All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The Bible calls us a "temple of the Holy Spirit" [1].  Are we made of two parts (body and soul) or three parts (body, soul, and spirit)?


Most Christians fall into either one of these views:

  1. Dichotomist - Believes that humans are made up of mainly two parts: material (body) and immaterial (soul/spirit, seeing these two as interchangeable)

  2. Trichotomist - Believes that humans are made up of mainly three parts: body, soul and spirit (distinguishing between soul and spirit).  Key verses are 1 Thessalonians 5:23 and Hebrews 4:12.

Do you believe there is to be a distinction between soul and spirit, or are they interchangeable words and descriptions for the inward part of humanity?  


Does Christ's grace save the whole of a human being--body, soul and spirit or just his/her soul and spirit?  In other words, when we are born anew, accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior and the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us, does our whole nature (body and spirit/soul or body, mind and spirit) become spiritual?


When Jesus shares the greatest commandment -- You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. (Matt 22:37) -- does this mean we are actually made up of five parts: body, soul, spirit, heart and mind? Are we to be pentachotomists?



[1] 1Cor6:19; Rom8:9; 1Cor3:16; 1Cor3:172Cor6:16 

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We have had a few discussions about this subject, they can be found in the forum archives, but it’s always good to revisit this and other topics.


Do we Possess three entities namely a "Body" "Soul" and "Spirit"?


Good topic. I actually asked the same question a while back, check it out. LT''s response was very good.


Thank you for letting me know that this topic has come up twice before in AAG's Forum.  I am going to follow the links posted to the two discussions from 2 years ago and read the comments.  This is a good reminder to me as a new member to check the archives first to see if a topic has already been discussed before posting it again. 

Faith, hope and love,



There is nothing wrong with posting a new forum on a subject that has been brought up before. We cannot expect people to go through the archives everytime before posting a new forum. Thus of us who have been here a while will often point people to those older discussions as further food-for-thought. Also, with the older discussions you will find that some have left AAG and that leaves gaps and others have not left, but no longer participate.


          Out of curiosity I decided to count the number of discussions that have been posted in the AAG Forum.  The total for all categories, including those archived, now stands at a staggering 2,833. 

          One can only wonder with nearly 3,000 discussions to date, whether every imaginable question from every possible angle has already been covered at least once in the Forum, though logic tells me the answer is no. 

          Still, if you or I were to spend just a minute (a mere 60 seconds) scanning each of these archived discussions, we would need to devote more than 47 hours to the task.  Imagine that!

Faith, hope and love,



I was having a good day ... hahaha, thanks for changing that :-) Do you want the job of going through them?

Lord Bless,



I saw this discussion and wanted to send this to add to your study on this. I know this has come from the Deliverance Ministry discussion which is closed.

Both articles will address all the views that are coming up in this discussion.

My understanding is this is how Deliverance Teachers somehow create the necessary space to then say a demon can dwell there. Just something to consider.


Simply resist them and they will flee. Preoccupation with them is not a healthy thing. Neither should the flesh and the hearts desires be confused with demons.

If our minds are focused on Christ, any thoughts should be taken captive to the obedience of Christ.

He is our strongman who cannot be bound. Always remember that greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.


Since our discussion was closed and this one seems interrelated, I have read your position and agree with what you say. That we cannot conclusively determine and solve this mystery.

I think we would agree that the danger of attempting to determine how many parts make up our temple can be another debatable discussion which I have no interest in anyway.

Let's agree that doctrines, man made or demonic, have taken advantage of this. (Col. 2:23)




Let's agree that doctrines, man made or demonic, have taken advantage of this. (Col. 2:23)

Agreed, man has the ability, intentional or unintentional, to pervert the truth and the demons would like nothing better than to pervert the truth and cause confusion and division.


Mitch and LT both referred to Colossians 2:23, which I've posted below.

These are matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in
self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body,
but are of no value against fleshly indulgence.

Colby and Amanda,

In reference to

1 Thess 5:23  spirit is the English word used for the Greek *pneuma*  and soul is the English for the Greek *psuche* it causes me to think that they are two different parts. Our spirit is made perfect at salvation so the sanctification process would be done on our souls.

God said "Let us make man in our image". I believe that the image is the triunity of man...spirit, soul, body.

We are told to resist the devil and he will flee. If our spirit is made perfect at salvation, the devil can't touch it. The parts left that Satan can plague are the soul and the body. We are being santified continually; however, the devil can still attack during that santification process...both soul and body.

The first thing we need to understand is that Satan or one of his minions do attack because the Bible tells us to resist him. If our spirit is protected, where does he attack? Our mind and body, in my opinion. Because of the fact that we are aware of the attack, but might not recognize it as such, we are able to resist it.

Some times we don't recognize the attack as being from Satan but because we don't recognize it as such, doesn't mean it's not true. I think that being true to God and to ourselves will make these attacks fall on the shoulders of the devil, giving light to them so that we can fight against them. So that we can call on God and our faith to rid ourselves from them.



The big question our mind our body or our soul?

Rita, I understand "attacks" to mean oppression and not actual habitation. This is why we have the spiritual armor -- sufficient protection if being used. As for your question, we know that the body without the spirit is dead as James 2:26 tells us and we know that in Luke 16, the rich man had perception without being in his body because the Scripture says, The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’   

The brain is an organ in the body and many things can go wrong with it physically as well as mentally and the mind, which is part of our soul, expresses itself through the brain. IMO Emotions are also part of the soul and are expressed through the body.

Have you heard the expression, "It's all in your head"? Ususally, when people say it, they aren't be very nice because it is an idiom which means you have imagined it in your mind and it is not real. However, I give it a new meaning. I don't think the rich man was imagining things.

No one is denying that we have a very real spiritual enemy named Satan who tempts us and who has innumerable helpers.

I think I understand from Scripture that some fallen angels are bound in prison and kept there for judgment because of sin (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; 1 ).

The rest of the fallen angels are temporarily free to roam earth and in the air under the rule of Satan. They are numerous and that makes them give Satan the appearance of being all powerful, knowing, and present
everywhere – but he isn't - it's just that they are everywhere (Luke 8:30; Ephesians 6:11, 12).

How far will God let them go in the lives of believers? Through their bodies, into their souls, and just up to their spirits? Is it up to the believer? Up to how much faith and obedience they have as well as how much they are able to resist and command them to flee?

I think those are really the big questions in my heart.

If only our spirit is protected by the spiritual armor, then what? Why has God left us so unprotected?

Blessings to you always ...




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