All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The Word is Living! The Word of God is Alive! We are the ones who transform. As we develop and change by, humbling ourselves before God. The Spirit shows us, the Truth in the Word. We mature through and by the Spirit of God, who lives in each of us. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. His Word never changes, it is our understanding and knowledge that does. In Ephesians 4 the Plan has been laid out for us. It would be best that we all read the chapter. I am going to break parts of it down, however. Paul through the Spirit tells us who we are in Christ. How we are to see one another. And, how we are to conduct ourselves.
...that you walk just as it is suitable to the calling in which you are called, 2In all humility of mind and quietness and patience, and that you would be patient one toward another in love, This is what we are to keep in mind at all times. As we Pray for one another, and act towards each other. 3And to be diligent to keep the harmony of The Spirit in the bonds of peace, 4And that you would be in one body and One Spirit as when you were called in one hope of your calling. 5For THE LORD JEHOVAH is One, and the faith is one, and the baptism is one, 6And One is God The Father of all, and over all, and with all and in us all. We are One in the Spirit, we are One in the Lord. This is what we Must keep in mind. As we remember this, we have no reason to compare ourselves to each other. We are all in this together. 7But to each one of us grace is given according to the size of the gift of The Messiah. We have been given the ability to carry out what God has called us to do. In other words we are equipped, to do what we have been called to do. 10He who descended is the same who also ascended higher than all Heavens to restore all things. 11And he gave some who are Apostles and some who are Prophets and some who are Evangelists and some who are Pastors and some who are Teachers, 12For the perfecting of The Holy Ones, for the work of the ministry, for the building up of the body of The Messiah, We are to do what we have been called to do, for others. Not for us, or others, to think more highly of who we are. Because, whatever it is you are to do, it is in the service of, and for others. As Paul tells us in the first part, “In all humility of mind” It is apparent, what we must strive for, 13Until we all shall be one entity in the faith and in the knowledge of The Son of God and one perfect man with the dimensions of the stature of the maturity of The Messiah, We must never forget, we are all engaged and striving to the goal of being like Jesus. How often have we heard of the “new thing,” the “fresh revelation?” If it does not Glorify Jesus, if it brings attention to a person. We must always be aware of all teachings. That is one of the reasons, to operate in the Spirit. 14Neither shall we be children who are shaken and troubled for every wind of crafty teaching of the children of men, those who plot to seduce by their cunning. They may “sound” good, yet 15But we have been firm in our love that all our affairs may increase in The Messiah, who is The Head, 16And from Him, the whole body constructed and joined in every joint, according to a gift given in measure to every member for his growth of the body, that His building may be completed in love. Jesus is the Head, as we operate in our gifts, this is the reason for our talents. True Love binds us together, “children who are shaken and troubled for every wind of crafty teaching” these things divide the Body. They may looks good in the beginning, all shinny things do. However, after time these things divide. Soon it is clear, the goal is for “those who plot to seduce by their cunning” so people follow this group, eventually they are to follow one man. Whose pride and arrogance's will, lead his followers away from Jesus. We have seen this time and time again. 8Therefore it is said, “He ascended to the heights and took captivity prisoner and he has given gifts to the children of men.”
9But that he ascended, what is it but that also he first descended to the lower regions of The Earth? Jesus is the One who Paid the Price for us. He is the One Who did the heavy lifting, so we would one day be with, Him, the Spirit, the Father, and one another in Heaven. We must be aware of who we spend time with, and how we spend that time. ... you should not be walking as others...who walk in the emptiness of their minds, 18And they are dark in their intellects and are aliens to the Life of God, because there is no knowledge in them and because of the blindness of their heart, Yes, we live in the world, but we are not to live as those of this world. We are Born Again Believers of the Most High. These who are “dark in their intellects.” 19Those who have cut off their hope and handed themselves over to lewdness and to the cultivation of every impurity in their lust. These seek out and desire, the “if it feels good” thinking. ALL of them lead to dead ends! 20But you have not learned The Messiah in this way, 21If truly you have heard Him and you have learned of Him, as whatever is truth is in Yeshua; Jesus. The Life in Christ, that we have been chosen for, is far and away better then all of these combined. To live for Jesus, we must chose Him and not yourself. 22But you should put aside from you your first way of life, that old man, which is corrupted by deceitful desires, 23And you should be made new in the spirit of your minds. 24And you should put on the new man, who has been created by God in righteousness and in the purity of the truth. We are humans, we have emotions and desires. We can have and express them, just not be lead by them. 26Be angry and do not sin, and do not let the sun set on your anger. 27Neither should you give place to The Slanderer. If, we allow our anger to much power and control, things will get out of control. The enemy will be right there, setting us up for a fall, or even worse. 29Let not any hateful words come out of your mouth, but whatever is good and useful for improvement that you may give grace to those who hear, 30Neither be grieving the Holy Spirit of God, for you have been sealed in him for the day of redemption. 31Let all bitterness, fury, rage, clamor, and insults be taken away from you with all wickedness,32And be sweet one toward another and affectionate, and be forgiving one another, just as God in The Messiah has forgiven us. Eph 5:1-2 Be therefore imitators of God, as beloved children, 2And walk in love, as also The Messiah has loved us and handed himself over for our persons, the offering and sacrifice to God, for a sweet fragrance. See what I mean, Ephesians 4 & 5:1-2 has so much meat. We are told how we are to be with one another. Reminded of what Jesus did for us. We are instructed in how to use the gifts, we have been given. 12 For the perfecting of The Holy Ones, for the work of the ministry, for the building up of the body of The Messiah, As we remember these things, and humble

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AMEN my friend. I agree with Alcedes, if more christians could read into these words and hold them constantly, the world would be a better place. I really like this friend. God bless.

To took my breath away Chris ,if everyone would just follow half of what you speak what a wonderful world we would live in. Some may think the kingdom of God is a place in the afterlife, but the kingdom Jesus described was and us ,eternally
Present , It s right here in the midst of us ,We experience it when we trust in God's all, sufficiency ,not only in the future
but today and every day. Each morning we enter into te kingdom of God. when I retire each night ,I am grateful for God's
kingdom as I recognize God's living, loving. Presence all about me. I am joyful and at ease, receptive to divine guidance and
life enriching ideas. When I am in a childlike state of wonder and appreciation ,I am open receptive and cooperative with God's plan for good. whoever does not receive the kingdom of Gid as a little child will never enter it. - Mark 10:15


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