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Low-Income Schools See Big Benefits in Teaching Mindfulness

Katrina Schwartz | January 17, 2014 98 Comment


On his first day teaching at Coronado Elementary School in Richmond, Calif., students threw rocks at Jean-Gabrielle Larochette, pretending he was a police officer. He spent fifteen minutes of every class calming down a handful of kids in this low-income-neighborhood public school who wouldn’t follow directions or behave.

Larochette began practicing meditation and mindfulness to cope with his own stresses of teaching and supporting traumatized kids. He believed the breathing techniques that helped calm his fears might work for his students too, so he founded the Mindful Life Project.

“Before we can teach a kid how to academically excel in school, we need to teach him how to have stillness, pay attention, stay on task, regulate, make good choices,” said Larochette. “We tell kids be quiet, calm yourself down, be still. We tell them all these things they need in the classroom, but we’re not teaching them how to do that.”

The project has since grown and is now being incorporated in a group of elementary schools in Richmond, in an attempt to improve academic performance and create a more positive school culture by teaching students mindfulness. Mindfulness is the ability to exist in the present moment and practicing it often looks like meditation. Schools across the country are beginning to use mindfulness as part of an effort to address the social and emotional needs of children, improving student achievement in the process.

“When we look at low performing schools it’s not that these children are unable to learn, it’s that very often they are unavailable to learn.”

“My hour of lost teaching time because of behavior problems went down to about 15 minutes a day –that meant almost a whole other day of teaching,” Larochette said. “I had to figure out what I could do to bring this to the rest of the schools in our area.”

Studies of mindfulness programs in schools have found that regular practice — even just a few minutes per day — improves student self-control and increases their classroom participation, respect for others, happiness, optimism, and self-acceptance levels. It can help reduce absenteeism and suspensions too. A mindfulness practice helps reduce activity in the amygdala, the brain’s emotional center responsible for fear and stress reactions.

“The other thing we know mindfulness does with the brain is it increases the activity in the prefrontal cortex,” said Vicki Zakrzewski, education director at the UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center, which studies the science behind mindfulness. “This is where we make our decisions, how we plan, our abstract thinking,” she said.

Educators at Nystrom Elementary school in Richmond are seeing some of those positive effects in their students. “This year is much better,” said third-grade teacher Glenna Hamilton. “Last year, it was just horrible.” One of Hamilton’s most disruptive students became more respectful and responsible since he began receiving mindfulness training. “If he does something incorrect, instead of being argumentative with me, he really thinks about it and realizes, ‘I didn’t make a good choice,’ and I see him self-correcting,” she said.

Nystrom’s school culture has shifted since the student began mindfulness training, said Principal LeDonna Williams. Students now have a common language to use when they want to calm each other down and fewer students are being sent to her office. When a student does act up, Williams will sometimes ask them to practice mindfulness before she addresses the problem. “Then you see the little fists releasing and their temperament coming down and they’re willing to talk to you a little more candidly about what their issues are,” Williams said. “They use it, they really do and it’s nice to see that.”


Many students at Nystrom directly know people who have been killed and others experience trauma secondhand from living in a violent neighborhood. In 2013, there were four homicides, 39 armed robberies and 47 assaults with a deadly weapon reported to the police in South Richmond.

“There’s a lot of grief and loss,” Williams said. “A lot of students experience violence on a daily basis, either in the home or in the community. And it’s coming out in their school work, in their interactions with other students, the climate of the school, it affects that.”


All the schools the Mindful Life Project works with have seen drops in detentions and referrals, said Larochette. At Nystrom, 18 kids accounted for 82 percent of the suspensions. At the beginning of their mindfulness training those kids were suspended 62 times in the first trimester. After three trimesters of mindfulness practice, that rate had dropped to 20.

“When we look at low-performing schools it’s not that these children are unable to learn, it’s that very often they are unavailable to learn,” said Madeline Kronenberg, a West Contra Costa County school board member. “They’re not able to focus; they’re so fixated on other things that are going on in their lives that it’s difficult for them to be able to find space for learning. Our job is to educate these kids and the way you educate them is that they need to be available to learn.”

At Nystrom, students report using mindfulness in a variety of situations. “When there are older kids, we were playing football and he hit me pretty hard on purpose,” said sixth-grader Tayshawn Newman. “We were going to get into a huge argument, and I just said, ‘Forget it.’ I took a deep breath and said, ‘Forget it.’” Another student reported that the mindfulness training makes him feel calmer and that he uses it when he feels like hitting someone. Another boy said he uses his mindfulness practice when he has trouble falling asleep.

Hear about individual students’ experiences with the Mindful Life Project

The mindfulness instructors understand that for many kids the ability to create inward calm is crucial when external quiet is hard to come by.

“The idea was to really create a grassroots movement,” said Larochette. “A movement that’s within, that stays within, that solidifies within and then meeting our kids when they get to middle school and high school and sustaining those opportunities and having a mindful life project instead of just mindfulness for eight to 10 weeks or a couple of years.”

The project is in the process of finalizing contracts with two of the biggest middle schools in the area. They hope mindfulness will follow elementary school graduates, helping them navigate middle school and eventually high school. Ultimately, Larochette would love to have high school mindfulness students come back to mentor younger students.

Check out what the Mindful Life Project looks like in action.

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Some can not home school for working to pay bills. They have no choice but public school. And people can have hard times. If your money is in stocks that fail, your home burns down, you get chemo and are sick for years could you figure out how to pay a Christian school? Many people overlook misfortune until they deal with it and it gives them great perspective before making assumptions people can't figure it out.

Sorry for all of your misfortune. I still hold my ground that we need to look at the bigger picture & understand why they charge what they do instead of throwing these Christian schools under the bus. These people are there for the children & their future in Christ & for no other reason. I've never seen a Christian school "prosper" off of the kids' educations except for the payoff of the kids themselves. I've been involved with one for several years to help pay for my child's education there. I was the janitor. No position was so bad that it wasn't worth my child's future.

Now, let's look at the flip side of a child even attending these schools. My 2 oldest kids went to them. My 28 year old just recently turned his life around for Christ because he met an awesome Godly woman. My 22 year old daughter is still in the trenches trying to dig her way out - her way. So, Christian schools aren't really always the answer. What they learn at home is the biggest answer. It's the foundation. I know without a doubt that my daughter will turn to the Lord again one day & in the meantime, I just keep praying. There was 1 kid that attended there that had 2 mama's which I found really quite strange knowing where the school stood but maybe that child will be affected by it. In my case, the school didn't make any difference really.

I have 3 young ones that go to public school now. I've somewhat looked at Christian schools in my area but given the results of my oldest 2, I'm not sure that's even close to the answer. Also, in the case of public school, we need to stay on top of the school, meeting with teachers, looking over assignments & making sure they're not being taught things outside of our beliefs. PTA meetings are a must as well.  

I also feel that those who work to pay these bills & truly want their kids to have a different education maybe should ask themselves if all of these bills are necessary. Are we paying for an extra car we don't need? Are we living in a house larger then needed? If the bills being paid are utilities, etc, of course we can't live without these. But maybe the cable bill can be slivered down. Cut the power bill down by turning off lights when not necessary. Buy groceries in bulk, etc. I've always been an advocate for stay-at-home mothers so I've made many shortcuts in my life so that I could make that sacrifice. I no longer have to do that & praise God for His blessings. It wasn't always easy. Power gets shut off, water shut off, no phone because of the basic budget not being there, car being towed for late payment but it was worth it or at the time I felt it was. I did work for that 1 year so I could get my kids' schooling cheaper but then my husband died. I worked for a few weeks afterwards but God sent me another man of God & I didn't have to work. Actually, I didn't have to work with my late husband but I felt I could help pull the load of Destiny's education by doing so. I got the tuition at either 1/3 off or 1/2 off because I worked there as well as got paid that great minimum wage plus another quarter or two. Can't really remember that far back. So, I've had my share of hurt & pain myself. We all have different roles to play & that is just a part of the one I played. I'm not downplaying anything you've suffered friend or anyone else for that matter. I just felt these schools were being portrayed in a bad light when half of the time, they can barely pay their electric bill. 

As far as stocks, I wish I had the knowledge to put some of my money there, not all of it but a little, to make a small side income. I'm sorry the economy back-fired on you. The way me & my husband look at money is we spend it NOW cause we may not have tomorrow. I guess that's why we have so many Big People Toys. ROFL. Don't actually know what we're going to do when he gets too old to work. Go rot in a hole or something. Maybe the 2 kids that went to that Christian school will keep us up. LOL - I have no idea where any of that came from. I just threw it in for free.

I pray life is looking up for you & you are completely healed of the cancer. You'll be in my prayers.

Sorry I was not being clear. I was not referring to me. I don't have cancer or lost in the stock market or any of that. But I know mothers whose husband's walked out leaving them with several kids and no work history. Even working two jobs will barely afford child care covrage. I know a woman who had it all. Til she worked so much she neglected her own health and was too late when dignosed with cancer. The bills ate up what the family had. The husband had to sell the home after she died. I've seen a couple of families who lost everything to disaster and insurance wouldn't cover it.

The best laid plans. It reminds me of James 4

13 Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

I do not know how Christian schools operate but I know what scripture tells Christians about how to live as a family and help one another with our needs. If we truly followed that Christian schools would have no money issues or have to turn away people who could not pay. We have instead stopped the practice of giving and in doing so have helped to create the welfare system in part. We turned the body of believers over to the government.

1 Samuel 8
6 But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the Lord.
7 And the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.

Well, since it's not you, can I just say that all those on welfare aren't Christians? lol. I'm also thankful that you have not had to go thru the trials you've listed. That's a blessing. You know, Christians will never do everything we're suppose to do. If we did, we wouldn't need the Bible I wouldn't think except to read the praises. 

Sorry it ha taken me awhile to respond. I agree not everyone is on welfare is a Christian. Still some are because churches have turned away their own. I've also known those who sought help from their church to be turned away and told I'll pray for you that God will help your situation.

James 2:15-16
If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled ; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?

When the church does this they are not following scripture and the one they turn away resorts to government help. That is when the church begins to think the person is sinning or won't work for their needs. They certainly aren't waking in love with neighbors and brothers of the faith but living selfish lives. I've seen those with barely enough to survive feed hungry and like the woman who gave all she had drop into that offering plate faithfully sometimes even after the church turned them away.

I've gone through my own trials but I've thankfully not had to deal with some of what others do. We each have our own cross to bear. But when I see churches acting this way it upsets me. We don't do all were supposed to true but we are supposed to at least try or want to help. Were not to hord riches for self or church parties.

What if....the church were biblical?....  We probably wouldn't be having this conversation at all.  I agree wholeheartedly with you in this.  

I keep thinking about Malachi 3:10

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall notbe room enough to receive it.

I began this article to warn.  All I want to say, is that we MUST be aware of what our children are being taught in today's school system and why they are being taught this?  Do we have alternatives, yes.  

Money is not the sole reason for excluding many of them, but knowledge about these issues is extremely important.  We need to be informed.  We need to inform our children, we need to take charge of our families. 

I truly understand your stance, GodsNotDead.  It is something that Christians have failed miserably at.....i.e. the Biblical Church.  Nowadays there is so much skepticism and doubt about those asking for help, that it's become more or less a business....those who have a good credit score basically.  We have forgotten how to treat the members...not just those dropping in on a Sunday and leaving on a Monday.  Members are called to take care of one another. 

I find it surprising how distant the Church Family is these days?   Or even if a Church family exist?  I'm very sorry for sounding negative,'s nothing like the Church of the New Testament, you're right.

Interesting you bring up Malachi. So many churches preach gimme, gimme, gimme also while not helping the flock. We become a greedy nation and it may be why we no longer see such miracles as before.

The reason they charge so much is they are footing the bill for EVERYTHING. What you need to look at is a private Christian school has to pay teachers, teacher's assistants, the power bill, clean up bill, the sports programs, etc. The state doesn't pay a dime of this. Christian schools BARELY survive & most don't. I sent my 2 oldest kids to Christian schools & I didn't mind paying a dime of it. Those teachers work hard to keep those kids in the true Word of God & they don't get paid even half what the public schools make. So, it would be my suggestion that you look into this issue before throwing Christians under the bus as well as the Christian schools. If you really wanted to send your kids to Christian schools, you Would figure it out. I have a mother next door that works her fanny off so her kids can go to Christian schools. Where you put your money, shows your priorities in life. I'm considering mine going to Christian school soon. I have 3 more. Their elementary schools had a Christmas play about Jesus so I had no complaints. However, as they get older, it gets worse. They all 3 will be in Middle School next year so, we're going to place something to the side to pay for it or I'll get a job. AND I'm not getting a job so we'll put something to the side.

Massachusetts Father Mad Just Because Public School Teaches ‘There Is No God But Allah’

The Daily Caller 
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Massachusetts Father Mad Just Because Public School Teaches ‘There Is No God But Allah’

Millions of students in public schools don’t understand fractions or pronouns at even a basic level but students in the oceanfront Boston suburb of Revere, Mass. are taking the time to learn all about Islam — in the most embarrassingly shallow and cheerleading way imaginable.

Part of the textbook prints the Muslim Call to Prayer, according to Boston NBC affiliate WHDH.

“I bear witness that there is no God but Allah,” it says.

The textbook portion also reverently celebrates Muhammad’s life.

“Muhammad never expected to change world,” the admiring, rah-rah textbook reads.

“Muhammad later tended sheep on the dry hills like many young Arabians,” the text explains. “Later he became a successful merchant and married a wealthy widow. However, he felt as though something was missing in his life, so he went on a retreat.”

The founder of Islam was “upset about the cruelty of his people,” the text also optimistically explains. They “killed baby girls.” They “treated their slaves unkindly.” And “Muhammad had a strong sense of right and wrong.”

One local parent, Anthony Giannino, is upset about the textbook’s treatment of the Muslim religion.

“No religion should be taught in school,” Giannino told WHDH. “It says Allah is their only God. That’s insulting to me as a Christian who believes in just Jesus only.”

“We don’t believe in Allah. I don’t believe in my son learning about this here,” Giannino added. “If my son was from another country and came here, he would have been catered to.”

The mad dad said he pulled his son out of his elementary school when he found out about the textbook’s treatment of Islam.

Other parents say they don’t see what the problem is.

“What is Muslim about? What is Christianity about? That’s what I teach at home,” parent Idalia Garcia told the Fox station. “Everybody should respect everybody else’s religion.”

The school district superintendent has since penned a letter to parents assuring them that the congratulatory statements about Islam are merely part of the district’s history curriculum.

Massachusetts Father Mad Just Because Public School Teaches ‘There Is No God But Allah’

Just because????  


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