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I would like to know if Jesus will forgive me of this particular sin, 
I have been interested for many years about studying  the Biblical mark of the beast and am aware that in the probably not so far future that the Antichrist will come to earth and under Satan's orders try and cause as many people on earth to receive a mark in/on the right hand or forehead, that no one can buy or sell without the mark which is 666, the mark of the beast. I am also aware if anybody takes the mark of the beast that they will be condemend to hell with no redemption AT ALL. 
I believe that a lot of technology today could well be a step towards or perhaps even the forerunner of the ''mark'' of the beast.
technology such as UPC barcodes, Human chip ( verichip) invisible ink, e.t.c. may represent, or be the forerunner of the actual amrk during the great tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist. 
Anyway about a month ago I was at home and a UPC barcode on a shopping item took my attention. Whether it was Satan trying to mess with my mind because he's know's how I feel about the mark of the beast and certain technology or whether it was my own stupidity I don't know.
I felt the urge to rip the barcode off the cardboard retail box and hold it onto/touching my forehead for a few seconds. I knew I shouldn't have done it before I did this act but like I said I'm not sure if it was my own stupidity or Satan playing mind games with me. 
Because I did it the once I had an OCD moment that because I did it once I should do it again so I did for the next couple of days, each time I knew it was something I shouldn't be doing. Maybe it was Satan making me think that because I have potentially sinned that I may was well just keeop doing it and not repent. However I have stopped and repented from doing itb and sought forgiveness.
So that was about one month ago, I have never done it since and never will, I asked forgiveness from Jesus after I did it but whenever I think about it I just can't stop worrying about it and can't stop myslef feeling so stupid for doing it. I am  repeatedly asking God to forgive me for this even thoguh I am ware I only need to ask forgiveness once for this sin and to stay repented from it.
I'm not sure if Satan is playing with my Mind putting thoguht's there that I cannot be forgiven for it and decieving me, I'm not sure.
I really want to start living for God now and getting my life completely right from now on and forever with Jesus. 
I'd also like to know Pastor is this was a symbolic act, also if ti was and I am forgiven will it be forgotten and erased by Jesus Christ?   ( Please try and verify this for me) 
I need peace of mind from this now and I'd really like to know if you think Jesus will forgive me .
Thank you and God Bless 

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Jesus said that there is only ONE sin that won't be forgiven and it is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.  In the context in which He said this, He was speaking to Pharisees who KNEW He was who He said He was and yet accused Him of performing miracles through the power of the devil.  Some say you cannot even commit blasphemy these days because you can't face-to-face confront Jesus and accuse him of this.  That's not one we'll likely ever know if true until we're with Him.  My guess is that yes you can commit blasphemy; however...if a person does so, they are not concerned with the condition of their soul.  And they therefore would not be asking whether or not they've committed it. 

That being said, since that is the ONLY thing you cannot be forgiven for, then yes, you can be forgiven. 

Now, about why you may have done it or whether it's due to OCD. 

I believe we have ailments such as OCD, bi-polar, whatever the label due to two reasons.  One is through wrong teaching and being spoiled in this day and age.  But I believe the most people who do suffer from these things is due to a lack of proper diet and exercise, and of course the number one controversy...pollution. 

When Jesus walked the earth, that's just it....He WALKED.  He didn't jump in his Humvee and take off down the paved street.  He didn't run through the McDonald's drive through an order up a dead cow with a side of grease.  Some of the old laws have been shown to actually have been for our good.  But once we've been raised on such things, it's not so easy to change those ingrained habits.  IE: Pork has been shown to not be as good for human consumption as we might have thought it was. 

Our foods are not figs picked from the tree, fish caught in clean waters, unleavened bread, wheat, barley, etc.  Our foods are preservatives, polluted river trout, gluten laced breads.  We think that Rice Crispies is the same as rice, even after dumping a heaping tablespoon of sugar on them.

We're in a finite body that breaks down.  And if we don't eat right and take care of it, it breaks down even more quickly. 

That said....even though the ancient Israelites walked everywhere, ate fresh foods from the earth, they STILL had sickness.  Leprosy, issues of blood, blindness, deaf and mute, lame, possessed.  There are those today that tie every illness to possession.  I always go back to Matthew 4:24:

And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.

And my question is, if all who suffered mental illness were possessed, why then does scripture provide for both in this verse?  So it's apparent that not all mental issues are demonic issues.  BUT...satan can and WILL use those to his benefit.  If he can get us thinking we're too defective to be Godly or used of God, he can keep us from moving forward.  He can plant a thought in your mind that you've committed a sin you can never be forgiven for and keep your mind tormented on this. 


Thanks for your reply. Your opinion on what is means to ''blasphemy the Holy Spirit'' is an interesting one. I wonder if it could be if an unrepentant person dies without turning to God? 

But, blasphemy is not the ONLY thing a person cannot be forgiven for, whoever takes the mark of the beast cannot be forgiven. 

Many thanks for your email, It was very interesting

God Bless

Actually, the mark in context, says: If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand...

There's the "and" conjunction there. either the mark "and" worshipping the best OR blasphemy are both blatantly casting God aside which is the bigger picture. We choose Christ or choose to deny Him.


From reading several of your discussions, it seems me that Satan keeps you reeling in so many circles that you can't work in the salvation that He has given you. Satan has you so concerned about being forgiven about silly things that you can't concentrate on the priority which is Him. I'm posting a ton of Scriptures & next time you don't think you're forgiven, quote these OUT LOUD for Satan, demons & this any Christian brother waiting to condemn. Trust in His words & not the words of others. Also, I just want to throw in that the UPC code is to buy groceries, nothing more. When they first started using them when I was young, the Christian world was up in arms about the Anti-Christ, etc. Just buy your groceries brother & don't sweat the code to buy them with. It's just a computer generated code to make life a little easier. 

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness

Isaiah 43:25-26

"I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for My own sake, and remembers your sins no more.  Review the past for Me, let us argue the matter together; state the case for your innocence.

Isaiah 1:18

"Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

Hebrews 10:17

Then He adds: "Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more."

Psalm 103:12

as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.

Colossians 1:13-14

For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins

Hi and many thanks for your email.

I think your maybe right, maybe Satan has my mind racing with bad thoughts and thoughts that maybe Jesus won't forgive me , I sure I know deep down that I am forgiven by Jesus. Amen!

I may try that next time, shouting out these Scriptures. many thanks for that.

Also what you said about barcode's are just something you use to buy your groceries with, well exactly that, they are used for buying and selling. when the mark of the beast comes the technology could be anything, it could be human chips, invisible ink, palm prints, a permanent barcode tattoo on a right hand or forehead,  any other thing currently available which there are many or something not yet unveiled.  

God Bless

Don't sweat the mark brother. The elect won't be fooled as hard as the enemy will try to do so. Plus, if the end times are as I hope them to be, the elect won't have to worry about it in the first place. We won't be here. However, if the elect are here during the tribulation, I don't think it will be so easy to fool us. The enemy will try but it's not going to happen. Perfect loves drives away fear brother. Fear no more. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 


What do you think about the many things on the internet claiming every UPC barcode contains 666, one in each guard bars, 2 thin lines which resemble the number 6,  there are 3 fguard bars so apparently that = 666 ? 

God Bless

I think some people have too much time on their hands. If we spend it all worried "what if", where's it leave room to remember God's in control?

And believe me, I can only say this because God's been dealing with me on this issue of worry. It's a hard thing to stop, to retrain our thoughts. But when you find yourself worried if you can't be forgiven, worried if this UPC or that one is the mark of the beast, remember the scriptures say do not worry and let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

The Bible tells of the end not to cause worry because we've accepted Christ and we know we belong to Him. Those who should worry are those who fear God's judgment because they refused to accept His son and Jesus' sacrifice. God is warning people not to worship the beast and take his mark but worship God. Take HIS mark...the mark of Christ on the cross.

Him, thanks for the reply.

Some people may have a lot of time on their hands but just let's say, what if the UPC barcode actually does contain three 6's ? 

what would you think about that?

I agree worry if one of the hardest things to stop and overcome . I'll try and continue to Overcome it in Jesus Name.


what if the UPC barcode actually does contain three 6's ? 

what would you think about that?

I think I'd feel sorry for the poor misguided souls destined for hell for being in satan's will and trying to either scare the public or profess their worship of satan by putting it in there.  I'm still gonna drink/eat the product cause my faith is in God. 

1 Corinthians 8

So, what about eating meat that has been offered to idols? Well, we all know that an idol is not really a god and that there is only one God. There may be so-called gods both in heaven and on earth, and some people actually worship many gods and many lords. But for us,

There is one God, the Father,
    by whom all things were created,
    and for whom we live.
And there is one Lord, Jesus Christ,
    through whom all things were created,
    and through whom we live.

However, not all believers know this. Some are accustomed to thinking of idols as being real, so when they eat food that has been offered to idols, they think of it as the worship of real gods, and their weak consciences are violated. It’s true that we can’t win God’s approval by what we eat. We don’t lose anything if we don’t eat it, and we don’t gain anything if we do.

My car will turn to 666 miles soon enough. Does that mean I don't drive it any more? I had 3 sons who were all 6 years old at the same time, should I have killed them? Mercy knows I felt like it plenty of times. We can make a trillion things add up to 666 if enough time is spent on it. I'm going to give you a few examples.

VISA Card is also "interesting" to say the least. If you look at a VISA credit card you see three previous world empires represented. "VI" is the number 6 in the Roman numerals, "S" is the Stigma in the Greek culture whose value is 6, and lastly the "A" in the Babylonian culture is 6 ... i.e, VISA = 666!

We are told that the ancient Chaldeans, during the time of the Babylonian Empire when the prophetic Book of Daniel was written, had a numerological technique that can be applied to the English alphabet today. In that system, each succeeding letter of the alphabet was equal to 6 more than the one before it. In our system A would equal 6, B would equal 12, etc. as shown in the chart below...

New York


















































So the $666 question is: What words in English add up to 666? I've only been able to find 4, and two of those were from combining two other words. You see, no words in English with 7 or less letters seem to add up to 666 at all. The very first English word that equals 666 is COMPUTER. The next one I can find is KISSINGER. The third, a combo word, is NUCLEAR HELL. The fourth is FEDERAL RESERVE. 

One of the newest entries we have found is "NEW YORK" = 666, the obvious implication being that NEW YORK is the home of the United Nations and the New World Order.

Last but not least, it has been pointed out that "US OF AMERICA" = 666.

Oops. Found another one this New Year's Eve just 2 hours before 1998. I have for years used SSNUMBER as a variable name to hold SOCIAL SECURITY Numbers in many programs I have written. Guess what? You guessed it. SSNUMBER = 666 too. It's a bit more of stretch than the other words and phrases, but is it really all that far out?

You can try out these and other words and phrases for yourself easily thank to Terry Stough and his great phrase calculator PROGRAM. Most words and phrases work best if you use all capital letters and skip the spaces, but feel FREE TO try it any way you like.

Right now you are probably saying "Wait a Minute! How does FEDERAL RESERVE = 666?"

That is a very good question. Remember, the Bible says "Let he that has wisdom count (i.e. calculate) the number of the beast." If you looked closely at FEDERAL RESERVE you'll see it equals 858, and I deduct 192 to get 666. Where does the 192 come from? Because of the way the COMPUTER math works out, the space between the words actually deducts 192 from the total, yielding the end result 666. We find it quite interesting that it took a computer to figure out that the number of the Federal Reserve is 666, not that we think anyone will be suprised... 8-)

Here are some other words that add up to 666: Holy Bible, Bo Jackson, Catholics (Anyone that knows me knows that this one isn't a surprise for me)

Here are some other interesting things on 666 found on Wikipedia:

  • In the Bible, 666 is the number of talents of gold Solomon collected each year (see 1 Kings 10:142 Chronicles 9:13).
  • In the Bible, 666 is the number of Adonikam's descendants who return to Jerusalem and Judah from the Babylonian exile (see Ezra 2:13).
  • In the Bible, there may be a latent reference to 666 in the name of the great sixth-century BC king of Babylon. Commonly spelled Nebuchadnezzar, transliterating from the Book of Daniel, the name is Nebuchadrezzar or Nebuchadrezzur in the book of Jeremiah (see Jeremiah 49:28–30). The number of each name can be calculated, since Hebrew letters double as numbers (see Hebrew numerals). Nebuchadrezzar is 663, and Nebuchadrezzur, 669. Midway between the two variants is 666. If the mysteries of Jeremiah are to be related to those of Revelation, Nebuchadrezzar, who came (though bidden by God) to crush God’s people, may prefigure the end-times beast.[3]
  • Using the same system in Hebrew of generating a number from the letters of a name, Neron Caesar written in Hebrew produces the number 666. Thus, in the Bible, 666 may have been a coded reference to Nero the Roman Emperor from 55 to 68 AD.[4]
  • In Kabbalistic Judaism, 666 is the number which represents the creation and perfection of the world. The world was created in 6 days, and there are 6 cardinal directions (North, South, East, West, Up, Down).

In Other Fields

  • is the magic sum, or sum of the magic constants of a six by six magic square, any row or column of which adds up to 111.
  • is the sum of all the numbers on a roulette wheel (1 through 36).[4]
  • was a winning lottery number in the 1980 Pennsylvania Lottery scandal, in which equipment was tampered to favor a 4 or 6 as each of the three individual random digits.[5]
  • was the original name of the Macintosh SevenDust computer virus that was discovered in 1998.
  • The number is a frequent visual element of Aryan Brotherhood tattoos.
  • Aleister Crowley adopted the namesake 'the Great Beast 666'. As such, 666 is also associated with him, his work, and his religious philosophy of Thelema.
  • The most common carbon isotope (Carbon-12), the basis of all known life on Earth, consists of 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons
  • Molar mass of the high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7
  • In China the number is considered to be lucky and is often displayed in shop windows and neon signs.[6][7] In China, 666 can mean "everything goes smoothly".[8]

I could go on with this list but it would mess up my reputation about writing short replies.

You will know the mark when it comes. If the UPC barcode symbolized the 666, it wouldn't bother me at all. For I know who I have believed in & am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day. 

One other point, if the barcode was the mark of the beast, this world would have ended a long time ago. After taking the mark, how many more years are left? About 3 1/2? Your worry is futile & void. It's bringing nothing but stress to you & the Lord would not have this for your life. He tells us not to be anxious about anything. Would He tell you that but still want you to be anxious & stressed? Stop listening to others, news reports & the world. Get in the Word & study it for yourself. Pray the Spirit speaks to you through His words so you will know what you know & where you know. 

The very first English word that equals 666 is COMPUTER. The next one I can find is KISSINGER. The third, a combo word, is NUCLEAR HELL. The fourth is FEDERAL RESERVE. 

One of the newest entries we have found is "NEW YORK" = 666, the obvious implication being that NEW YORK is the home of the United Nations and the New World Order.

Last but not least, it has been pointed out that "US OF AMERICA" = 666.

So what you're saying is that Someone named Kissinger, who runs the Federal Reserve in New York in the USA is going to start a nuclear war using a computer?


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