Internet service. I'm looking into any options I can find.

Try PureFlix. So far, the only way I have figured it out is to have it on my computer & then put it on my TV from that but it has good shows.

The ones that push it unfortunately have the money. I believe that's the difference. 

Ok but why are they pushing it? I don't buy the "sex sells". I've never heard of anyone wanting to watch a movie just to hear foul language or see suggestive scenes. But it's because of what the theme of the show is.

It's baffling as to why people can't see something more is at work and they blindly accept that this is what most people want. It's very obviously not what people want. And they say Christians are brainwashed.

I'm opposite. I totally believe that sex sells. If it didn't, they wouldn't use it on so many things. Even Hardee's (Carl's Jr) has the most sexual commercial that I fast forward every time it comes on. 

How is it selling? You FF. Most people FF through every commercial these days. No one tunes in to see the commercials. If they're interested in that stuff, they'll look for it elsewhere but they don't watch TV hoping to find a commercial on it.

I'm glad I don't watch whatever channel shows the Hardee's commercial. We don't have many of them here anymore.


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