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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Have you ever wondered why it is that so few believers know more than just a little about how to stand against the devil and his demons? For one thing, most churches do not teach about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or the gifts of the Spirit which is the power of God in our lives to handle spiritual warfare. So, that eliminates most believers right there. But even for those who are taught the Baptism in the HS and spiritual warfare, very few churches  have in depth teaching on what spiritual warfare is and how to stand against the enemy. Most church goers in churches that do teach somewhat on this subject, look to the pastor to be the one to run the devil off.  But where does it say anywhere in the Bible that only the pastor or the church leaders have the empowerment to fight spiritual forces? Doesn't it say that all believers are empowered to stand against the enemy? 

I was once in a church and a man that came to a service was truly demon possessed and began to act-out right in the middle of the church service in front of everyone. Guess what happened? 99% of the church members ran out the back door of the church as fast as they could run lol! I'm laughing because I never forgot that as it made such an impression on me that day.  But in seriousness, it's not funny. The question is, why does the average believer know so little about spiritual warfare?

 I know some believe that we just need to focus on Jesus  and not be concerned with what the devil is doing, that Jesus will take care of him. And I agree that we don't need to be looking for a demon under every bush.  When ppl sin it is not the devil that made them do it although many like to joke that it was- no ppl sin when they are drawn away through their own lusts- they choose it.

But on the other hand, we are told in the Word not to be ignorant of the devil and his devises.  In my opinion it seems like most believers are woefully under taught how to stand on the Word when it comes to spiritual warfare and I am sure that is just the way satan likes it.  I mean most believers are afraid to even utter the name of the devil, it's like they pretend he doesn't even exist. It is one thing not to say his name in order to bring undue attention to him and to instead bring more attention to the Lord. But it is another thing to be afraid of him and not know how to stand in spiritual warfare against him and his demons.

So, I don't think there will be any great knowledge extended in answer to my post since most of us are pretty much in the same boat on this topic, but just wondering if anyone has anything to share as to personal experiences they've had when it comes to spiritual warfare or why they think we as the Church aren't more prepared to stand against the wiles of the enemy?

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I see your point but I have felt hurt, condemned , and judged. My use of the word judgment is not an excuse for my behavior and in fact I have apologized numerous times. What more can I do?

There is a very subtle difference between discerning and judging. True discernment does not come with the desire that someone gets what is coming to them because it does not condemn but simply sees something with the eyes and the mind of Christ--sees the something as it really is.

When we run ahead of God, and when we tell others they must live by our rules--as in, I was healed instantly of my depression and I don't see why you are depressed for so long--that is a judgment. IMO

Do I judge? Yes.

Do I have discernment? I can recognize some false teachings. The definition I have of this gift is that "Discernment means to be able to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil. It is having a logical, judicial ability to think through issues. It is the ability to “discern” whether  a saying, teaching, doctrine, written word, or event is good or evil; true or false; and if the source, meaning or intentions are of God, the person or Satanic deception."

Can we really have true discernment over the internet? I don't know the answer. Sometimes I get really scared of some people but I think that I am just afraid of people in general now.

We are in a spiritual war. The battle is tough and the enemy is relentless. The war invovles many components. There is the enemy, the world, the people in the world and self that battle against us at times. We are on the winning side, but that does not mean life will be without challenges or opposition.


One thing that helps me is to remember that I am here on mission and when the mission is over I get to go home ... looking forward to that day!!!

The one who roars liek a lion would like nothing better than to intimidate us into silence and inactivity. When we understand it is a war and not a cake walk it helps us to embrace the battles that come our way. In war we recognize that there are some who get wounded and the church family needs to be willing to reach out to the hurting to help them heal and see them reengage.

Hi LT, Me too. What you said about going home struck a chord with me. I love that Neil Diamond song about coming to America. Some of the words make me teary eyed.

My favorite parts of the song:

Far we've been traveling far. Without a home but not without a star. Only want to be free. We huddle close. Hang on to a dream. Home, don't it seem so far away. Oh, we're travelling light today. In the eye of the storm. Home, to a new and a shiny place. Make our bed and we'll say our grace. Freedom's light burning warm.



I like Neil Diamond's music. I look forward to that day of gathering together with my brothers and sisters and worshipping the King of kings in one accord ...



I have always liked him, too, and I think he must have been very lonely when he wrote this one:


I have other posts to reply to today in order of priority for this thread and others. I am doing a little research at this time in prep for my replies. But I saw this part of the thread on music and if you knew me you'd know I am a huge music buff.  It's interesting how God has lead me re music. Prior to getting  saved, my music favorites were the Beatles, the English groups and all the rockers, the folk singers, soul singers, the pop groups and the solo and duo greats. When I got saved, I threw my entire collection in the trash can in obedience to what I felt the HS wanted for me at that time. I can remember throwing McCartney in there and saying Bye Bye Paul. And to think that at one time I hoped he would marry me. I would then spend many yrs devoted to study of the Word. I was very excited one day not too far into my salvation when God showed me, because I had obeyed Him to let go of the secular music, that there was a thing called Christian music-gospel and contemporary gospel and that it was fine, a good thing, to form a new music collection consisting of music with God honoring lyrics and the anointing of the HS. Well, godly music has ministered to me so greatly down through the years of my Christian walk. I love all my Christian singer favorites and praise music. For years I could not of told you one current secular singer's name or song, same with tv programs, as God wanted that out of my life at that time. He helped me see that the reason I like music so much is because in my earlier years I was searching for truth so I identified with secular music. The thing was, lyrics of secular music are about finding love, finding truth, finding a purpose for living, and since I had found Christ, I no longer needed secular music. Then I was thrilled to hear the singers praising the One and the Life I had found that set me free.

Well the most interesting thing happened. Despite secular music being out of my life for years, it was like the Lord let me know that because I had been obedient to give it up, He was now allowing me to return to the singers and their music that I had so loved back then. Like I said, I hadn't heard their music in years and years. I had to jog my memory as to who they were and their best songs. I have somewhat of a musical gift myself and I began playing some of my old favorites on my guitar and piano as I began to remember them. They were still in my memory bank. But now God was showing me that just like Christian singers, it is God who gave the gift of music to secular singers as well. As I played their songs, the Lord had me change the lyrics in some places. Like take the Beatle song Let it Be- instead of the lyrics mother Mary comes to me, I inserted the lyrics Jesus comes to me. Needless to say, I had a blast with all of this. And then, even more recently, the Spirit released me to listen to quite a few of the older songs via YouTube and a few CDs I picked up for cheap at garage sales or thrift stores. He took me back in my life and reminded me how much I had loved music and what it was like at that time when I was searching for what I used to call The truth of life.  He reminded how the reason I loved music so much was because the music had been sort of like my companion when I was searching for truth unbeknown to me at the the time that the truth I would find was the Mater, Jesus. I was reminded that everyone wants the same thing- life, truth, love, peace and music is one of God's tools to bring this about in our lives. Some of those good ole days hold cherished memories as I relived the music and the fun days of youth, so full of life yet, desperately searching for true life. Just about everyone has this one thing in common, music, we all love it, some more then others. So, now a days, whereas Christian music is my mainstay, I love getting out some of the oldies but goodies. It was the most amazing thing in my life that God spoke to me through the lyrics of the songs back then on my path to Him. My very favorite singers from back then often had lyrics about Jesus, the gospel and spiritual themes in their songs. I was so drawn to those lyrics not knowing why at the time. Remember James Taylor with his song Fire and Rain or the Doobie Brothers with Jesus  is Just Alright with Me? I love to play this last song when I'm listening to music outside and just blast it throughout the neighborhood. How could anyone not like it- it is so amazing! But said all this to say, I have wondered if there is a music group in the groups section or if it is alright to start a thread on music that ministers as it would be a fun topic and I'd love to hear what others' music favorites are, secular or Christian that you feel honor God.

Let the new thread begin! Love hearing about your favorites and why you chose them. As people share I will enjoy going to YouTube to heartheir favorite God honoring songs.

My heart is fluttering :)

Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Jane, excellent thread..... thank you.....over 800 posts at this time. Shows how interested folks are Re: this subject.


Let me add some Scripure and thoughts to this matter of spiritual warfare.

IT'S REAL!.........I believe that satan exists,and his army consists of about one third of the angels that were originally in Heaven..............

when they were all kicked out of God's domain. And they are active.

God has allowed satan temporary rule over the world........from Revelation 12:12, ".............Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time".

And Saints, keep in mind that satan does not even come close to matching the power of God. Amen.


According to a recent Barna Group report ( a publishing company that does a lot of church-trends- tracking) reveals that about 40% of Christians believe that satan is a myth, or only a symbol of evil......he doesn't exist. at best, he is a funny looking guy with horns, mustache, tail, carrying a pitchfork..... and he LIVES in hell at this time........  This is a sad state in Christ's church. 


Interesting to note in Luke 10:17, "And the 70 returned with joy, saying, "Lord even the demons are subject to us in Your name".

Then skip to verses 19 and 20, "Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall injure you. (20) Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you,  but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven".

 Also, The Bible translations that contain verses 9 - 20 of Mark, Chapter 16 have similar promises to Christ's disciples. appears to me that our first priority is to preach and teach, and show and tell the Word of salvation across the world.......starting across the dinner table.

Please note: In Jesus' entire Sermon On The Mount........ to His marching orders contained in The Great His last words spoken to the disciples at His ascension.............. nothing regarding spiritual warfare.


What is our battle plan? I agree with L.T. that we don't have to look for demons under every rock. And remember, satan himself is not omnipresent.......he can be only one place at a time - NOT LIKE ALMIGHTY GOD. So, if you think that you've had a personal visit from satan............ you must be pretty important.


Alright, let's see what kind of ammunition satan's got to use.

Matthew 4:1 tells us that the Holy Spirit led Jesus out into the wilderness....... to be tempted by satan, himself. Jesus fasted for 40 days and that He was in a greatly weakened physical condition.

He was tempted by satan in the three great areas that humans past, present, and future have and will be, tempted(remember Eve and Adam?).

These three areas are = (1) Personal Needs and Desires......(2) Power and Possessions.......(3) Pride.

And of course, Jesus passed all three test areas (in a weakened condition)with His powerful response - The Truth of the Word Of God. That dirty devil couldn't deal with it.....and he still can't.


Galatians, Chapter 5 really zeroes in on this whole matter statrting at verse 16: thru v. 21 which talks about walking by the (Holy) Spirit, and not carrying out the desires of the flesh........Greek-sarx....meaning human imperfection, with all its frailties, weaknesses, and short-comings.......for the Spirit (God) and the flesh (sarx, which is  the way of the world) which is satan, are in opposition with each other.(duh).

And even believers can find some personal internal spiritual warfare raging between carry-overs from their B.C. days, and how the Spirit is leading as He develops His nine fruit (not gifts) in our hearts as described in vv. 23 & 23.The mind is the battleground for the heart.

Jesus was saying in Luke 9:23, "If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, and TAKE UP HIS CROSS DAILY, and follow me. My take on this - We have to deny all satan's temptations........even when they're hard to recognize..... and crucify our old baggage, as part of our sanctification. Crucifiction is a slow death, and some of these old habits die s-l-o-w-l-y.


So when James and Peter tell us to resist the enemy, sometimes we have to examine ourselves because we still might  have  him in us. And , that popular verse in 1 Peter 5:8 which talks about our adversary, the devil prowling about as a roaring lion....

don't let him in.

How do we resist? Ephesians 6 :10-18 tells how: Put on the WHOLE ARMOR of God....Truth...Righteousness...Gospel of Peace....Shield of Faith...Helmet of Salvation...Sword of The Spirit - Which is The Word Of God......And Prayer.


Jesus, in His mighty prayer logged in John 17, particularly verse 15," I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from (or out of the power of) the evil one".

Then, down through the ages to include believers today, verse 20, "I do not ask in behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word".


Sorry to be so lengthy........but a lot to say. To sum it up......We want to be careful as we watch out the front door where the enemy might be obvious, and as we act accordingly........ unbeknownst to us, another minion might be sneaking in our back door..............Spiritual warfare has multiple fronts.

The devil might be dumb.....but he's not stupid.

As Jesus has said......"He who has an  ear, let him hear.

What do you think?


Grace and Peace, and Love to All. 

Hi Brother Richard,

That was a good overview and glad you see the importance of this thread. I did say from the very beginning that we do not have to look for a demon under every rock, but we do need to know what our spiritual authority is and take it. I just think that all of us should know what to do when we encounter people who are seriously oppressed or even possessed. I know I encounter people who are into every kind of sinful thing, drugs, alcohol, porn you name it. When people knowingly or unknowingly open the door to these sins there is going to be demon activity in their lives. I just believe every believer needs to know how to take their spiritual authority and minister for Christ.

Hi Nancy,

The way I look at it all believers should be able to stand in authority over the enemy according to:

  1. Luke 10:19
    Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
    Luke 10:18-20 (in Context) Luke 10 (Whole Chapter)

Perhaps LT is referring to babes in Christ who don't fully know who they are in Christ yet. And even those of us who do know who we are in Christ, but just don't know that much about this area yet, need to get knowledgeable so we know how to stand should we ever encounter someone who is severely oppressed or possessed. I don't know about anyone else, but I encounter such ppl pretty regularly. God is teaching me how to stand in this area and I regret that I didn't learn it sooner as I do think this is a matter of good discipleship. So, yes, I believe its for all believers, not just some that have a discernment, counseling, healing or deliverance gift.


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