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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

This has been on my mind for months now and it has only just become clear enough that I can actually verbalize a question out of it:

We are told that if we are truly saved, we must bear fruit (fruit of repentance, fruit of the Spirit come to mind). But isn't there a danger in trying to PROVE we are saved by trying to bear fruit? 

Isn't this legalism, or depending on works for salvation?

And how do we keep from falling into this trap??

I remember learning that there was a movement in early American colonial times where people sensed this pitfall and so went to the extreme of denying the role or importance of bearing fruit. 

Any thoughts or help is much appreciated!

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thanks LT, 

i don't have a right heart before the Lord. when i became a Christian 2 years ago i was convicted of a sin i had to set straight. it was something very difficult to do for many reasons and i still haven't taken care of it. 

i know this sin has made me heart not right before God because i'm not denying all to follow Him. 

this is where so much confusion has come in- how do i make sure i am obeying for the right reasons? i have questioned my salvation because of this sin, knowing Jesus said to false converts, "why do you call me Lord if you do not do what i say?" 

i want to obey from the right motive, not because i want to "gain or maintain a relationship". 

i get the feeling that i should just obey asap and not let wondering about my motives get in the way, but i don't want to do something legalistic in obeying



Let me ask a couple of important questions for you to ponder, and you need not respond here, but can if you want to.


Do you love Jesus? Do you believe He died on the cross and that His blood is the payment, only payment, for our sin? Have you recognized your sin, repented, and asked Him to forgive you and to be your Lord and Savior?


Lord Bless,



I did not make it a requirement, but asked if Jenny loved Jesus. If you love Him there can be no mistake that you know Him, because we cannot love Him without Him guiding us into that love. We can desire all the good things about Him, but that is different than love for Him. Our love for Him will grow, but the day we are able to say we love Him, even if but a little, is a beautiful day and this recognition will follow our salvation. For some it is recognized early on and for others it takes a while, but we must remember that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength ...


We can also recognize that the "Fruit of the Spirit" developing in us as a sign that we are in Christ and that the Holy Spirit is at work in us.


Lord Bless,


It is a beautiful day when we can truly declare that we lvoe Jesus!!!


Love does not mean the absolute absence of anger. God is love and He also demonstrates anger. Today's message that I linked in response to Jenny speaks about the undeniable truth that God loves us.


Lord Bless,


i have been trying to merit GOd's favor and salvation, and have had so much despair the last 2 years as i've tried. 

today my family and i went to a new church for the first time. 

i heard the full gospel there. i've heard it many times before, but this time was different. 

i went down to receive communion knowing that i was approaching Jesus broken and empty-handed. i knew in a new way that He has paid for my sins in full and He loves me apart from anything i do

i love Jesus. i believe He died on the cross and that HIs blood is the payment, freely given to me who would be hopeless without His shed blood on the cross. 

please pray for me as i learn about Him more


I will be praying for you.

At the following site will find today's message on salvation entitled "Has Jesus Gone to the Cross for You" that may be helpful to you. Here is the link


Lord Bless,


thankyou, you've given me some things to ponder here about my actions

The easiest way to not fall into the trap is simply let the Spirit lead you into good work.

I'm not as learned as many on this web site but I will add my two cents . I truly believe in the salvation given to me and only want to serve my  Lord and Savior. Part of serving is taking care of His creation. We are all created in Gods image. As such, I want to do what I can to serve my fellow man and hopefully in doing so bring them to Christ. I don't go looking for things to do, I just let the opportunities present themselves. When they do, I do what I can because I believe the Lord presents them to us so we can give of ourselves in the Lords service.

I use to keep tract of "my" good works when I was "religious". I think in my mind I had a tote board that tallied up my works. When I gave my life to Jesus and was "Born Again" I no longer had the need to keep score. I realized I could not earn my way to heaven.

The works now are no longer done to earn anything. They become a natural outpouring of the love I have for others given to me by the Spirit. What I find so cool is that after giving your life to Christ, you start doing good works without even thinking about it and when someone wants to praise you for them, you get embarrassed.

How do keep from falling into the trap? Stop trying not to fall into the trap and listen to the Spirit. If God puts it on your it, but do it because you love God and His creation.

God Bless


it was a great encouragement to read this, thanks for sharing


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