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It's The Fruits of The Holy Spirit of God

It's The Fruits of The Spirit of God
I am a straight heterosexual Christian Soldier. I feel it is my calling to tell people that we straight heterosexual men only do what is normal; a lot of men practice homosexuality or say that they are bisexual which is the same thing as saying that they are homosexuals; that is not the norm. The Bible says that practice is contrary to nature. But on the other hand, what is normal for a non-believer might be normal for him; but what God says don't do is not normal for Christians to do. Yet no one should judge people because of what they do; I prefer to stay straight heterosexual because not only did God make me this way; he said be this way to me; plus this is how I was raised and my friends were not homosexuals; but I am not gonna knock no homosexual it's just not for me.

Everywhere you turn it is talked about, the radio, TV, news broadcasts, TV programs, the governments, schools, society, etc. All this came about when women wanted to be equal to men. Some men played into this by being bisexuals or homosexuals; I am straight heterosexual and if you can't be equal to me as I normally am then maybe you shouldn't claim to be equal to me because I am not changing my sexual practice just so you can say that you are equal to me

Some women don't like men because of how some men have treated them in the past; so what these women do, they try to say that "all" men are the blame, that's not true. You can not blame all men for what a jerk has done to you because all men are not jerks.

Christian men have what is called the fruits of the spirit; personality traits that are produced by the holy spirit. I do not want to name all of them, but because Christian men are; meek, gentle, good, kind, nice, friendly, respectful, easy to get along with, etc. There are those who think these traits in a man mean that he is a gay-punk or homo or homosexual; that's not true, these are personality traits that the holy spirit produces in men of God.

I don't think a Christian is gonna stop being good, gentle, meek, friendly, neighborly, kind, joyous, etc; just because you think that this means that he's a homosexual.

And I am not just saying this; my Pastor was just talking about how some women don't want men to provide for them any more so men play a lesser role; but men do not play a lesser role, some women just don't have any respect. Just because a woman makes more money or is more educated than a man does not make her the man and now he is the woman; that's hogwash. The man/woman dominance thing is not a thing that is due to what some men did; it's a thing that almighty God did.

In the beginning when God created everything; he gave man and woman domination over the whole of creation; but when God cursed woman he took this dominance from her and gave it only to the man. God told Adam "because you have listened to the voice of the woman (your wife) cursed is the ground you walk on. But the curse that hurtled woman the most was that dominance was taken away from her and given only to the man; god said to the woman "your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you"; some people put all the emphasis on the fact that God cursed women with child labor pains; but that's not all of it; God made man the head of woman and she don't like it even to this day.

The problem that exists today is that some men have abused there power and some women are tired of it; but that still do not mean that all men are homosexuals just because some men act good, gentle, friendly, kind, respectful, etc; this traits don't mean that a man is weak, they are produced again, by the holy spirit, traits that are inviting; but these traits do not mean that a man is homosexual; he has these traits yet at the same time he is not homosexual and most people do not understand this; that's what the truth is. The Bible says that Moses was the meekest man on the earth during his time.

I am a straight heterosexual man; but sometimes I feel so like I am under some kind of pressure because some people think that because of my personality that I'm a homosexual; sometimes I feel it is my calling in life to set the record straight that this does not mean that a man is a homosexual; I even think that there are men who are treated as if they were homosexuals just because of their personality traits; and when you do not know why you have these personality traits you can be in really big trouble with some people around you, because not even you understand why you are the way you are.

It's good to be good, it's good to be kind, it's good to be meek, it's good to joyous, it's good to be loving, etc. and the Bible says overcome evil by being good. None of these things means that a Christian man is weak; he is all these things yet at the same time bold, daring, tenacious, confident, valiant, tough, etc. But he's not mean, angry, or frustrated; and he don't feel he has to be in control of other people; you see, the fact is, some men have given a negative meaning to what it means to be a real man. you are not aman because you are violent, harsh, nasty, controlling, hateful, etc. these things do not mean a person is a man; they mean the man is a jerk, period.

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