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In a case I know of, the parents are neglectful as in not keeping the home clean. The children and an elderly, handicapped, live-in grand dad are trapped in this form of neglect/abuse. The Christian wife/mother loves her young children and her father and is responsible to meet their needs in most other ways. But her home is very dirty since she works non-stop at developing a business in order to get free of her unsaved husband who is abusive. The children/grandfather are suffering in these unclean conditions. Any ideas how they can cope until the mom can get free of her abusive husband? 

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There are no other reported problems of this nature at this time. We will keep an eye on it.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator
if physical abuse is going on it is very dangerous to let it continue. The woman obviously needs assisatnce. She is saying "I will leave when.........". Unfortunately the when sometimes never comes and then it is too late. Even verbal abuse can become untenable. Yes, it is an opportunity to witness to the whole family BUT her partner will not even attempt to change until there is intervention, with her leaving. A shelter is a start. She is possibly depressed - the cl;eanliness issue may be a sign here. One thing is for sure - if nothing is done the woman will suffer and get worse either mentally or physically - all abuse is unaccepatble. Intervention is necessary. If she is given options to leave and does not take them, this may be a sign she is really scared of repercussions. GEE, i hope what i ahve said helps in some small way - doing nothing here is not an option. She has to make a definite move herself, with support
You are so right that all forms of abuse are wrong. The wife is not depressed causing her to have a dirty house. It is like I said previously, she is working long hrs. to have a successful business so she has the wherewithal to support herself, her kids and her disabled father should the marriage end.There is just no time or energy for her to clean the house. And I agree that the husband will not change until there is an intervention. But they have no one she trusts to do an intervention. She has asked him to separate on 3 different occasions which he did in order for him to have the time to think about if he wants his family or not, but each time he has just gone into denial and said he was so tied up in the devil's chains that he could not think much. He has acknowledged that the devil has him in chains. So, yes, there needs to be an intervention and not just an intervention, but a deliverance.

As a friend, I am trying to study about deliverance, something I have not known too much about as I never attended churches where deliverance was taught. Yes the psychological term, intervention,. is used in churches these days. But I think the Bible would call it a deliverance. So, do you or anyone else at this site know anything about deliverance? This sister's husband is the devil's hostage and he has made his whole family his hostage since he is powerless acting to attempt to grow up and grow in the Lord. One day he acknowledges his problem and the next day he goes back into denial, back and forth.

Running to a shelter is not the answer here. The wife needs to protect her interest in their home and keep her business going. Her husband is not violent acting now. His main problem is he is wimpy, can not lead, can not make good decisions, but thinks his reasoning and actions are good when they are not. He is a very self-focused person and gets very resentful and controlling acting. He just has a lot of carnal ways since he has not looked at himself and applied the Word. He is a stumbling block for the family always standing in the way of their growth and being an embarrassment to them.

If you view the news these days, even if husbands like this aren't violent, they can become violent either to the wife or the children. So, the wife does not dismiss this possibility. Like I said previously, she has stayed with him, because she feels if she divorces him, he might escalate his behavior with the kids and bring wrong influences into their lives. He is open to deliverance. We don't know enough about deliverance and don't know any other Christians who do. It's like a forgotten art. Plenty of tv ministers talk about it, but we don't know any believers who walk in it. I am seriously studying deliverance at present and searching for believers who know how to minister deliverance. Of course, this husband could just be playing games as he doesn't think anyone has the guts to deliver him, but if that is the case, it is a sad statement about The Church.


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