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I completely believe that even as Born again followers of Christ we can continually fall into "pits" and God is there carrying us through it when it strikes but can anything really HOLD us in the pit ?
This question is not being raised to hurt. It is being raised to HELP as I am seeing many being held in these pits within the Christian family on-line AND off-line.

Father God,
Help us all to share freely as your children and in love in this sharing. Let it be a testimonial of Your love and light for Your Glory. In Jesus most precious Name,Amen

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Yes! With God all things are possible.


These two verses have been my favorite verses of the bible since becoming born again and the ones I most often quote. It amazes me how God can place so much beautiful truth in few words. It blows my mind the amount of teaching these two verses have. There is precious truth in them.

John 8:31-32 (New International Version)

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Who is speaking here?"Jesus said"The perfect one, the Alpha and Omega, the Holy one, the creator of heaven and earth, Our King, Lord and Savior. Wow!!!! The one that cannot lie.

1. If you hold to my word/teaching - condition/assertion

What does it make you?
2. you are really my disciples.

What will happened then?

you will know the truth. What truth? The truth about everything pertaining to God and Godliness.

And then what happens?

3. the truth will set you free.

Free from what? From everything that wants to keep you down and enslaved.

Break Free with the Word.

The Christian life is to be the best life any human can have on earth. Paul even with all the trials and tribulations would have not change a bit of it. Christianity is exciting, IT'S BEAUTIFUL. GOD MAKES US BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE (of course then there's me, hahahaha a knuckle head, but don't be a knuckle head hehe).

I know the truth and YES the truth WILL and DOES set you free. As a former slave to depression it is only through Christ that I can even speak of this today. He has placed it in my heart to help others realize and come to know this freedom and the Power and joy of the Lord

There was a time when every day I prayed to be dead and I WAS already dead until God said " oh no you don't, you are Mine"
I do understand the power of depression but now I understand the Power of God and HIS Authority over ALL things

Ephesians 1:19-23
And what is the IMMEASURABLE greatness of HIS POWER toward us who believe,according to the working of His great might that He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,far ABOVE all rule and authority and power and dominion,and above every name that is named,NOT ONLY IN THIS AGE BUT ALSO IN THE ONE TO COME. And He put ALL THINGS UNDER HIS FEET and gave him as a head over all things to the Church,which is the body,the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

I recognize that we are all different yet I recognize that god loves us and his word is the same for all of us.

Hey Nancy, good question, of course, God can heal any illness.

Hi Nancy,

Have posted about depression before, but will try to say it again. I can honestly say that since i have become a believer and found out what the Word says about depression, I have not had a moment's depression ever again. I believe this is one of the greatest benefits of being in Christ.


I know many believers say they have a predisposition to depression or give other reasons why they just have to have it, but I don't buy that. Because there was a time when I knew what depression is when I fell to my lowest point. It was beyond scary how depression latched on to me so fast and took me down to the point that I wanted to commit suicide, since at that I saw no further reason for living since my life was so badly damaged. But it was all a lie from the enemy and when I called out for God, He responded to me faster then the speed of light and brought me into a series of situations that ushered in my salvation.


It was strange how I fell into such a deep depression at that time as I am a very positive person by nature and had never known depression up until that time in my life. But the enemy can orchestrate cirucumstance very quickly to bring the most confidant and strongest of ppl down. Well, it didn't work because like I said, God heard my cry and revealed the Cross to me. Up until that time in my life I also had never known what salvation is not having been raised in church, so God had to supernaturally get me to the point fast where I got a revelation of the Gospel. No problem for Him and that's just what He did.


I believe the reason Christians are depressed like unsaved ppl is because they go to  churches that don't teach them how to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Oh sure these churches may teach all kinds of things, but I mean they do not teach them how to listen to the Holy Spirit, so they can study the Word and become set free when the enemy attacks them, whether it is depression or other types of pits. Once I learned what the Word says about these kind of attacks, where they come from (satan and his demons) and how to deal with them, depression became powerless over me.


As I have said before, I don't mean that depressing things never happen to me. Oh my Lord, I am attacked day and night for my stand for Christ! But I know how to combat these poison missles from satan. I don't sit around and entertain depressing thoughts. I can sense immediately in my spirit when they are coming and I replace what satan says is going to happen to me with what the Word of God says about me. Then I spend my time countering his lies with prayer, praise and godly works towards others. It really is as simple as this. And the verse joy cometh in the morning is always my promise from our great God. I can tell you I wake up every, single morning and it's like I can not remember a single attack  the enemy perpetrated on me the previous day, because God's joy is just gushing out of me. That is the miracle working power of God- His Word is true! I wake up each morning with renewed joy and faith to tackle another day.


No, the enemy has to try new attacks on me, because the old ones don't work anymore. And no matter what the attack, God is greater and backs me up always as He said I am more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens me. Never ever do I pop a pill or turn to worldly methods of therapy etc., because greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world. Sometimes I wonder what Bible others are reading, because mine works when I apply it.


Am I someone special? No, absolutely not. I just stand on the Word and when I have stood, stand somemore. The Word works! We just have to hide it in our hearts, apply it and when we have stood, stand some more. It can not return void and will accomplish what it sets out to do which is to make us victorious over the enemy.  The just shall live by F-A-I-T-H !!!!

Your testimony is very familiar to me sister Jane thankyou for sharing this and helping others to receive this. It is TRUTH. ALL GLORY TO GOD!
Amanda. You know we all love you. You know that I do. I do not think jane is being narrow minded at all like jane I have been delivered of depression. I have learned that we cannot "limit" God as a result. And I think that is what jane is saying. I have empathy for those who suffer but I also know that god WILL and DOES help us overcome. I guess you can say tht I can see both sides and that is the reason I CAN empathize and God has never let me forget where I came from. What he also does not want me to forget is that hIS authority is much mightier than the thought of hopelessness that can. Fill our minds and hearts and STAY there. Those thoughts of hopelessness and worthlessness do NOT come from Him and can destroy us and YES, lead us to sin in a lot of cases. I am not saying YOU are sinning. I AM saying we can recognize God's power. A person can Believe God's word that we can overcome or they can believe a doctor who tells us we are CHRONICALLY depressed. I am NOT an authority but GOD IS.
I cannot defend depression that clings. I can however with the boldness the Lord has been working on with me in my life to obey him in helping others to KNOW what he can do and cling to His promises. I love you muchly sis Amanda
Lord bless you as you have come to be a blessing in my own life. I thank God for you!
from time to time I will feel myself getting depressed sis Amanda and I am saved but the lord steps into my view and leads me back again. He will not allow me to go back to where I came from , from where HE took me from. It is an attack when that happens and he has helped me to recognize this. I am not ashamed to admit that it will sneak up on me like that but I am very thankful to God for his strength, grace,mercy and the discernment to know there is a time to cast away what is not from Him.

Hi Amanda,

Yes it is wonderful that the Lord delivered me from the heavy onslaught of depression that was launched against me by the enemy yrs ago which has lost it's power over me ever since. I didn't earn or merit the deliverance- I simply obeyed the Word of God. When it comes to depression, I believe that every believer has the legal right to combat depression and win over it. Because God said he is no respector of persons and what He did for me in response to my faith He will do for anyone who exhibits faith. I do not believe God wants any believer drowning in depression for how then would they serve Him effectively? No, that's what the enemy wants.


And you ask is it a person's fault that one is not in the right church or is not rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Well who else's fault would that be? God doesn't punish us for what we do not yet know, but it's the responsibility of each of us to learn to be lead by the Spirit and to study to show ourselves approved workmen rightly dividing the Word of Truth. We don't do this overnight- it is something we grow into.


When I was first saved, the HS revealed to me that He wanted me to move to another church as the one I was first invited to had been good for a time, but it was in error of a number of teachings they held to. So the HS lead me away from there to a church where I would grow in the Word. The first church gave me salvation and the baptism of the HS, whereas most churches totally skip the baptism of the HS. So, I was very grateful for that. But the first church went no further, and like a lot of churches, just kept teaching the same thing over and over again. God wanted me to move to another fellowship that taught me how to rightly divide the Word of Truth. I could of clung to the first church, but I obeyed the HS and was glad I did as I got a solid foundation in the Word at the second church.


I have nothing but thanks and praise for God for delivering me from depression and every other attack the enemy has ever pulled on me. I do nothing whatsoever to earn His favor- I simply obey His Word and this is what my post was about.. 

Youi have every right to disagree sis. I will not be discouraged nor will I disobey our Lord. I love ypo. So maybe as a body we can be obedient to God together as a body. Io only know talking about this is something that may help someone. We will have tp agree to doisagree on this point. This is not the objective here. I still stand on GODS WORD and POWER. I see help not hinder in Christ. Love you in Christ,Nancy
I have said NOTHING of the kind sis Amanda. Your accusations bear faslse witness. What io said is that I am being obedient to him by addressing this issue by trying to help others realize HIS power. Nothing more! Nothing less. I am sorry and apologize if you see this as an attack on you. Everything I have said thus far is scriptural. It is just unfortunate that many do not want to hear about hiS TRUTH. Io also did not say ALL forms of depression please again sis. Do not put words in my mouth. You are my friend and I am yours. Or aren't I because I stand on God's word and His promises to us. No form of anything is too big for God sis. I STILL stand on HIS TRUTH and it has nothing to do with being friends. Io have already said we will have to agree to disagree. And still you come back and say you have a problem with what God has placed on my heart. Can you really tell me what is on my heart. No sis you cannot.
Ord bless you and am continueing in prayer.
If you have a problem with what the Lord has placed on my heart. Then it is not a problem you have with me and I will not take it personally. Love in christ , Nancy
Lord bless you
Its ok sis. There is nothing you need forgiving from. Me for. Communication is not easy on the internet. I typed most of this in a hurry from my cell. Should have known better. I sill believe that depression can be overwhelming and a form of oppression and I truly believe god caN and will heal. I also agree that in His time. I also believe that we need to give him our time as well so that he can work with us. Together, father and child. :). I truly do love you Amanda and I want to see all healed in Jesus Name


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