All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

What do we mean when we say an event is in God's Providence or caused by his providence? What does the bible teach us about God's providence?


Are there things that God does not or cannot control? Is there anything that God did not cause to happen? How much does God control and how much does He sit back and watch?


What is the extent of God’s control over His creation? "Providence" is not a word we commonly use today, a word that was well known years back. We even name a town providence, Providence, Rhode Island , but few people today are familiar with the word or it's meaning and teaching.


The providence of God has been viewed as the invisible hand of God in human events.

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Mitchell -


This is a very blessed community, because not everything goes here. God has blessed us with a healthy place to fellowship.


We have seen people come and go through the years. People have even made multiple accounts in the past to pad themselves in the back about their own comments. In no way am I suggesting that is your case, but we have seen much here and to God's glory and for his praise AAG remains a healthy place and I am sure it will continue to remain just that.


You continue to find ways to get back to your favorite topic "attacking deliverance ministries." Please stop. This may not be the place for you, if your only desire is to comment on a subject that is divisive here. That is not healthy or welcome here.


Again, stop attacking the deliverance ministries on this site. I am sure you can go to their sites and have a tone of fun doing as you feel God leads you.


God bless you Mitchell.


David V.

Volunteer NET Moderator

As TheNET Coordinator I determined that the forum was not in alignment with our purpose for existence. There are usually two factors involved in such a decision. These two are content and interaction. AAG is a ministry and our goal to is help the seeker find Christ and the newer believer grow in Christ. The content and interaction of that forum was detrimental to those goals.


Lord Bless,



I understand that you are passionate about discussing "Deliverance Ministries," but every discussion does nto need to be redirected to that topic. I would suggest that you start the forum we discussed and see if others wnat to engage with you on that topic.


Lord Bless,


Thanks LT,

I will consider it. 

I do not appreciate however, David's zealousness to chastise me when I have been clear on my position. To me this is a serious subject that must be grasped.

David has stated over and over that he has never taught, or that AAG has either, that Christians can be possessed, but early in his response on the Deliverance Ministry forum that Char posted, that he was (indwelt/possessed) or believed he was the exception so to speak. Later he seemed to move away from that statement.

When I made my comment about Pamela Meyer, and for us to consider honesty and move towards seeking truth (which is what her video emphasized) but was banned because of her most horrific and uneducated statement according to David, I responded in humility believing I had made a most serious error. After watching and listening closely the second time, I found David's statement to be in error, but with him being a moderator, he gets the last word doesn't he? I asked him publicly to reconsider his statements and to show a little humility. I have yet to see this.

Furthermore, he insinuated I started another account (yet denied the accusation in the same statement) to "pat myself on the back" which demonstrates his insecurity, as I see it.

I, for one, don't think he should moderate as his contempt for me shines through. You Lt, on the other hand, show wisdom in your answers, although I may challenge that when it comes to anything related to Deliverance Ministries, because of my education and understanding on it. It is clear that David has his bias towards "Demonization" and seeks to protect those who promote it. My contention is, and has been, that division is here because we have teaching in direct contradiction to the truth in scripture. My intention has been to contrast it and shine the light on it for what it is.

My blog will seek to do that.

Truth and (contending) for it is a scriptural mandate, not an option. Deliverance Ministry doctrine is teaching and undermining an essential area of theology that I will state later but not here.

I understand the need to maintain unity, however the teachings of  "Deliverance Ministries" are in direct competition and contradict the clear scriptural passages that can be understood.

Again, I would define a "Deliverance Ministry" as one that teaches that born again Christians can be indwelt with demons anywhere in their body which in turn need to be exorcised or cast out of them and will be confronted by Christ himself in Matthew 7:21-23.

Confession of sin, (with repentance) is the remedy for sin and if one is in bondage, they must seek help in coming to the truth in scripture and change their beliefs to gain true freedom and deliverance from their troubles.




The forum, as I have stated before, was taken down primarily due to interaction and some for content that was not in alignment with the purpose of this site. David and you have gotten off to what appears to be a sour start. David, like you, is zealous for his beliefs and loves the Lord. None of us, including me, get it right all the time and we make mistakes.


I suggest that all of us take a breath and, if the subject comes back up, start a fresh. If you start the forum, as I mentioned to you via email, I will not be engaging in the discussion, but rather moderating it with AAG's ministry in focus and the two key points, content and interaction, in focus.


Lord Bless,



I hear you loud and clear.

Regarding David's comments in response to mine on the humility part, but now conveniently erased, which is why I don't like the complete scrubbing of that discussion, because that simply forced me to come here to deal with it. 

My comments still stand and when I am clearly wrong and begin to attack someone personally then let me know.

Of course I'm being "demonized" for wanting to discuss only "Deliverance Ministry" because that has only been and is my focus for now.

The providential/sovereignty topic is essential to the deliverance ministry argument.

I don't appreciate having my statements scrubbed as I have no defense, which is why I  stated in that discussion with the challenge to truly moderate.

I appreciate you haven't scrubbed my earliest statements in this discussion as of yet.

Speaking the truth in love and out of love for all involved,


p.s. I can't attend to the discussion for awhile and want to catch up, but later.

Lt, maybe you could email some ground rules for me knowing that I am passionate.

I don't like/being censored.


I will gladly attempt to work with you as you seek to engage on AAG, but know that we. as leadership, reserve the right to censor, as you call it, any and all content. That is clearly stated in the membership agreement. We reserve the right to remove any and all content, including whole discussions. That is not up for discussion. That is part of the ground rules here.


The basic ground rules for interaction is to attempt to show respect for others and demonstrate love even when they disagree with us. If things start to get out of hand I will insert a warning as I did in the previous discussion that went unheeded and that finally led to the removal of the forum. If I have to give the same person warning after warning they will eventually be removed from this community, but that is a last resort, but one we do enforce when necessary.


Regarding you and David. It is best to move forward with a fresh start. Put the bad start behind you and give it another try.


Lord Bless,

Thanks for further clarifying LT,

I do not recall ever seeing a warning message so that is new to me. It would seem more appropriate to delete individual comments as needed rather than the entire discussion, or at least freeze the discussion from further comments, like a referee somewhat.

You can state policy rules all day long, however, if you delete entire conversations, it seems to build distrust and controversy rather than build trust in my mind, for everyone gets punished for one or two persons actions, which was again why I stated the challenge to moderate more precisely or truly. 

If you are saying you were warning me, I never saw or noticed even one so why not send me a (friendly) test warning so I may heed it when necessary.

I know you couldn't possibly be  referring to me right?  Just a little humor.



You have expressed your opinion. I am not here to defend myself to you. I operate as TheNET Coordinator and will make decisions based on what I feel is right in light of the ministry purpose here and as authorized by those above me. You can disagree, but that will not change the way I operate. The discussion went wrong prior to Saturday of last week and then blew up while I was away. I chose to delete the forum, trust or not, like or not, that was my call and I stand by it. It is not the first time I have done so, nor will it be the last. I have closed discussions before, but this one I chose to delete. It is not the first time someone disliked my decision, but none-the-less, I made the decision and stand by it.


You are welcome to stay and participate with the knowledge that I will make judgment calls with the ministry purpsoe of this site in mind. If that is unsatisfactory to you then you may move on, because I will not stop overseeing this site in the manner that I have in the past, having been involved for the past 4 years, 2 as an Admin and 2 as TheNET Coordinator.


I have nothing further to say on this issue. Let's move on.


Lord Bless,




No Char,

What ultimately matters is  what God thinks on the specific subject that you originally inquired about. I want to make sure you are not mislead towards spiritual death.

I have been trying to tell you what He thinks (not Mitch) by the many warnings He has inspired in scripture for us to heed.

I know this isn't a comforting thought or remark, but we cannot (overlook) the many clear warning passages in scripture. We should not delude ourselves into thinking that wolves in sheep's clothing are for you and to advance the Kingdom of God but (recognize) they seek to destroy you.

My focus is clear and still remains the same. There are many who don't want to think evil of anyone, whoever when someone is (taken captive) from Satan to do/advance his will it has occurred because they have been deceived which is allowed within the providential/sovereign will of God as many who think they are on the pathway to heaven are not. Once again the reference: Matthew 7: 21-23 Check it out.

Speaking the truth in Love,




LT said the following:


>> It is best to move forward with a fresh start. Put the bad start behind you and give it another try.


I could not say it any better myself. What say you my brother? Can we let love reign, I am sure we can.


Blessings and love to you bro.


Here is a beautiful song for you:

Dear David,

Thanks for the song,  I did appreciate it.

However, before we can move forward to this new start, I want to address a couple of things that I must state and get it out on the table.

Did you not mock me with your Snoopy cartoon?

Did you not fail to understand the context regarding Pamela Meyer and her video, attempting to be a "hero" and chastise me publicly, in which I did respond with urgency publicly, later realizing your judgement to be in question? And after an attempt to get you to reconsider your statement, you simply refused to consider it? And your pathetic apology statement to ice the cake, after I brought attention to your allusiveness, yet all conveniently scrubbed. Scripture declares He who covers his sins will not prosper.

So David, this may be hard for you, but don't tell me how much you love me but rather demonstrate it, as I am extending one more chance in which I have stated to do the right thing. I believe you can if you can "hear" what I am saying. This is not that difficult. I'm the guest here am I not? This is your domain somewhat I perceive.




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