All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Who is the Holy Spirit?

What is His purpose?

How do we get Him?

How are we baptized by Him?


I would like us all to put our knowledge of the Holy Spirit together so that we can better understand Him.

He is an awesome part of our Christianity but do we really know Him?

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Amen  Amanda
on my way to sleep land. Yes we should make ahabit of using the Gifts. Earnestly seeking the Gifts  keeping in mind they are spiritual Gifts Controled and ministered by The Holy Spirit as He sees fit.

Remember the one lesson Christ Jesus taught continually. He always looked to the Father for direction.

Something I find interesting and have always heard the obvious answer according to our rule oriented religions. Jesus healed several blind people. Looked to the Father for direction and each one was heal in a different manner.    We seek directions when we should be seeking direction.

Isn't English a fun language.


Good night

May the Angels of The Lord watch over you

yes like the word awesome.


Thanks Amanda, wow everyone understood in their own language. In attendance there were people from other nations and all had many different languages, but they were all hearing the apostles preach “the mighty works of God” in their own language. would love to have been there :D  Amazing!
great question  I have always wondered when people will say practise practise. How do you practise a gift. Especially  a gift of a language i do not know until it is given.
In the same way that the Holy Spirit gives gifts to those that ask of Him, He gives the knowledge of what is true and what is false. The more one is in tune with Him, the more answers...or deeper receives.


I would think that you need to use a spiritual gift or there wouldn't be a need of having it. A kind of use it or lose it thing.

For instance, if you had the gift of healing, why wouldn't you use it? Or teaching? Or preaching? All Christians are able to have the gifts of the Spirit but how many want them? Is their wanting them for their own glory or for the glory of God? Do they want the obligation that comes with receiving a particular gift?

My thought of asking for the gift of speaking in tongues. What does a person want that particular gift? The gift of interpretation of tongues wouldn't be useful to a person who never came in contact with a person speaking in tongues. However, if a person had the gift of speaking in tongues, I would think they would want to know what they were speaking. The discerning of spirits is a gift that many people have, and they would want to use it as often as necessary, as often as there is communication with another.

Just a few thoughts.....

Not sure what you are trying to tell me there. To practise a gift one doesn't have is that using it well

Oh I agree with both of you I wasn't saying we shouldn't use the gift  in we should seek after the GIFT earnestly. All I was wondering is if a person hasn't been given the gift then how do they practise. And in practising something they haven't been given  wouldn't that just be a bunch of mumble jumble much similar to what I had witnessed at a few scams I witnessed and praised the Holy Spirit for guiding me and giving the gift needed at the time to discern what was happening.  The gift of tongues is not new to me  and I know and have experienced the GIFT.  I very much know the unexplainable comfort from  the GIFT .as it has been given when needed.  Also the thought of knowing what you are speaking can't explain why but most times at the moment I only realize the comfort and usually at a later time answers come that I had been seeking.

What I had were people trying to teach me the GIFT and wanting me to practse what they were teaching. That I believe is a dangerous game. The enemy uses what ever he can to get a hold on us.

  Our Father is awesome knows our needs better then we do.


I'm just coming into the gift of speaking in tongues and use it part of the time, but between me and God, not in public. When I first heard it used, the person speaking repeated what she said 3 times and that was part of the interpretation by another. On another occasion, the same lady was being prayed for and the person praying was praying in tongues. I understood what she said.

I attended a church for awhile where speaking in tongues was an every meeting occurrence. During the time that one minister was preaching, I felt comfortable with what he said and what was interpreted. During his time there, on one occasion there was a baby crying, to where it was very disruptive. In mid-stride of preaching, he said, "Satan, be still." The baby immediately stopped crying and went to sleep. This same pastor fell from a horse and x-rays showed that he had broken his neck. The church was called in and prayer began. About an hour later a specialist was called and he ordered further x-rays. There was no break in the second x-ray.

A new pastor came and what his wife spoke and what he translated were, in my discernment, fake. During his time there, a particular lady attended the church. During one service she would speak continually in a voice that was disruptive, and in a language that couldn't be understood. I told the preacher that he should pray for her. He told me, no, that she was worshipping God. I told him that my feeling were that if she were causing such a disturbance as to keep the rest of the congregation from hearing, that it wasn't worship of God that she was doing. In this same church, there was a minister of music that was going the next day for some test in regard to kidney cancer. We were asked to lay hands on him and pray for him. I did and I knew that he didn't have this cancer. And he didn't.

I mention this to you to demonstrate the use of the various gifts that I have either seen or experienced personally. A person could try to fake the gift that is being used but....someone is going to know that it is fake. I let the Holy Spirit guide me, both in using a gift and speaking against it.

In regard to speaking in tongues, probably the person telling you that is telling you to try speaking in tongues. Attempt it. If you are actually praying at the time, the tongues will start. It might be slow at the start but it will develop into a more fluent language. In other words, it develops with practice. Whether one speaks in tongues or not, God loves us just the same. Signs and wonders are available still. Miracles are available still. God always gives good gifts to those who ask, never doubting.

Blessings, Dean...



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